List Discussions

Showing page 4 of 59 in latest. Total Items: 2958
Visual pixelated grain noise issue on Gun

Installed the latest update so might be related to that since I don't really remember having this in the past but it's also been so long since I played back at launch that I can't remember if this iss..

6:12 pm, November 8, 2022 forum

The lord giveth and taketh away bug

I have problem with gig The lord giveth and taketh away. In the shootout the suv exploded, but Padre still wanted to steal the car. I left the garage and try to come back few minutes later. The garage..

6:12 pm, November 8, 2022 forum

1.6/1.61 - Ongoing Bugs List

New patch (1.6), new thread for continuing the previous one because I'm sure, despite of CDPR efforts to fix as many bugs as possible, we'll manage to find bugs here and there ..

6:12 pm, November 8, 2022 forum

1.6 Gimme Danger Progression Bug

Currently trying to complete Nomad path and stuck in this quest as I can't install the malware at the market after Goro gives me the shard. The prompt for the interaction is there but pressing F doesn..

12:12 pm, November 7, 2022 forum

[PS5 Game-breaking bug] - Lightning Breaks

Currently unable to complete Lightning Breaks, and hoping to see if anyone else went through something similar and has a solution. After shooting down the drones with the turret, Panam drives through..

12:12 am, November 7, 2022 forum

Similiar fps on Rtx 4090 like on 3090 ti on 12900K.

Hi. I have 12900K stock 32 GB 2x16 GB DDR4 3600mhz Palit Gamerock Pro OC rtx 4090 1300W Seasonic Platinum Prime Aorus Elite DDR4 Z690 Windows 11 2H22. Updated new nvidia drivers. I swapped from ..

12:12 am, November 6, 2022 forum

REDmod launcher not showing 'loading mods' on Steam

I'm having an issue where the mods are 'enabled' on steam but it no longer shows 'loading mods' window after pressing 'Play' on the redlauncher. when i first used mods it would show it every time and ..

6:12 am, November 5, 2022 forum

Back after 1-1/2 years. GeForce Experience wants to change me from High to Low

I just came back to Cyberpunk 1.6 after 1-1/2 years (had to re-install game from Steam) and my graphic settings are way low. I checked and GeForce Experience is setting the resolution to 1360x768 and ..

6:12 pm, November 3, 2022 forum

The Villefort Alvarado V4F 570 Delegate horn is still broken

Patch 1.6 still didn't fix the horn on the Villefort Alvarado V4F 570 car. It either doesn't work at all, or sounds like it's coming from very far away. Who messed up this car at CDPR? "La cuca rach..

12:12 pm, November 3, 2022 forum

Mission not notified after 175h of play.... Coyote Cojo

wandering into this bar and it was a mission to follow the bartender's wife.... supposedly I had everything finished....all the missions, cars, ncpd....are there hidden/secret mini-missions??

12:12 am, November 1, 2022 forum

Game crash in logo CPR

Hello, does anyone know how to solve the game crash even before reaching the game menu, the CD Projeckt RED logo appears and my game closes. Z490-G Strix i9 10850Ka 3.6Ghz RTX 3080 10gb 16GB ram 360..

12:12 am, November 1, 2022 forum

(PS5) My clothes keep disappearing

My wardrobe worked just fine for a bit but now, none of my clothes stay on besides my jacket, in first person or in my inventory. I've tried unequipping, changing outfits, nothing works. Default appea..

12:12 pm, October 31, 2022 forum

Issue with REDMod and REDprelauncher

It appears the prelauncher is not working anymore for me and causing me unable to load REDMod compatible mods. I've tried multiple uninstall/re-installations of the game, deleting the cache, and verif..

11:12 pm, October 29, 2022 forum

NVIDIA update minor issues.

First of all I want to commend for the most part the NVIDIA update. I've never had this game run so silky smooth. However for some strange reason going into hacking mode drops the fps. Wonder if anyon..

5:12 pm, October 29, 2022 forum

[Bug] Gig - Sparring partner (Spoiler)

When you go to get the chip from the robot there are two "Remove chip" option and also you can talk to it, which doesn't work and the remove chip keep showing, depending on where you stand.

11:12 am, October 29, 2022 forum

Crash when upgrading twice in same session

Already reported, posted here just so people who meet the same problem know. When I upgrade an iconic item, then without exiting the crafting tab, upgrade it again, the game crashes. E.g., I upgrade a..

