cyberpunk is closer than you think
10 hours ago
-Lex Rock-
10 hours ago
TheRandomGuy replied to cyberpunk is closer than you think May 23, 2020 @ 10:49:44 pm PDT
I remember there was news of a bionic eye surgeons made to allow blind people to effectively see a year or two ago.
Also the nervous system controlled prosthetic limbs linked above.
The only two problems are that they are ridiculously expensive and are nowhere near to the point they are here. The prosthetic arms we have don't enhance your strength or whatever, they just allow you to function like a normal human being again. The only prosthetic that can really be better than the organic part is prosthetic legs, as they won't get tired like normal legs will, allowing a person to run further than people with normal legs.
12:04 pm, May 24, 2020
Sl1ngShot replied to cyberpunk is closer than you think May 24, 2020 @ 8:50:18 am PDT
Let's not forget about this
12:04 pm, May 25, 2020
Samantha Raven replied to cyberpunk is closer than you think May 23, 2020 @ 11:52:16 am PDT
Thats nothing really.
Here prostetic skin with feeling sensors:
And one that shows some one control a arm with just his mind thoughts:
and this one cool this dad made a athetic arm for this son from a 3d printer with working fingers and hand and a girl with hands that work that she can pop off and on when ever that work.
So ya thought u find these neater then just a electric stimulator implant that just wires that shoot electrons in the nerv core to restimulate them.
()(")(") Thanks for taking time and reading my post. <3
12:04 am, May 24, 2020
Hoboslayer replied to cyberpunk is closer than you think May 25, 2020 @ 5:35:10 am PDT
They cant even make a robotic hand that has the same or better function that the human hand has. And we are just grasping at the human brain making it functional.
Really this technology is in its infancy and isnt as easy to advance as computers have been. So i wont be expecting cyberpunk level argumentation for atleast another 100 years or more.
12:04 am, May 26, 2020