List Discussions

Blurry textures on vending machines?
GeForce RTX 3050 Ti Geforce Experience Optimized Main menu details option set to high Any fix?
11:12 am, July 13, 2022 forum

(PS5) Checking on Two Potential Bugs: 8ug8ear Call and Brick's Columbarium Spot
So, I'm on my second playthrough of CP2077 and I was wandering around Night City, when I had a thought which I'm not sure is my faulty memory or a bug: I remember being called by 8ug8ear sometime afte..
5:12 pm, July 8, 2022 forum

(PS5) Checking on Two Potential Bugs
So, I'm on my second playthrough of CP2077 and I was wandering around Night City, when I had a thought which I'm not sure is my faulty memory or a bug: I remember being called by 8ug8ear sometime afte..
11:12 am, July 8, 2022 forum

round bar stool bug
i found round bar stool bugged out side near the club it's like when spawn model 2 times and there at the same space
11:12 pm, June 28, 2022 forum

Stutter from time to time. Anyone experienced?
Hi pc: 12900K with NZXT KRAKEN X73 (60-70C) 2x16GB DDR4 KINGSTON DDR4 3600MHZ in GEAR 1 RTX 3090 Ti Gigabyte Gaming Aorus Z690 Elite DDR4 bios F5 SSD 1 TB NVM PCIE Seasonic 1300 PX Platinum Prim..
11:12 am, June 26, 2022 forum

Epic Games achievements
I wonder when the achievements in Epic Games will be fixed. Some can be unlocked and some cannot.... Please do something about this.
11:12 am, June 25, 2022 forum

Very high temps when playing Cyberpunk
I'm having issues with my PC when playing Cyberpunk. I get very high CPU temps, 85-90C average with 94C peaks (even on menus). Usually I get 75-80C in other games. Thought disabling RTX would help, i..
5:12 pm, June 24, 2022 forum

BUG: controller vibration wont stop (PS5)
Hello there. I've been playing the next gen update of CP2077 on PS5, and I'm already pretty far in the story, just clearing the map to level up before the end mission. However, out of the blue, my c..
11:12 am, June 24, 2022 forum

Small man big mouth misson stuck
Hello ! I'm currently trying to finish the "small man big mouth" side job . I talked to Kirk in El Coyote and I also talked to him next to the real mission with the car that you must steal. The missio..
11:12 pm, June 22, 2022 forum

BUG: White textures on V' eyes when blinking in Character Creation
Title pretty much say everything. During Character Creation, whenever V blinks, you will see a white texture on his eyes that looks like make up, but is not, since it still visible when you set to Of..
5:12 am, June 21, 2022 forum

Crash when enabling RTX or when opening and closing menus
Hello, I can't seem to figure this one out. About 6 months ago, the game ran smoothly, no issue I have reinstalled it right now and getting CTD when loading a save or a few minutes into the prologu..
11:12 am, June 20, 2022 forum

Having Issue After Installing 'Cyberpunk 2077' On Win 10
Hello friends, I am having a weird issue after installing 'Cyberpunk 2077' on my Windows 10 computer. I received this error code '0x8024001e' after installing this. Ihave no idea why this happens. Has..
5:12 pm, June 17, 2022 forum

A graphical error with Johnny's boots
I'm having the error in the image. Is there a solution?
5:12 pm, June 16, 2022 forum

A Gig: Many way to skin a cat
When I get to the part you are supposed to deliver the van to the designated place it won't update the other location when I go to it and it is just stuck there I ecen destroy the van maybe it will fa..
11:12 am, June 15, 2022 forum

Weapon stats do not show up on stat screen and crafted weapons have exact same stats
For some reasons crit chance and crit damage from weapons do not show up on stats screen so I have no idea if they apply or not. Other stats show up normally. I have it drawn, I just shot it. Imgur: T..
5:12 pm, June 14, 2022 forum

Problem z dobieraniem przeciwników
Witam, mam ostatnio problem z dobieraniem przeciwników w Gwincie. Czym to może być spowodowane? Ostatnio zmieniłem Internet z Inei na Orange. Mogłem dobierać przeciwnik..
11:12 pm, June 13, 2022 forum

