Cars still, 6 months on appearing trashed on spawn
Go to meet Jackie outside V's place after the Intro mission. Before i can sit down at the food stand, 2 people sitting in mid air fly past half way on the footpath and trash most the non critical points of the stand.
Moments later 3 white vans, all missing their doors, windshields and pretty much everything except wheels.
Summoned V's car for the first time, it had no parts, just a frame screeching down the road.
I reported this bug on Day 1 of launch and its STILL here?
Moments later 3 white vans, all missing their doors, windshields and pretty much everything except wheels.
Summoned V's car for the first time, it had no parts, just a frame screeching down the road.
I reported this bug on Day 1 of launch and its STILL here?
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