List Discussions

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r6 folder

Can anyone help, I reinstalled GOG and then Cyberpunk however when I try to install mods the game won't start I get the error message (Cyberpunk has encountered an error caused by a corrupted or missi..

12:12 pm, February 2, 2023 forum

DLSS 3.0 update: with Frame Generation on, vsync/gsync is completely disabled, and framerates are uncapped, regardless of the NVCP setting.

GoG Galaxy release of 2077. Galaxy running or not running. GFE running or not running. No other software loaded, no overlays active. Gysnc on in NVCP. vsync on in NVCP. No max framerate set in NVCP. ..

12:12 am, February 1, 2023 forum

Cyberpunk very low performance after the update (dlss 3)

Hello, I am stuck with 10% to 20% GPU usage and very low fps since the game patched this morning. I am using an RTX 4090 and game ran pretty well until yesterday. anyone else having similar issues?

6:12 pm, January 31, 2023 forum

New 54GB CP update

Why am i forced to do a 54GB update while i have a 20 series nividia GPU that will not support DLSS 3 that is only for 40 series!

6:12 pm, January 31, 2023 forum

Gig: Fifth Column Sebastian Ibarra Quest glitch?

Hi. I have a problem with the Fifth Column mission. If i'm going to a gig place, Padre should call to me but he didn't. I've already tried everything. Use fast travel as well as try changing the setti..

12:12 pm, January 30, 2023 forum

Grab prompt gone? Can't leave/continue stealth tutorial

I just installed the game for the first time on my PC a couple of hours ago. Tried the tutorial stealth mission about taking out the guard from stealth in "one smooth move." Messed up on the first t..

12:12 pm, January 29, 2023 forum

Blue Fang - Perks don't work after upgrade

I ugraded Blue Fang to the epic version. Now none of the effects work anymore - no stun, no poison, nothing. All it does is annoy the enemy. I don't have a savegame before the upgrade. Is there a way ..

6:12 pm, January 28, 2023 forum

Add support for DirectStorage & Sampler Feedback

Considering how big the game is it could help in reducing load times and pop-in.

12:12 am, January 27, 2023 forum

Trevor's Last Ride Gig objective even though I've found and scanned Trevor's body

After the Edgerunner's release I started a new playthrough and finished it with almost no problems, decided to replay another playthrough but now I'm running into more bugs than ever before even durin..

12:12 am, January 27, 2023 forum

Frame generation option not visible

I enabled Hardware accelerated gpu scheduling, yet frame generation does not show up in the menu on an RTX 4080. Anyone know why ?

12:12 pm, January 26, 2023 forum

Armadillo bug related to clothing acquired by crafting

I tried to get my hands on legendary Armadillo mods by crafting clothes and disassembling them to take out the mods. Unfortunately all Armadillo mods on clothing that I crafted only give between 1 and..

12:12 pm, January 23, 2023 forum

Need help!Game failed to start!

This prompt pops up after the game starts, how to solve this problem??please! I'm going crazy. Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\ syntax error, unexpected TOKEN_SAVED, expect..

12:12 am, January 23, 2023 forum

the armadillo bug is still around i see

as the title states it appears the bug that downgrades our installed armadillo and resist mods is still here, or perhaps the last update caused it to return... anyone else getting sick of continuously..

6:12 pm, January 22, 2023 forum

Please advise, do I need to upgrade CPU? Is 98% GPU usage and 75% CPU usage good?

GPU is 3080 XC3 with OC undervolt settings. CPU is 3600X, RAM 3600 CL18 Corsairs 2x16GB, running on a B450 mobo. I am trying to run this game at 4k and in heavily crowded areas it goes to 46 fps. But..

12:12 pm, January 18, 2023 forum

Can't see during Sinnerman

This makes me nuts - markers blocking your view. While driving isn't too terrible (except when trying to see turns up ahead), I wanted to snipe Stevenson from a distance but there is not way to target..

6:12 am, January 17, 2023 forum

Cyberpunk RT settings broken?

PC Specs: RTX 4090 i7-13700k DDR5 5600 RAM Game Version: 1.61 GPU Driver: 528.02 I've been playing around the start of the game with max everything and DLSS quality, but the ray tracing seems to be n..

