List Discussions

Leaving car bug
I've noticed a bug, when leaving the Galena V only uses the right door (like when the left door is blocked by an obstacle). Furthermore, even that animation of leaving through the other door seems a b..
5:12 am, September 11, 2022 forum

"Quick" save?
After patch 1.6 there seem to be some performance issues and one I have noticed is that sometimes the game takes very long to make a save, even two minutes sometimes. I mean the save icon is busy up t..
5:12 am, September 11, 2022 forum

Rails popping in and out of existence
Just installed the game on PC again after the latest patch and doing sightseeing. Love the atmosphere. I am experiencing some weird popin with the monorails above, while driving though. They disappe..
11:12 pm, September 10, 2022 forum

1st person clothes
I noticed a strange thing that the suit, which is put on top of clothes is not properly displayed from the 1st person hands are somehow bare without gloves and sleeves, it has always been? ..
5:12 pm, September 10, 2022 forum

Is it just me or the "Shadowmap" a bit unpolished?
is this on purpose?
5:12 pm, September 10, 2022 forum

1.6 - Iguana egg bowl vanished after save transfer XSX->XO->PC
Hello everyone, I have come across an interesting bug: I completed a playthrough on 1.5 on Xbox Series X some time ago and obtained an Iguana egg from the Yorinobus suite. I have successfully plac..
11:12 am, September 10, 2022 forum

All Inventory clothing Locked.. error... 'Action Blocked'
I have Patch 1.6 on a brand new install of CB 2077 (using previous save) and find all my clothing item slots in inventory are now marked with the padlock symbol and any attempt to click on any item re..
5:12 am, September 10, 2022 forum

Mouse and controller issues
Steam version. I freshly reinstalled the game after not having played since... 1.2 I think? No mods. I've also disabled all overlays, including Steam and Discord (I never use overlays anyway). My mou..
5:12 am, September 10, 2022 forum

The problem with the gorilla's hands
There was a bug with the gorilla's hands: in patch 1.52, with a lethal blow with the gorilla's hands, opponents flew away for a certain distance or simply fell in different ways, sometimes it just exp..
5:12 pm, September 9, 2022 forum

Bug after 1.6: Invicibility
The first issue I have is that I cannot die. Enemies will bring me down to 5 health, but it will not go lower. Secondly, the police do not seem to show up anymore, even antagonising officers do not ha..
11:12 am, September 9, 2022 forum

Cars and pedestrians are gone
After the update all the cars and pedestrians are gone. Is now a ghost city. It's just me? Maybe a mod can cause this... i have cyberengine and amm
11:12 pm, September 8, 2022 forum

Mod won't work
I have updated the game but i can't play with mods... I put the archive files in the folder "mods" located in the root folder, activate mods in the gog launcher and the redlauncher following the instr..
5:12 pm, September 8, 2022 forum

Photo mode: Can't rotate and move mouse
I just updated to 1.6 and noticed I can no longer move or rotate using the mouse in Photo Mode, this sucks since I always do screenshots. I also tried another mouse but also the same result. In both t..
5:12 pm, September 8, 2022 forum

Breasts poking out of clothing since 1.6
After patch 1.6 dropped, I decided to re-install the game and play through it again. I'm having an issue where V's breasts are showing through her clothes no matter the chest size selected, or the cl..
11:12 am, September 8, 2022 forum

Small wish for next hotfix
This has been a long standing issue since launch but it's not yet addressed. Whenever you're standing on top of a vehicle the car below keeps fidgeting back and forward with the mot..
11:12 am, September 8, 2022 forum

Grafic glitch while dismatle items
Hello, with the 1.6 Patch I have a graphic glitch in the inventory while dismantling items. After the dismantling the inventory is rapidly scrolling up and down. I have posted a YouTube Video where i..
11:12 am, September 8, 2022 forum

Deploying mods with Redmod
Hey! So.... Wolvenkit 8.6 crashes after splashscreen. I`ve seen others with the same problem where it crashed after selecting the CB 2077 installation folder then it systematically crashes. I`ve trie..
5:12 am, September 8, 2022 forum

