
🆂🅺🅴🅻🅴🆃🅾🆁 replied to just looks like deus ex in a new setting June 13, 2020 @ 4:43:19 pm PDT
Originally posted by Lamiosa:Cyberpunk has one feature Deus Ex and even Witcher 3 did not have and why I buy Cyberpunk. Not being forced to play a male.But seriously, if you watched the gameplay video..
12:04 am, June 14, 2020

⎛⎝LVL 9999 FULL GEARED⎠⎞ replied to Reviewers reviewed but no PC requirements?. June 25, 2020 @ 12:05:10 pm PDT
a video i watched the dude was running it on a 2080, 1080p 60 fps raytracing on
12:04 am, June 26, 2020

⎛⎝LVL 9999 FULL GEARED⎠⎞ replied to Cyberpunk 2077 Continuity Female Mistake June 28, 2020 @ 5:16:14 pm PDT
eagle eyes from hell, i watched this video 7 times and not noticed it lol
12:17 am, June 29, 2020

Ⅴ replied to Cyberpunk 2077 June 28, 2020 @ 2:12:25 pm PDT
Originally posted by PsychoDino:Originally posted by Lagging Like Larry:i really don't understand the hype for this game at all, i watched the new gameplay the other day and it might just be me but id..
12:06 am, June 29, 2020

[GER]Schuetze Klaus replied to What Every One Think of a Cyberpunk Movie? May 19, 2020 @ 9:07:21 am PDT
I would love a Cyberpunk 2077 Movie. The Last "Cyberpunky" Movie i watched was the newest Blade Runner. The Cyberpunk Genre would be so good to do a GOOD Movie!
12:04 am, May 20, 2020

Spoonman replied to Netrunning 2D'd for 2077? June 9, 2020 @ 9:08:32 am PDT
Netrunning has changed a bit in Cyberpunk Red. Since I caught the hypebug for this game, I've been diving into so much of the franchise. I watched a video with this group of Tabletop youtubers called ..
12:04 am, June 10, 2020

PsychoDino replied to Cyberpunk 2077 June 28, 2020 @ 1:33:09 pm PDT
Originally posted by Lagging Like Larry:i really don't understand the hype for this game at all, i watched the new gameplay the other day and it might just be me but idk it just does not look fun it l..
12:06 am, June 29, 2020

Merque replied to i hope its like Deus Ex: Human Revolution July 3, 2020 @ 1:26:04 pm PDT
After having watched recent game footage, I don't know if it's even visually and mechanically an upgrade to their own previous title.
12:04 am, July 4, 2020

Lamiosa replied to just looks like deus ex in a new setting June 13, 2020 @ 1:42:35 pm PDT
Cyberpunk has one feature Deus Ex and even Witcher 3 did not have and why I buy Cyberpunk. Not being forced to play a male.But seriously, if you watched the gameplay videos, they do not look the sligh..
12:04 am, June 14, 2020

Lamiosa replied to This game is not like deus ex June 13, 2020 @ 1:42:35 pm PDT
Cyberpunk has one feature Deus Ex and even Witcher 3 did not have and why I buy Cyberpunk. Not being forced to play a male.But seriously, if you watched the gameplay videos, they do not look the sligh..
12:04 am, June 17, 2020

BigTOMO replied to I really reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreally want to playyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy May 25, 2020 @ 4:51:28 pm PDT
When I watched a video clip about Cyberpunk 2077, it made me really want to play.
12:04 am, May 26, 2020

Aikido replied to Car customization has been removed June 29, 2020 @ 4:53:39 pm PDT
Originally posted by droggen:Originally posted by Aikido:Was it ever officially stated that there would be vehicle customization anyway, or was it simply assumed? All I can find are videos inferring t..
12:04 am, June 30, 2020