Crafting increases your overall loading times. Don't do it.
Don't craft too much as it will increase your loading times and there's no fix except to never craft anything ever.
Since the crafting system in this game is broken to heck, I decided to craft white medkits and break them down repeatedly (to farm components), then craft purple medkits and break them down to farm better components.
Since the process is tedious, I set it up that the craft button is a click and not a click+hold, then used an auto clicker to craft while I...
Crafting increases your overall loading times. Don't do it.
Don't craft too much as it will increase your loading times and there's no fix except to never craft anything ever.
Since the crafting system in this game is broken to heck, I decided to craft white medkits and break them down repeatedly (to farm components), then craft purple medkits and break them down to farm better components.
Since the process is tedious, I set it up that the craft button is a click and not a click+hold, then used an auto clicker to craft while I...
Crafting increases your overall loading times. Don't do it.
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