Unreal Engine 5 features, can CDPR pull off something similar
To my knowledge CDPR did not bring any groundbreaking technologies to cyberpunk.
The graphics are good to a certain degree but I think we can all think of at least a few graphical glitches or aspects of the game that just look bad.
I hate pop-in, nothing breaks immersion more than seeting things disappear or change shape.
Unreal Engine 5 has technologies that can erase popin and the geometry just looks truly next gen.
What do you think? Can CDPR...
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The graphics are good to a certain degree but I think we can all think of at least a few graphical glitches or aspects of the game that just look bad.
I hate pop-in, nothing breaks immersion more than seeting things disappear or change shape.
Unreal Engine 5 has technologies that can erase popin and the geometry just looks truly next gen.
What do you think? Can CDPR...
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