Visceral2 replied to Will the gore be cool? May 1, 2020 @ 1:57:00 pm PDT
Originally posted by dexter411:
Originally posted by Yoda Gaming:
have you played Dying Light?
Game is disgustingly gorey yet satisfiyingly fun.

Imagen cutting trough zombies with a sword or smashing zombie's skulls with a sledgehammer...but anyway thats Dying Light.

Theres Fallout 4 wich is also Gorey,
DooM,DooM Eternal,Skyrim [i can go on and on for ages wich games are gorey]
Yet they are all seriously fun,I want this game to be gorey and have nudity all at the same time.
So yeah I wish I can rip someones arms with my own robotic hands
Yes, of course and I have seen Dying Light gameplays, never played myself.

However, the textures and graphics are no where near the realism to make it really something to care about(in my opinion). Look at Fallout 4, its more like jello from those comedy-horror movies on early 2000, u know.
And then there is the topic of nudity, like seriously? You have guns, ganks, terrorism, narcotics and all that crap and all people care is nipple(texture) on screen? What happened to this world

It think it depends about sexual content, people keep on making this argument but if you want your game to sell in most stores, you need your game not to be Adults only rated. There are plenty of m rated games that show nipples and other nudity. But when there is full frontal, fully detailed nudity alongside hardcore sex scenes, you are gonna have a problem with the rating systems. The second something like that is in the game, they are gonna list it as pornography and will require it be Adults only. Those type of games just don't sell well. And I honestly agree with it. I'm not buying cyberpunk to bust a nut, if I wanted to do that there is plenty of totally free pornography on the internet. Violence and gore in video games has it's limits as well. You can't be depicting a pregnant women being eviscerated because it's depraved and ♥♥♥♥ed even if it's fake. However when it's just a gorey response to combat and what not, it's fine because it's fake and it's serving to deliver a response to the gameplay to make more satisfying and enjoyable. There is in fact a difference between gore and porn when it comes to how to a game's age rating. Everyone argues there is not difference but there kinda is.

May 1, 2020 @ 1:57:00 pm PDT

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