SOS: Merc Needed (No prompt to start, no follow to finish)
Went to the location for the SOS gig, got there, but got no prompt about the title, just that it's an undiscovered area, reloaded a few times already and keep getting the same result, I clear out the Tyger Claws and grab the coolant, but there's nothing to do to progress/finish the job, there's a monitor on the wall that has the Trauma icon, but no prompt to do anything.
Attached are 2 screens of what I'm seeing.
EDIT: Person I need to save is named 8UG8EAR, I also noticed that even though...
SOS: Merc Needed (No prompt to start, no follow to finish)
Attached are 2 screens of what I'm seeing.
EDIT: Person I need to save is named 8UG8EAR, I also noticed that even though...
SOS: Merc Needed (No prompt to start, no follow to finish)
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