Bloodartist replied to Adam Smasher IS in the game. June 25, 2020 @ 11:01:46 am PDT
Technically Alt Cunningham was all but confirmed long time ago. She resides in cyberspace behind the black wall. Its worlds most obvious thing that we will venture there at some point of the game, or Alt will come this side.

This reminds me a lot of Bioware and SW the old republic where they brought Revan back to the game despite there being something like 1000 years between the timelines of the original Kotor game and the MMO. If a character is famous and popular, they will be brought back and logic (such as Smasher being something like 70 years old and probably dead back when Arasaka HQ exploded) taking a back seat.

June 25, 2020 @ 11:01:46 am PDT

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