Deleting PS4 Saves With The PS5 Version?
So I'm getting back into Cyberpunk 2077, this time playing the PS5 version after having previously done it with the PS4 version. I wanted to clean up my save files, so I was going to delete all the PS..
5:12 pm, June 13, 2022 forum

All of my quickhack crafting specs are gone...from all saves...on all platforms.
I have both PC and XBox versions of this game and my crafting specs for quickhacks have disappeared from both to spite having had them and still having the perks that allow for them. WTF?!
5:12 pm, June 12, 2022 forum

A Question?
I was wondering if anyone has better settings/controls for the Xbox one/series consoles because the default ones are trash any advice would be appreciated thanks?CDPR really bungled the controls/setti..
5:12 am, June 11, 2022 forum

Some terrible car glitches still happening
This has already happened to me twice. I'm driving along without a care, street 'looks' empty, but suddenly I hit an invisible wall (or perhaps it is an invisible car). A very violent crash occurs and..
11:12 pm, June 10, 2022 forum

Simple Gameplay Bug Fixes mod
Found a neat little mod made by Scissors123454321 / @at37777777 which fix a couple of bugs in patch 1.5. Simple Gameplay Bug Fixes ..
11:12 pm, June 9, 2022 forum

Some random issues from june 2022
NPC position issue. Opposite Misty's esoterica. Raining indoors This skyscraper apartment is missing a fence from its balcony. Seems unbelievable that there isn't one. It is from a miss..
5:12 pm, June 7, 2022 forum

NPC drivers need work for immersion
I thing i have noticed in 1.5 update for cyberpunk 2077 is for some reason the Npcs when i am driving seem to have stopped dead in the middle of the road when they are not even near an intersection or..
11:12 am, June 4, 2022 forum

Colorful flashes, flickering and other unpleasant artifacts with FIX (sort of )
I am making this thread to summaries all my findings investigating the issue on my end, so perhaps it may serve to help someone experiencing the same issues. The issue has been reported to CDPR's tech..
11:12 am, June 3, 2022 forum

Gamplay bug
If you quickly open the map, the world starts to flicker. Youtube Link
11:12 pm, June 2, 2022 forum

Still no sign or mention of NG+ Option?
Consumers were told from the beginning the game will have New Game+ available and sadly there’s been no follow up or mention of it. Once you reach the end of the game that’s it. You have ..
11:12 am, May 30, 2022 forum

Somebody likes the sound of their horn! (Glitch)
If that isn't annoying enough, try having it sounding continuously like that during the Panam mission to get the basilisk, preventing you from listening to the dialogue with Saul. This game still has..
5:12 pm, May 28, 2022 forum

CTD when in busy NPC areas.. what might be the issue?
After playing flawlessly on my PC since the inception of the game, all of a sudden I've started getting CTD crash after 1-2 minutes of play. The only time I do not get this now is inside apartment or ..
5:12 pm, May 28, 2022 forum

Bug bucket! report all bugs you've seen on the game here, so DEVS fix it
Please Write the kind of bug and where and how. report important details shortly
5:12 am, May 28, 2022 forum

The mission „Hot material” is bugged
Hello. I’m a new user, can’t create a new post. The mission „Hot material” is bugged. Earlier - when the contract was unavaible I „cleared” all the npc guards. When..
11:12 pm, May 27, 2022 forum

[PC] Random glass breaking
Yooo Is it just me or does this game have a bug when you interact with something and randomly all the glasses break around you? Like opening a door. Or getting in the elevator. Which is funny cuz t..
5:12 am, May 26, 2022 forum

Mod Slots Missing Entirely On Some Clothes (Where They Used To Be Before)
Mod slots seem to be missing entirely on some clothing items they were previously available on. This incudes all Cargo Pants variations (Phanton Tough-Lined Cargo Pants, Army Star Anti-Chafing Cargo P..
5:12 am, May 24, 2022 forum

Can't buy cars anymore
patch 1.52 new run .... high rep level, did even a lot of gigs for the fixers BUT , none of them contact me to buy cars, the only one i was able to get a message is the first regina jones one, when d..
5:12 pm, May 23, 2022 forum

No notification when database is updated
I notice that the database updates with items as I walk through the world. Urmland Street Cargo Bay Badlands Dam But the game gives no indication that the database is updated. I open the database..
5:12 am, May 19, 2022 forum