6:12 am, January 17, 2023 forum

Game won't start - script file damaged or missing

I haven't played Cp in a couple of months and didn't change anything. Now when I try to start the game it crashes instant and tells me there is something wrong with the script file. I played with mods..

12:12 am, January 17, 2023 forum

Cyberpunk crashes everytime after 5-10 minutes gameplay

Hi Guys, i need help Cyberpunk crashes always after 5 to 10 minutes of playing Registered crash info file... InternalVersion: 3.0.4353886 P4CL: 5320012 Stream: //R6.Root/R6.Release !!!CRASHED!!!..

6:12 pm, January 14, 2023 forum

Delete this thread

New Thread in correct forum. Please delete this.

12:12 pm, January 10, 2023 forum

Wakako's Favorite: bug

I can't take chip. I just tried to load old saves, to sleep at V's home/wait but it's all useless. Idk what to do. Can u help me, choombas? PC Steam version

6:12 pm, January 8, 2023 forum

Cross progression issues (on Xbox Series X)

Nearly every time I launch the game on Xbox Series X, I find I’m signed out of and therefore Cross Progression saves are not there. If I sign back in, then it’s all good again, bu..

12:12 am, January 8, 2023 forum

Floating tree in the river area behind the Wraith Camp

Just go behind the Wraith Camps, and you'll see a floating tree.

6:12 am, January 7, 2023 forum

*BUG* epic fortified ankles bought, saved, but they disappear and are no longer available at fingers shop

steps to reproduce: 1. do not punch fingers 2. earn 48k around town 3. buy epic fortified ankles from fingers ripperdoc shop 4. test ankles, jump around, etc. 5. save game. 6. restart game the next..

6:12 am, January 4, 2023 forum

Small captioning error in conversation involving two kids talking about that cartoon featuring the police dogs

At one point in the conversation, one of the kids says animals but the caption spells out "aminals", which is obviously incorrect.

6:12 am, January 4, 2023 forum

How the hell do you update the game...

My game won't update automatically when I start it, and I don't see any options in GOG to update. When I go to the patch download page there is no where to actually download it.

6:12 pm, January 2, 2023 forum

Help me with that FLATLINED ERROR !!! thinking of REFUNDING !!!

hi i already purchased the game from Epic Games , but i cant even play 5 min its keep crashing and give me that FLATLINED ERROR !!! i've tried every solution i found and still having that error !! my..

12:12 am, January 2, 2023 forum

Constant bug, no idea how this keeps happening

Hello chooms! Been playing this game since day 1 and never had this issue until the last patch. Basically, there’s this car that keeps popping out from nowhere, sometimes out of thin air, flip..

12:12 pm, January 1, 2023 forum

Game minimalized to desktop itself.

Hi. I have 12900K stock 32 GB 2x16 GB DDR4 3600mhz Palit Gamerock Pro OC rtx 4090 1300W Seasonic Platinum Prime Aorus Elite DDR4 Z690 Windows 11 2H22. Updated new nvidia drivers. I have an quest..

12:12 pm, December 31, 2022 forum

Moving Achievements between GoG and Steam.

I was bought CP 2077 on steam as a gift, I was only using GoG to play one game so I started playing on Steam to keep all my games together. What I want to know is that I had about 40 or so achievemen..

12:12 am, December 30, 2022 forum

Heywood vista del rey suspect crime organization bug

Hi, I have a little problem with ''ncpd suspect crime organization''. I killed all enemy i took evrythink and ncpd activity is not complete, it's my last activity to got achivement for Heywood, plx he..

12:12 pm, December 29, 2022 forum

Troubleshooting graphics glitches in Cyberpunk 2077

Can anyone with game installed on Windows please help confirm whether a couple of things are game bugs or not. The reason I'm asking is that I'm running it on Linux in Wine+vkd3d-proton and I don't h..

6:12 am, December 29, 2022 forum

Animation glitches of cyberware in first-person

Is it just my game / PC or are first-person cyberware animations still quite unpolished in 1.61? Whenever connecting to a device in-game with the connector cable of the left wrist, V's left arm is sh..

6:12 pm, December 28, 2022 forum

The game crashes when I open it.

I Activate the dlss and since then the game crashes when I open it, it only reaches the part of the cd projekt logo. I don't know if it is incompatible with any mod that I use or what. I already unins..