DLSS and RESHADE conflicting and causing crashes
Since 1.6, when using ReShade and DLSS at the same time, the game will crash at the main menu, as well as any time you open the pause menu (if you make it that far) Both work fine individually, and t..
11:12 pm, September 7, 2022 forum

Frame drop since 1.6
Hey everyone! I am loving the new gigs and changes from 1.6 patch. But unfortunately, since the new update, my game can't keep the same fps from older version. I used to let the frame locked at 72fp..
11:12 pm, September 7, 2022 forum

Extra weight with empty inventory
So when I farmed exp, I noticed that my weight in envintory was slightly growing over time. When I had too much, I tried to drop all wearable items (weapons and closes) from inventory, to see if there..
11:12 pm, September 7, 2022 forum

Stuck in Roach Race arcade in cyberpnk
first time i thought id check out the arcade in game, seems there is no keys mapped to it so i cannot do anything except alt +F4 thought it funny.
11:12 pm, September 7, 2022 forum

I have not Redmod dlc
I have updated the game but i can't play with mods... I put the archive files in the folder "mods" located in the root folder, activate mods in the gog launcher and the redlauncher following the instr..
11:12 pm, September 7, 2022 forum

RTX problems in Cyberpunk
Hello everyone! Before I submit a ticket and go into long discussion with technical support, I want to ask you, maybe someone already had such a problem. A month ago I bought the laptop with RTX gra..
5:12 pm, September 7, 2022 forum

Graphics really bad after 1.6 update
The game looked very sharp before the patch, now it looks all fuzzy like too much antialiasing. Faces for example, look cartoonish up close and are just blobs from a distance. Furniture, doors etc. ha..
11:12 am, September 7, 2022 forum

Mod support
Are mods allowed by CD Project Red ? For example : is allowed to download and install a mod that change ads or is there any risk of ban ?
11:12 am, September 7, 2022 forum

Turn Cross Progression Cloud Saves back on
Hello, when the splash asked if I wanted cross saves I turned it off but have since changed my mind. I cant find anywhere in the settings to re-enable this feature. Please assist! thanks
11:12 pm, September 6, 2022 forum

PLEASE Restore V's apartment mirror!
V's mirror was perfectly fine before 1.6. Now it is covered in a bunch of colored pixels. Please restore it back to normal, this is a MAJOR downgrade.
11:12 pm, September 6, 2022 forum

No NG+ After All This Time?
I see that CDPR has still not prioritized what’s important in your game. All this time and you haven’t been working on NG+ I stuck up for you guys through out launch, but at this I’m..
5:12 pm, September 6, 2022 forum

1.6 - Ongoing Bugs List
New patch (1.6), new thread for continuing the previous one because I'm sure, despite of CDPR efforts to fix as many bugs as possible, we'll manage to find bugs here and there ..
5:12 pm, September 6, 2022 forum

Dumping Breadcrumbs Breadcrumbs: Command list '[ 9993: 2] [000001E2A1A27540] CopyAsync': Finished [2] Breadcrumbs: Command list '[ 9997: 6] RenderGraph_Blank': Finished [2] Breadcrumbs: Comm..
5:12 am, September 5, 2022 forum

Blurred gameplay
My screen in game is totaly blurred. I combine with different resolution and graphic options. This is my monitor 34" 3440x1440px 165Hz
11:12 pm, September 2, 2022 forum

Search and Destroy mission Bug
When I go to Takemure hide out door Im not given the option to knock 4 times to let me in. Is there a fix for this bug ??
5:12 pm, September 2, 2022 forum

Fixers do not offer all the cars
No matter how many gigs I complete, Streetcred I have, Fixers just do not offer all or any of their cars to me. I even spent more time in their districts and startet new playthroughs but it did not he..
11:12 pm, August 29, 2022 forum

Missing Database Entries
Hey all, so I'm wrapping up my second playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077 (which, like any playthrough I do, is a 100% run) and I've noticed that I never got the Database Entry for multiple things that I'm ..
5:12 pm, August 29, 2022 forum

