Sardukhar replied to The first choice in Cyberpunk 2077 May 19, 2020 @ 3:56:35 pm PDT
Plus, here, it's £80 for the game and future expansions, whereas this is a drop of only £50 for the same amount of time before getting bored with one game.
I've played Bloodlines.....hundreds of hours? Replayed it again last month with The FInal Nights. So good. Such a great game. Without question worth the paltry sum they ask. Plus, imagine if it's good! Or great! And sequels! V. excite.
Cyberpunk I'm obviously hugely attached to - CE(x2, whoops), GoG version, Displates, etc. I played it on and off for 30 years and currently run a campaign.
Even if I did drink, that's, what, like 10 shots or pints you have to go without to afford one of these games? You can just buy from the grocer/liquor store for a few weeks and voila, you're ahead of the game.
Games I'm more on the fence on are TLOU2, Avengers, New World, so forth.
May 19, 2020 @ 3:56:35 pm PDT