Night City bug: doesn't stay night enough.
The sun starts coming up at 02:30 AM and the sky starts getting lighter. This must be a bug. Cyberpunk is mainly a night time style. The fact that nights are so short in NC is weird.
5:12 am, May 19, 2022 forum

SOLVED: Game crashes randomly, but only in the first 10 minutes of gameplay
I've played about 30 hours under the current patch version (1.52) and have a strange crashing behavior. After launching the game and loading into an in-game area, the game often crashes within the nex..
11:12 pm, May 15, 2022 forum

Texture flickering (corrupt save?)
Hello, with the exciting changes of 1.5 I decided to start a fresh playthrough. However, I never had so many issues in one of my previous playthroughs. I am very close to the end of it and now every..
5:12 pm, May 15, 2022 forum

Game crashes in menus, reloading save after death, and fast travel
The game has a very high risk of crashing while in menus, reloading after dying, and using fast travel. Any kind of menu can cause the crash but it seems to happen the most when I'm crafting or sellin..
5:12 pm, May 15, 2022 forum

Epic Launcher - game crashed when click run game 2 times from a row.
Hi. Hi my new pc. 12900K with NZXT KRAKEN X73 ( 40-50C in Far Cry 6 ) 2x16GB DDR4 KINGSTON DDR4 3600MHZ in GEAR 1 RTX 3090 Ti Gigabyte Gaming Aorus Z690 Elite DDR4 bios F5 SSD 1 TB NVM PCIE Seas..
11:12 pm, May 13, 2022 forum

How can I disable sharpening?
Hi there! I was wondering, how can I disable forced sharpening completely? Before next-gen patch there was a mod for it on nexus, but it doesn't work since 1.5. Thx!
11:12 am, May 13, 2022 forum

SOLVED: Cyberpunk 2077 froze/crashed my PC, blurted loud static from headphones
So I was playing Cyberpunk 2077 late into the evening and I went to sell some stuff at a vendor during Judy's quest to hunt down some scavvers who took . I stopped at the selling machine that was in J..
5:12 am, May 11, 2022 forum

Bug/Glitch report
Thank you for creating this amazing game, devs! Panam walks in fight stance when there is no fight. There is this nothing-height speed bump thingy that gets your bike stuck. Miss..
11:12 am, May 10, 2022 forum

Smoking is bad and for posers
Cigarette floating on screen in V apartment mirror, main apartment. A visual bug but non immersive gameplay so I don’t think it should be high on cdpr list but it’s still???
5:12 am, May 10, 2022 forum

New Feature: Eyes on the back of your body! (Mirror bug)
11:12 pm, May 9, 2022 forum

Everything Keeps resetting
Have not played in a year and came back to more bugs. My skills keep resetting and my clothes keep getting unequipped. What is the deal? Anyone knows any fixes or is this just another thing customers ..
11:12 pm, May 7, 2022 forum

Free and open source PC game boosters for CP2077
Has anyone tried any open source and free PC game boosters with this game like "Razer Cortex"? What is your recommendations? After 1.5 patch my Frame rate drops a few pts and I want them back. So I..
11:12 pm, May 6, 2022 forum

Grass poking through objects
I created a bug report about grass poking through both V's bed in the new nomad camp and the elevator in the Glen that leads up to V's apartment. This bug looks like so: To w..
5:12 pm, May 6, 2022 forum

PS4 disc game on PS5 digital
I bought the PS4 disc version even before the release and didn´t play because I wanted to wait for the PS5 game (wanted to avoid the bad PS4 experience). Now I have a PS5 digital and can´t..
11:12 pm, May 4, 2022 forum

Plz Halp. Unable to Take Cover
I am unable to use the "take cover" mechanism. I have pretty much totally customized my keyboard layout to move it to my preferred ESDF cofig. I have Crouch (hold) on "c" and Crouch (toggle) on Left A..
11:12 am, May 4, 2022 forum

PS4 to PS5 trophy transfer still considered or not?
Just what the title says. Is CDPR still considering it or have they decided not to go with it? This is a large game and it takes a lot of time. Expansions are coming in. I want to experience the expa..
11:12 am, May 3, 2022 forum