tommy_beast replied to what sites did a review on cyberpunk ? June 25, 2020 @ 10:39:12 am PDT
Originally posted by Mayson the loyal Servant:
If you want fair coverage, I'd rely on certain YouTubers. Games Journalists are pretty much all trash now. They're little more than paid ideologues, so they're going to unfairly rate the product not based on quality, but solely on compliance to "New Age think".

Case in point: The Last of Us II. Praised as 10 / 10 by every "professional reviewer". Slammed by actual players and critics from Independent Media.

The lamestream media has already made clear that they're on the warpath against CD Projekt Red for not bending the knee, so don't expect any valuable or fair journalism related to their games. They're going to slander the entire dev studio and publishing team for supposedly saying something controversial here or being "-phobic" there or whatever.

June 25, 2020 @ 10:39:12 am PDT

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Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is an upcoming role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt. Adapted from the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020, it is set fifty-seven years later in dystopian Night City, California, an open world in which players assume the role of "V".
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