Ridiculous Ragdolls, Spawning Police, UFOs (or just FOs), etc.
Hello all,

just wanted to add my experience with Cyberpunk 2077 I have had during the last days with Cyberpunk.

I like this game (even if in the actual bugful status), and I am honest when saying that I got a lot of laughs playing it and also viewing the video fails that the game can offer in the actual build on Youtube. :D

I will not refund it, even because I am just curious to see if they will, for example, fix NPCs ragdolls (they are probably the most ridiculous I have seen until now...

Ridiculous Ragdolls, Spawning Police, UFOs (or just FOs), etc.

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Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is an upcoming role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt. Adapted from the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020, it is set fifty-seven years later in dystopian Night City, California, an open world in which players assume the role of "V".
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