11:12 pm, October 27, 2022 forum

Health regen not working

HP doesn't regenerate at all. My stats are 6 Regen outside of combat and 1 in combat I even have the Regeneration perk Edit: Steam version

11:12 pm, October 27, 2022 forum

White screen - game unplayable.

Doing the EMP with Panam to bring down the AV. Graphics fine up to the point where I get near the crashed AV. Then the white screen/faded graphics. Tried a variety of things. Turned off DLSS, turned ..

5:12 am, October 27, 2022 forum

Most REDmod mods work just fine without REDmod installed?

For the mod users that are having difficulties with REDmod or don't understand it: I found that unpacking a REDmod mod and placing the .archive part in the old ..\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod\ folder..

11:12 pm, October 26, 2022 forum

driving keybind issue

The t key still pulls up the call interface while driving instead of cycling the wheel lights or honking the horn.

11:12 am, October 26, 2022 forum

End game is broken, can't do anything

Hello, I just finished the main story in Cyberpunk (Panam ending) and once I loaded back into my open world save, I was locked out of equiping any of my weapons, cyberwear didnt work, grenades dont wo..

11:12 am, October 24, 2022 forum

How will cross progression work between generations after Phantom Liberty is launched?

Since current generation consoles and PC are getting the expansion and last generation are not, how will that be handled? If I upload a save with the expansion enabled in PS5, for instance, and then..

5:12 am, October 24, 2022 forum

Washed out UI (Xbox series X, 1.6)

Everyone has the same problem ? There's a serious problem of ghosting around each element of the UI during normale gameplay. From the description of the quest, to the bar life, to the weapon we use.....

5:12 am, October 23, 2022 forum

Graphics settings do not affect FPS

Hello dear community, I come to you with the following issue: Graphics settings do not affect FPS. I have 24 inches 1080p monitor, Ryzen 5 5600X CPU, 16GB@2666 MHz DDR4 RAM, RTX 3070 Ti GPU. OS Window..

5:12 pm, October 22, 2022 forum

Skippy's mode change dialogue breaks the game (Can't save, Can't phone call)

I made it to the point where Skippy does the mode change. During the conversation his last sentence was unfinished at the very end like "I'm so glad I could be of assis...". Once that happened the gam..

5:12 pm, October 22, 2022 forum

GPU running at 100%

I have been having this issue since I installed Cyberpunk 2077 on this computer. The GPU revs up to 100% while my CPU hovers around 30%. No matter what I put the settings to this continues and the per..

11:12 pm, October 21, 2022 forum

Help with triggering last River quest

Hi guys, I would appreciate some help on this - I've read like 50 different guides on how to romance River (I just want his gun) and I've followed each one exactly the same, however when I finish "The..

5:12 pm, October 21, 2022 forum

Damage boosting perks under some skills not working

So I've been messing around with skills after noticing some lackluster performance against enemies as the game progresses. The situational skills, like Rio Bravo that increases headshot damage seem to..

5:12 pm, October 19, 2022 forum

Switching between DLSS modes not increasing fps. On 1080P

Hi pc: 12900K with NZXT KRAKEN X73 ( 50-60C in game ) 2x16GB DDR4 KINGSTON DDR4 3600MHZ in GEAR 1 RTX 3090 Ti Gigabyte Gaming Aorus Z690 Elite DDR4 bios F5 SSD 1 TB NVM PCIE I have Windows 10 2..

11:12 am, October 19, 2022 forum

Light panel bug

I noticed this bug recently and it occurs in almost every light panel in the city. My RTX 2060 hasn't even been used for a month, I don't think it's artifacts...

5:12 am, October 18, 2022 forum

My game crashes before it even loads

Dont know, how to fix it. Steam ver. Verified files, reinstalled the game. logs attached

5:12 pm, October 17, 2022 forum

No phone calls In or Out... stopping some progression.

I currently get no phone calls, and it's been a while. like when triggering gigs, side jobs etc. And no one picks up my calls, it rings for a bit then ends. I have maybe 2-4 people I am supposed to ..

11:12 pm, October 16, 2022 forum


Hello, i play for over 90hrs on PS5 1.6 and now cant open the chest to take the key and johnys shoes and finish the quest for the family heirloom. Thanks for help

11:12 pm, October 16, 2022 forum

Adding the option to change FOV at least on next gen consoles

So with cyberpunk 2077 being a first person only game an FOV slider is a needed feature . I have seen the request time and time again after buying a copy for xbox series x (actually thinking for sure ..