Bought car but not getting purchased text
The quest is completed and I clearly have the car "Little Mule" in this case but Dakota isn't sending me the completed purchase text. I'm pretty sure I won't get any more car purchase quests until I g..
11:12 pm, August 27, 2022 forum

Game Crashes at Text Messages Screen
The game crashes whenever the text messages screen is opened. This bug occurs only after El Capitan Reyes sends a text message about the new apartments available for purchase, which happens immediate..
5:12 am, August 23, 2022 forum

Something needs to be done about how gun blueprints don't always drop
Hey nvm i didnt realize it was down in the blue section at bottom but i have ran into issues where it does not drop and that does need fixed
5:12 am, August 21, 2022 forum

Low FPS with Low GPU utilization
Does anyone know a potential fix for the issue I'm having? When I got on patch 1.52 my performance tanked hard. I only get around 10-20 fps with RTX off, DLSS on, and playing at 2k resolution. I use t..
11:12 pm, August 16, 2022 forum

The one bad texture that sticks out like a sore thumb! :D
First things first: I currently enjoy a new plythrough with 1.52. They really polished the game up, great work! But...that one bloody texture. The big industrial fans on fassades of buildings, it st..
5:12 pm, August 14, 2022 forum

Sudden performance drop that appeared just today.
Hello, So yesterday I realized that it is time to play Cyberpunk 2077 once again but this time I decided to go in as a pad grumpy person whom kills everything and has no mercy... I had some mods insta..
5:12 pm, August 9, 2022 forum

low Performance Cyberpunk 2077
Hello, good afternoon explain to me the performance of cyberpunk 2077 and graph why the graph that I currently have GTX 1060 6GB should go cyberpunk 2077 at 62 FPS at 1080p that special RTX 2060 or G..
11:12 pm, August 8, 2022 forum

Quickhack Recipes Disappearing
It seems every time I load my game I have less and less quickhack recipes. Are they supposed to disappear? Why bother taking the perks if the recipes vanish? How do I fix this? Thanks
11:12 pm, August 7, 2022 forum

Game not starting after installing mods
Error reason: Assert Expression: result Message: Failed to initialize scripts data! File: E:\R6.Release\dev\src\common\engine\src\baseEngineInit.cpp(1006) . . Can anyone help me how to fix this
11:12 pm, August 1, 2022 forum

Forward to Death
Hi Guys, I ma having a problem whereby the Basilisk explodes very easily when trying to cross the plains. Rockets do not seem to be anywhere near me but it catches fire almost instantly. Sad to say, I..
11:12 pm, July 31, 2022 forum

The Witcher 3: Lost all game saves
Just logged in The Witcher, through my steam account, and saw that I could not continue the game, I could only start a new one. All 83 hours of game progress were lost. Has anyone encountered a simila..
5:12 pm, July 31, 2022 forum

Can't run the game with Ray Tracing anymore... (Problems regarding VRAM memory on 2K)
Hey there everyone. It has came to my attention that ever since 1.5, the game seems impossible to run on decent settings with RT Medium / Reflections on my 3070 Ti. The issues is that there are less p..
5:12 pm, July 24, 2022 forum

Crashing PC After Patch 1.52
After patch 1.52 went live, I could not play this game (PC) for more than 20 minutes without it crashing. I need to perform a cold reboot to get my PC running again. Is there a fix out there, or do I ..
11:12 pm, July 22, 2022 forum

Drones loot inaccessible
Recently all loot from drones and other non-humanoid-shaped mechanical enemies has been inaccessible. This is very annoying because there is a perk that increases the likelihood of mechanical enemies..
11:12 am, July 22, 2022 forum

Insane blinding level of eye adaptation/bloom in first person driving
This has been a bug that has been around since the game release, but I don't see much talk about it. It especially effects the Rayfield cars that don't have normal windows, but effects all cars to a w..
5:12 am, July 20, 2022 forum