6:12 pm, December 27, 2022 forum

Can't complete last mission - Panam Ending.

As in the title, I can't complete the last mission with Panam (ending) When crossing the border, game suddenly pops-up the message that I have died. Out of thin air. I just follow the Nomads' cars - a..

12:12 am, December 27, 2022 forum

Jackie missing "The Heist"

I am supposed to meet Jackie outside of Afterlife, but he is not there. What can I do to force him to spawn?

6:12 pm, December 24, 2022 forum

Foliage wrong Texture

Many of the foliage in the game seem to have a wrong texture/material.

12:12 am, December 18, 2022 forum

Witcher 3 Next Gen - DLSS 3 Frame Generation produces severe stutters/freezes

I'm playing on RTX 4090 + Ryzen 5950x and 64GB DDR4 3200 RAM. Gsync ultrawide monitor Playing at max settings RT all on. But noticed this happens on any setting. When Frame Generation option is enabl..

12:12 am, December 16, 2022 forum

Unable to access rewards

As the title suggests, i followed all the steps on similar posts, tried to log out of galaxy and logging back in, restarting my pc, logging on gog via a browser, the items are still not showing up in..

6:12 pm, December 14, 2022 forum

I would like more communication in-between updates from CDPR

Cyberpunk 2077 has been ruined sens 1.61 on Xbox Series S/X and there has been no we're looking into it. no we're aware of the situation. the implementation of FSR 2.1 makes my eyes hurt and makes me ..

6:12 pm, December 12, 2022 forum

CDPR doesn't communicate with their customers

Cyberpunk 2077 has been ruined sens 1.61 on Xbox Series S/X and there has been no we're looking into it. no we're aware of the situation. the implementation of FSR 2.1 makes my eyes hurt and makes me ..

12:12 pm, December 12, 2022 forum

Visual Glitches Report Question

Hi everyone, So is the "Report a visual glitch" supposed to be just reporting or are they supposed to help you fix the issues? I have been recently encountering severe visual glitches like texture bu..

12:12 pm, December 12, 2022 forum

Bug with Play it Safe quest (save impossible)

Hi! I have a bug on the Play it Safe quest after Goro use is grenade, at 50% of his life, if I hack him, my game freeze. I have launched a fixing procedure with Gog and try again without hack Goro. Go..

12:12 pm, December 11, 2022 forum

CDPR doesn't communicate with there customers

Cyberpunk 2077 has been ruined sens 1.61 on Xbox Series S/X and there has been no we're looking into it. no we're aware of the situation. the implementation of FSR 2.1 makes my eyes hurt and makes me ..

12:12 am, December 11, 2022 forum

V's Phone Messages Bug

Hello! Most of V's phone messages disappear after the missions. I'm sure there are some of you facing this. For example; Claire Russell, Takemura etc. Can you check it in your own save? I don't thin..

6:12 pm, December 9, 2022 forum

soso 1.61, a complete f...up by CDPR

1.61 introduced more bugs into "my" game then there were at release date but whats even worse... yesterday steam forced me to patch the game, it were just few bytes, since then there is no eye makeup ..

6:12 pm, December 8, 2022 forum

Can't finish Judy's storyline

I've finished Kerry and River's storyline and I'm trying to finish Judy's as well however I can't ever get a message or call from Judy after finishing ex-factor. I've tried using mods (Game.SetDebugFa..

6:12 pm, December 6, 2022 forum

Still cannot get RedKit to work

I've been in love with Cyberpunk 2077 and it's potential for modding since the 1.6 update release. I have innumerable concepts for making mods at this point (with sadly very little programming knowled..

6:12 pm, December 5, 2022 forum

Epic achievements not working properly

So I've been working back through the game for the multiple issues with Epic Games achievements not working. I've been updating it regularly as I've been playing back through. Edit Anyway, guess I'll ..

6:12 pm, December 5, 2022 forum

may be a fix for user ndvia GPU on latptop

Just find out why having some few drop fps and overheating issues with cyberpunk since 1.6 and specially 1.6.1 having above 85/95 ¨°c CPU temp , 80/85 GPU temp clock speed cpu almost 4.8 ghz a..

12:12 am, December 5, 2022 forum

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is an upcoming role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt. Adapted from the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020, it is set fifty-seven years later in dystopian Night City, California, an open world in which players assume the role of "V".