11:12 pm, October 16, 2022 forum

How do I transfer Stadia's Cyberpunk 2077 save to Xbox Series X without PC?

Hello everyone, Unfortunately I am one of the unfortunate owners of Cyberpunk 2077 on Stadia (bought on day one). I recently heard that CDRedProject has moved to find a solution to the save. The probl..

5:12 pm, October 16, 2022 forum

Text is blurry and flickers and ingame graphic is blurry too.

I started the game and suddenly eveything is blurry. The text on monitors is blurry and flickering and the ingame graphic is blurry too, I didn't change anything except windows 10 did an automatic upd..

11:12 pm, October 15, 2022 forum

Compilation of bugs from my two consecutive playthroughs with Patch 1.6 - PC

Hi, Finished Cyberpunk for the first time last month in September with Patch 1.6. Having been impressed, I started a second playthrough not long after. Happy to report that the vast majority of the ..

11:12 pm, October 15, 2022 forum

Unscoped after ADS

Okay so I can't make a new thread because I'm new to these forums.. But has anyone encountered an issue where you get unscoped after a few seconds of Aiming down sights? It's just started happening no..

5:12 pm, October 15, 2022 forum

BUG: dps changes

upos loading savedgames there is like a 50% chance my equipped weapon will revert its dps to lvl one. even by upgrading it again it wont go back to its original dps, haveto constantly revert and load..

11:12 am, October 14, 2022 forum

Cant equip clothing.

If I am not mistaken i used to equip clothing by left clicking. It does not work now. Any ideas would be appreciated. And how do I open the screen at the link below. https://forums.cdprojek..

11:12 am, October 14, 2022 forum

Mouse/peripherals disconnecting

At a random point in gameplay my mouse and keyboard disconnect from my PC. This only happens when playing cyberpunk. They will sometimes reconnect after a short period but other times I have to close ..

5:12 am, October 13, 2022 forum

Big improvement on Patch 1.6 with latest NVidia drivers 522.25 ... BUT the map is screwed now

NVidia released their latest driver 522.25 and it is a big improvement on FPS! BUT ... the Map is totally screwed now. Did read some more reports about it, see screenshot below On my i9 9900kf and ..

11:12 pm, October 12, 2022 forum

Map bugged with new NVIDIA 522.2 drivers

Updated to the latest 522.25 driver today and the map became bugged. It was fine yesterday on the old driver, besides a driver update nothing changed on the system. Ingame everythings seems fine, just..

11:12 pm, October 12, 2022 forum

Big improvement on Patch 1.6 with latest NVidia drivers 522.25 ... BUT the map is screwed

NVidia released their latest driver 522.25 and it is a big improvement on FPS! BUT ... the Map is totally screwed. Did read some more reports about it, see screenshot below On my i9 9900kf and MSI RT..

5:12 pm, October 12, 2022 forum

Map display issue

Hey guys, It's my first time posting about an issue so I'll make it quick. Whenever I open my map it goes like this (below), no matter how I move it, how fast I move my mouse or if I zoom in/out. I ..

5:12 pm, October 12, 2022 forum

Screen shake glitch when I enter a car (help needed)

Here is the clip of the glitch - its really annoying me because i just got the game and i want to be able to driv..

11:12 am, October 12, 2022 forum

Reset perks broken gives me 75 out of 156 to use

When I go to reset perks it only gives me 75 out of 156 to use. The game won't let me use the remaining 81 points.

5:12 am, October 12, 2022 forum


Hi! I know that this topic has been raised, but there is still no solution. I have a bug that does not set off mopping up location in the area SANTO DOMINGO. I have a level 50, I have passed al..

11:12 am, October 11, 2022 forum

A very confusing street light bug

Hello!, I am new here and with less than 10 post so I can not post a new thread. Unfortunately I can not find one with my problem, please open my problem as a thread. I have a very confusing street ..

11:12 pm, October 10, 2022 forum

Visual Bug Glitch (Bottom Line)

Sometimes I'm facing a visual bug that happens in the bottom of the screen as the picture shows. Anyone knows how to fix it? I just back to play the game and this didn't happen before, just after 1.6..

5:12 pm, October 10, 2022 forum

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is an upcoming role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt. Adapted from the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020, it is set fifty-seven years later in dystopian Night City, California, an open world in which players assume the role of "V".