
“Forward To Death” Standing Basilisk Bug PC
Having an issue with Foward to Death. Right after the rousing speech I am unable to properly use the Basilisk. It seems to have spawned on top of another car that has spawned in the ground. Getting in..
6:12 pm, February 24, 2022 forum

всем разрабочека киберпанка 2077 привет игра классная я в нее играю долга
случился баг на мисси в пустоше сl..
12:12 am, February 6, 2021 forum

Уважаемые CD Project Red | Dear CD Project Red | Выражаю Благодарность | BugReport
Выражение благодарности:Уважае&#..
12:12 am, December 28, 2020 forum

На мягких лапах ! (Краш !!!)
Раз 20 пробовал разные пути, разное &#..
6:12 am, December 19, 2020 forum

İ cant ever play cyberpunk 2077
i was playing game so hyped and excited then i came in specific episode of game i talked with alt cunningham as V then got out from simulation then left church after that i have to take call from tak..
6:12 pm, December 27, 2020 forum

~2 FPS on character creation and intro
Hi, recently bought Cyberpunk on Epic and wanted to give it a try. Launched it and then it was a disaster - all logos and intros were worse that a slideshow, horrifying experience. After the menu load..
6:12 pm, February 27, 2022 forum

zooming with teach weapon
Now you have messed that up. Now i can barely use my tech weapn. When i right click my mouse, i go into zoom mode, but it seems to glitch in and out of it
5:12 pm, July 24, 2021 forum

widowmaker - tech precision rifle
It constantly stops working. So i constantly have to reload. I can fire it. But that is from the hips and not downsight and i can't charge it or shot through things
5:12 pm, May 24, 2021 forum

which setting is made a car instant transform :0 ?
a car spend time to transform like 1 sec . when i face to it. . but i remeber before 1.04 its never happen :< well . I know i post about this @ low texture topic and LOD topic but this is close ..
6:12 pm, January 15, 2021 forum

where to send bug report?
i've tried too see what forum section i'm supposed to send a bug report, but so far i'm being stupid and blind here so i'm gonna go on a whim and try here instead. this is a youtube link to ..
11:12 am, May 2, 2021 forum

weird raytracing textures or reflections
Not sure if I am the only one seeing reflections or textures like this with raytracing. Posted a video below to see. See how the ground is all 'wavy' Is this normal? Can't seem to find much..
12:12 pm, November 21, 2021 forum

weapon dps
On PC GOG version , I'm using skippy and i just see than the dps on the weapon change all the time in character's pannel. 318 dps atm , use to be 790 and sometimes 920 . There is rly a lot of work wi..
12:12 pm, December 30, 2020 forum

vision blurring all time
Hello guys. My game was blurred when I've doing brain dance mission. I played nearly two hours with this vision. I though its is effect of mission but was not. g
12:12 am, December 22, 2020 forum

vandal-proof protection
went through the game and may not have noticed this quest, took it and forgot. I went through the story and tried to remember what the quest was, how to complete it, and so on. right now I only have i..
6:12 pm, January 26, 2021 forum

upscaling and custom resolution and overclocking gives me and my cp a headache
Yesterday it hit me that I have never tried out my many years newer (2018) 50" HD with Plus HD 1090x1080 res and holy quacamole what a sharp and nice clean image I have now compared to my other tv (20..
6:12 am, December 17, 2020 forum

tv has no sounds sometimes
the election coverage plays subtitles, but has no sound the one with the peralez spech and weldon holt is shaking hands to some workers
12:12 pm, January 24, 2021 forum

this forum lag for anyone ?
anyone else encountered lag in this forum? it was fine yesterday.
12:12 am, December 24, 2020 forum

the description of the weapon goes off-screen
if the weapon has a small description, then everything is fine. if the weapon has a large description, then it goes off-screen. monitor 24 inches. full HD resolution. the second image shows how the na..
11:12 pm, August 19, 2021 forum

the armadillo bug is still around i see
as the title states it appears the bug that downgrades our installed armadillo and resist mods is still here, or perhaps the last update caused it to return... anyone else getting sick of continuously..
6:12 pm, January 22, 2023 forum

the ai is stupid as hell, do i need to reinstall
Hello, the npc KI is totaly buged or something? Cops dont chase me, the npcs stuck everywhere and the nps cars are unable to pass by the smallest obstacles. do i did anything wrong? i allready tryed ..
12:12 am, January 4, 2021 forum

task nocturne OP.55 N.1
After meeting hanako, I need to leave the restaurant, but the elevator can't operate, so I can't continue the story:耸耸肩:
12:12 pm, January 15, 2021 forum

