Game unplayable after 1.05 patch
Hello everyone,
It looks like that the patch 1.05 caused major problems with the game to the point that is is now unplayable (under 20 fps at 1080p and even worse at higher res)
My current specs is as follow :
CPU : i9-10900k
RAM : 16gb ddr4
I did DDU the nvidia drivers and installed the latest version but the game still appears to only be using 5% of the gpu and about 15% of the cpu.
Is there any ways to revert back to the old version of the game somehow if...
Game unplayable after 1.05 patch
It looks like that the patch 1.05 caused major problems with the game to the point that is is now unplayable (under 20 fps at 1080p and even worse at higher res)
My current specs is as follow :
CPU : i9-10900k
RAM : 16gb ddr4
I did DDU the nvidia drivers and installed the latest version but the game still appears to only be using 5% of the gpu and about 15% of the cpu.
Is there any ways to revert back to the old version of the game somehow if...
Game unplayable after 1.05 patch
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