
replied to Рекомендованная система и сколько нас купило в июне 2020 June 21, 2020 @ 5:01:53 am PDT
Просто народ живет витчером 2015г и забыл что CDPR это такая же корпорация, на подобие тех что они собираются демо..
12:04 pm, June 21, 2020

replied to Рекомендованная система и сколько нас купило в июне 2020 June 21, 2020 @ 1:47:36 pm PDT
Originally posted by Ason4ik:Она по типу гта онлайн будет или как одиночная?Кто знает напишите. Сингл. На релизе мульта не б..
12:04 am, June 22, 2020

replied to Рекомендованная система и сколько нас купило в июне 2020 June 12, 2020 @ 6:41:21 am PDT
Уже три дебила. Хотя я взял как только она появилась в стиме. Что делает меня еще большим дебилом.
12:04 pm, June 19, 2020

replied to Народ, как вам русский дубляж? June 27, 2020 @ 2:45:37 am PDT
Озвучка типичная. Не помню, чтобы после середины 2000х у нас вообще нормально чтото озвучили. Но я думаю засчет ..
12:04 pm, June 27, 2020

replied to where my corpo bois at? June 30, 2020 @ 3:14:48 pm PDT
Im with you, corporate bro.
12:04 am, July 1, 2020

replied to i hope its like Deus Ex: Human Revolution July 1, 2020 @ 8:19:41 pm PDT
Probably better than HR in every way. Which isn't hard to achieve. I would be really surprised if it has the depth or playstyle variety of first Deus Ex though.
12:04 am, July 4, 2020

replied to Meredith Stout romance? June 5, 2020 @ 8:25:59 pm PDT
Originally posted by LordBlade:Originally posted by :Didn't they say there will be both? Well, if there is a bigger romance option, that would be cool. I just remember an early..
12:04 pm, June 6, 2020

replied to Meredith Stout romance? June 5, 2020 @ 5:52:14 pm PDT
Originally posted by LordBlade:From what I heard there won't be traditional "romance" stuff like in say the BioWare games. Though we will have the ability for lots of one night stands. :p Di..
12:04 pm, June 6, 2020

replied to How Many Hours And Playthough Cyberpunk 2077? July 1, 2020 @ 8:16:03 pm PDT
Witcher was at least 100 hour game, more with dlcs, but they said Cyberpunk will be shorter from what i recall.
12:04 pm, July 2, 2020

replied to Flathead removed as a companion June 30, 2020 @ 3:03:59 am PDT
That cute spider robot? Damn shame.
12:04 pm, June 30, 2020

replied to Cut off July 1, 2020 @ 5:39:32 am PDT
Sad. Takedown from the wall looked great. Almost every rpg i played had tons of stuff cut: New Vegas, Skyrim, Baldurs Gate, Fallout 2, Deus Ex, Kotor 2 etc. I just hope they did it for the right reaso..
12:04 pm, July 2, 2020

replied to Are we able to make Stroheim in Cyberpunk 2077 May 8, 2020 @ 7:56:49 am PDT
Originally posted by Hoboslayer:Pretty sure there isnt going to be a stomach gun. Vat apout zee skull gun? Alvays vanded one of zoze.
12:04 am, May 9, 2020

replied to About resolutions May 10, 2020 @ 4:22:31 pm PDT
1440p I have one myself, before i used a cheap 4k one, but i wanted better quality middle ground monitor to play with higher framerate.
12:04 am, May 11, 2020

washu73 replied to Hopefully Difficulty is Smart May 12, 2020 @ 4:21:57 pm PDT
They way I would implement this if I was a dev would be to have the difficulty level set at three levels , 1: Story mode , this mode will be the least difficult and intended for people who just want t..
12:04 am, May 13, 2020

solaris32 replied to Why to pre order May 8, 2020 @ 10:40:08 am PDT
Originally posted by LordBlade:I'm pre-ordering because CDPR is a company that I actually trust to deliver what they promise (as they've done with the Witcher series). So I have no problem supporting ..
12:04 pm, May 9, 2020