I have never seen Misty's cards when she reads my tarot. Really a huge shame for one of the few repeatable immersive activities. Playing on the ps4 pro with 1.06. Does ANYONE ever see the cards?
6:12 pm, January 1, 2021 forum

takemura where are you? how's the prep going?
It can be fixed via save editor. change numbers to 0.
6:12 am, February 22, 2021 forum

synchronization problem of success
bonjour, j’ai joué au début sans lancer GoG, et quand je l’ai utilisé à nouveau, il n’a pas synchronisé certaines réalisations pour moi, pa..
6:12 pm, December 28, 2020 forum

support for analog keyboards
does cyberpunk 2077 support analog keyboards like the wooting or razer huntsman analog? would be nice for driving with mouse and keyboard
11:12 am, April 14, 2021 forum

stuck play it safe quest sandayu oda is invincible
I'm on the play it safe quest finally got to my game breaking bug... I can't kill a npc I need to progress. Wondering if anyone else is having this problem?
6:12 am, January 15, 2021 forum

stuck in bug
ı have stucked in quest of placide. quest doesnt process. ı have tried close the game many tımes but ıt doesnt pls
11:12 pm, April 23, 2023 forum

still cant 100% the game
I killed sandra and the quest didnt progress and i was following the lady in the red dress, mission ended, and cant re obtain or finish quest at the spot these 2 quests have been bugged since launch..
6:12 pm, January 16, 2021 forum

stash items disappeared
After i finished the heist everything in my stash disappeared
6:12 pm, January 12, 2021 forum

soso 1.61, a complete f...up by CDPR
1.61 introduced more bugs into "my" game then there were at release date but whats even worse... yesterday steam forced me to patch the game, it were just few bytes, since then there is no eye makeup ..
6:12 pm, December 8, 2022 forum

something off with custom preset setting grahics
just find since 1.6.1 ( don't know if this issues was since 1.6 or not , usualy almost the time playing with custom preset setting graphics ) using default preset like as Hight or RT low preset over..
12:12 pm, November 25, 2022 forum

some cyberpunk textures, specially more distant ones look really bad
Hey, i've been trying to play the game these last days, but the game looks really bad. Some fences ''move'', hair looks really bad, etc... I have a few examples of what im saying here http://im..
12:12 am, November 30, 2022 forum

some animations no longer playing since 1.2?
im pretty happy with the patch overall, lots of improvements but it sems some animations are no longer playing. when playing ghost town the raffen leader with the mohawk and the thortons key says "i..
11:12 pm, March 30, 2021 forum

some Regine Jones jobs has no audio
Hi CDPR, Just reporting some audio bugs. Some jobs Regine Jones gives you has no audio when she tries to call you and give you the job details in the beginning, then audio comes back a few sentences ..
6:12 am, January 25, 2021 forum

smash mirror with DLSS on
smashing the mirror during "the heist" with DLSS on looks weird DLSS on: DLSS off:
5:12 pm, June 13, 2021 forum

small visual bug in "down the street"
after waiting for takemura in "down the street", V inspects the talisman with the bullet. but its invisible now. pretty sure this was working in ealier versions, i played that quest a few times
5:12 pm, May 9, 2021 forum

small issue: jackies tuned arch tremles (PC)
found i small issue i can reproduce consistently when entering jackies garage during the heroes quest jackies bike is shaking its a really small issue but its noticable in that beautiful scene i only..
6:12 pm, February 13, 2021 forum

small issue with sasquash takedown animation
when you use stealth for sasquatch the second takedown looks weird the first takedown gets rid of the regen device and looks fine in the second takedown, sasquatch lies on the ground after the animat..
12:12 am, January 24, 2021 forum

selling interface
aight so two things, one of the crates in maelstrom hideout had 999,999 shotgun ammo in it, so i snagged that of course, but now that i want to sell it there is no input for select quantity so i have ..
6:12 pm, December 11, 2020 forum

round bar stool bug
i found round bar stool bugged out side near the club it's like when spawn model 2 times and there at the same space
11:12 pm, June 28, 2022 forum

radio station "Samizdat Radio" plays nothing - solved
"Samizdat Radio" doesnt seem to play any music for me i waited a while, heard a news report but no music do you guys hear music on that station? edit: sorry, im idiot. i muted copyrighted music in t..
11:12 pm, April 27, 2021 forum

radio station "Samizdat Radio" plays nothing
"Samizdat Radio" doesnt seem to play any music for me i waited a while, heard a news report but no music do you guys hear music on that station?
11:12 pm, April 26, 2021 forum

r6 folder
Can anyone help, I reinstalled GOG and then Cyberpunk however when I try to install mods the game won't start I get the error message (Cyberpunk has encountered an error caused by a corrupted or missi..
12:12 pm, February 2, 2023 forum

quick hacks not working
So i don't know if it's a bug or something, but quickhacks like short circuit doesn't apply the electrical damage boost. I have the epic one, and i also have other quick hacks that add damage boost, b..
6:14 pm, January 3, 2022 forum

quick hack crafting
i'm no longer able to craft quick hacks. they just wont show up in my crafting screen. i'm lvl 19 in quickhacks, have all the recipes unlocked and have a stupid amount of the crafting components (incl..
6:12 am, January 4, 2021 forum

question : crowd densty low , HHD mode off or crowd density medium , HHD mode on
hi all running the game on Laptop with i7 10750h rtx 2060 6 go , ssd Nmve 2.0 when doing some test , what i found with those 2 setting HHD mode , seems to increase performance by reducing spawn npc..
12:12 am, November 20, 2022 forum