Wolf Michael replied to My friend saw this game on my wishlist.... June 10, 2020 @ 9:31:35 pm PDT
Once you've accepted the game, it can't be returned unless the receiver wants to let the person do it. Not that my friend would do that, you guys must have ♥♥♥♥ friends lol.I guess if the game..
12:04 pm, June 11, 2020

Wayward Son replied to Do you think the choices will be overwhelming? May 22, 2020 @ 10:22:57 am PDT
Originally posted by UltiDK:Originally posted by Wayward Son:That's disgusting. No, it isn't. Just let him play the game the way he wants to. Since it's a single-player game, it won't affect others. W..
12:04 am, May 23, 2020

UltiDK replied to Do you think the choices will be overwhelming? May 22, 2020 @ 10:12:45 am PDT
Originally posted by Wayward Son:Originally posted by West:I looked at a guide to see the outcome of the majority of choices in Witcher 3.That's disgusting. No, it isn't. Just let him play the game th..
12:04 am, May 23, 2020

Superman replied to Design of Cyberware June 12, 2020 @ 7:57:38 pm PDT
Isnt Cybeware one form of Fashion if you buy Lamborghini in real life, would you modify it? Or Gucci bag, would you paint it differently? I dont think so. Cyberpunk universe is more like customization..
12:04 pm, June 13, 2020

Samantha Raven replied to The Big Question! Will you side with Johnny Silverhand or against 1st playthrough? May 31, 2020 @ 3:39:59 pm PDT
I Will chose what I feel benafits me and my own agenda if johnny silver hand agenda is some thing else and not line with the direction i want to go in then ill be agenst him and figure out a way if po..
12:04 am, June 1, 2020

Mako Ruu replied to Why to pre order May 8, 2020 @ 1:13:35 am PDT
I preordered because it's my birthday and I wants it.
12:04 pm, May 9, 2020

LordBlade replied to What a success Cyberpunk will be June 5, 2020 @ 1:48:55 pm PDT
Originally posted by MrSerWick:On launch? It will LITERALLY blow up Steam, no... I'm serious. It will break the store page and the purchasing process - this game is going to be huge on launch.Good thi..
12:04 am, June 6, 2020

Fostin4 replied to The latest CP2077 delay - Why is everyone OK with it? June 28, 2020 @ 2:12:50 am PDT
Because nobody wants another Fallout 76 or all the other countless unfinished buggy games released in the past.
12:06 am, June 29, 2020

Flippy replied to The Big Question! Will you side with Johnny Silverhand or against 1st playthrough? May 31, 2020 @ 3:01:53 pm PDT
Its a new game so details may come to light or past fiction may be so called incorrect or false rumours so Cyberpunk 2077 can do what ever it wants so no way to tell whats going to happen in the new g..
12:04 am, June 1, 2020

Flippy replied to The Big Question! Will you side with Johnny Silverhand or against 1st playthrough? June 1, 2020 @ 9:51:58 am PDT
Originally posted by Samantha Raven:I Will chose what I feel benafits me and my own agenda if johnny silver hand agenda is some thing else and not line with the direction i want to go in then ill be a..
12:04 am, June 2, 2020

Engels78 replied to Why to pre order May 8, 2020 @ 10:13:03 am PDT
Originally posted by Mako Ruu:I preordered because it's my birthday and I wants it. 🎂I Preorder as I had money, now I collected for HZD... And next maybe DS...
12:04 pm, May 9, 2020

Darkie replied to How Vast Cyberpunk 2077 Like GTA 5? July 1, 2020 @ 1:29:45 pm PDT
I don´t know why you want to compare this game to whole different type of game.. This is not a 3rd person action game at its core after all. With that being said, it is not about the size, but rather..
12:04 am, July 2, 2020

Beetroot replied to Netrunning 2D'd for 2077? June 8, 2020 @ 6:52:54 pm PDT
Hey just a word of caution, never mess with a guy who calls himself a Nutrunner! If he's got 10 points in Interface (Nuts) you're in big trouble!But seriously Clambchowder I always like the netrunner ..
12:04 am, June 10, 2020

AsianGirlLover replied to Ciri Cameo June 7, 2020 @ 4:53:05 pm PDT
Allow me to correct OP: “everyone [who accepts the objective truth that Ciri is best girl] wants that.”
12:04 am, June 8, 2020