
⎠Zushikatetomoto⎝☢ ☠ ☢ replied to Radeon RX 5700 XT good enough for 1440p ultra settings 60fps? May 5, 2020 @ 3:33:45 pm PDT
Side note I know my rtx 2080 super will run this.
12:04 am, May 6, 2020

⎠Zushikatetomoto⎝☢ ☠ ☢ replied to Radeon RX 5700 XT good enough for 1440p ultra settings 60fps? May 5, 2020 @ 3:33:25 pm PDT
Originally posted by VongolaXth:So did you ask it or are you just assuming things? :insert clown-face here:Well, i wanted to hear a clear NO because i somehow want to upgrade to a 3080Ti if it comes o..
12:04 am, May 6, 2020

maxmagazine replied to About resolutions May 11, 2020 @ 5:22:48 pm PDT
Originally posted by Irish-Hazard:as someone who has a 2560 by 1080, and used a higher res, youve gotta make sure your computer can handle it first, if you have something modest, you will want the 108..
12:04 pm, May 12, 2020

droggen replied to Reviewers reviewed but no PC requirements?. June 25, 2020 @ 2:39:04 pm PDT
Skill ups review said he was playing on 1080 resolution running a smooth 60 FPS with ray tracing on as well, If your PC can handle thoes very basic minimums the game can't be to demanding unless you r..
12:04 am, June 26, 2020

bgray9054 replied to Cyberpunk 2077 - My Predicted System Requirements June 9, 2019 @ 2:11:13 pm PDT
Originally posted by Legend - CZ:Originally posted by bgray9054:Ya, they're also ridiculously overpriced for the performance. That's why I've stayed on my (2) 1080Ti cards for now. Yeah 1070 was reall..
1:38 am, May 4, 2020

Xengre replied to About resolutions May 11, 2020 @ 7:55:04 pm PDT
Originally posted by maxmagazine:Originally posted by Irish-Hazard:as someone who has a 2560 by 1080, and used a higher res, youve gotta make sure your computer can handle it first, if you have someth..
12:04 pm, May 12, 2020

WOLF MOON replied to Reviewers reviewed but no PC requirements?. June 25, 2020 @ 4:58:17 pm PDT
Originally posted by KRON:Originally posted by droggen:Skill ups review said he was playing on 1080 resolution running a smooth 60 FPS with ray tracing on as well, If your PC can handle thoes very bas..
12:04 am, June 26, 2020

VongolaXth replied to Radeon RX 5700 XT good enough for 1440p ultra settings 60fps? May 5, 2020 @ 3:33:48 pm PDT
Originally posted by ⎠Zushikatetomoto⎝☢ ☠ ☢:Originally posted by VongolaXth:So did you ask it or are you just assuming things? :insert clown-face here:Well, i wanted to hear a clear NO becau..
12:04 am, May 6, 2020

VongolaXth replied to Radeon RX 5700 XT good enough for 1440p ultra settings 60fps? May 5, 2020 @ 3:32:18 pm PDT
So did you ask it or are you just assuming things? :insert clown-face here:Well, i wanted to hear a clear NO because i somehow want to upgrade to a 3080Ti if it comes out before Cyberpunk :D
12:04 am, May 6, 2020

Sl1ngShot replied to you guys upgrading graphics card for cyberpunk ? July 4, 2020 @ 7:17:28 am PDT
Got an RTX 2060 at the end of last year for super cheap (relative to prices in Romania). Paired with a Ryzen 7 2700, 16 gigs and an ultrawide screen it will have to do. I'll just lower the settings if..
12:04 am, July 5, 2020

Samantha Raven replied to you guys upgrading graphics card for cyberpunk ? July 4, 2020 @ 7:46:29 am PDT
I built my pc Just to be ready for this game when it comes out to run it on max every thing with the latest tech features enable my only concern is my cpu but if I have to ill upgrade that too when th..
12:04 am, July 5, 2020

Noctis replied to Will my PC be able to Handle Cyber Punk 2077 or will I need to make some upgrades? May 10, 2020 @ 2:25:30 pm PDT
Depends on what settings and resolution.4k ultra? No1440p ultra? Probably not1440p medium? Probably yes with lower framerates.1080p on very high or ultra settings? Definitely. No problemThe 1660ti is ..
12:04 am, May 11, 2020

Noctis replied to Radeon RX 5700 XT good enough for 1440p ultra settings 60fps? May 5, 2020 @ 3:28:25 pm PDT
Wait. I'll ask my crystal ball.But yeah it probably will be enough.
12:04 am, May 6, 2020

Mako Ruu replied to good developers hello May 29, 2020 @ 3:19:27 am PDT
I am confident that the PC you're planning to use will handle Cyberpunk 2077 at ultra settings with Ray Tracing at 1080p, and 1440p, and easily maintain 60 fps. 4k may be a different issue, however. O..
12:04 pm, May 29, 2020

MaDeuce replied to About resolutions May 10, 2020 @ 5:27:00 pm PDT
This game will support ultra wide.Hertz over resolution over response time over aspect ratio.So which ever one has a higher hertz is the one I'd go with, if they're the same then 1440p.
12:04 pm, May 11, 2020

Legend - CZ replied to Cyberpunk 2077 - My Predicted System Requirements June 9, 2019 @ 2:12:28 pm PDT
Originally posted by bgray9054:Originally posted by Legend - CZ:Yeah 1070 was really good buy back then via price/performance. And i can run anything on Ultra (Of course without RTX) ... But i know mo..
1:38 am, May 4, 2020

Legend - CZ replied to Cyberpunk 2077 - My Predicted System Requirements June 9, 2019 @ 2:10:34 pm PDT
Originally posted by bgray9054:Originally posted by Legend - CZ:I know it was obligatory question. Will upggrade on next-gen Graphic Cards. Because RTX's are super unstable as far as i know for now. Y..
1:38 am, May 4, 2020

KRON replied to Reviewers reviewed but no PC requirements?. June 25, 2020 @ 3:08:12 pm PDT
Originally posted by droggen:Skill ups review said he was playing on 1080 resolution running a smooth 60 FPS with ray tracing on as well, If your PC can handle thoes very basic minimums the game can't..
12:04 am, June 26, 2020

Engels78 replied to About resolutions May 10, 2020 @ 10:58:54 am PDT
It is new game so should support ultra wide, but please do you favour yourself and... Just buy 2k aka 1440p screen! Image is much better than 1080p, and you will not return to 1k... Believe it is not ..
12:04 am, May 11, 2020

Darkie replied to About resolutions May 10, 2020 @ 1:26:34 pm PDT
You can be sure the game support 1440p- Even old games do now with patches and almost every new game I buy support my 1440pThat being said, it really depends on your system as well and what you want t..
12:04 am, May 11, 2020

. replied to you guys upgrading graphics card for cyberpunk ? July 4, 2020 @ 8:46:14 am PDT
Originally posted by Samantha Raven:I built my pc Just to be ready for this game when it comes out to run it on max every thing with the latest tech features enable my only concern is my cpu but if I ..
12:04 am, July 5, 2020

. replied to you guys upgrading graphics card for cyberpunk ? July 4, 2020 @ 1:30:48 pm PDT
Originally posted by Ouch™:I have a 3 year old GTX 1080 that gets the job done. And since there's a pandemic around rn buying new specs is the least of my priorities. As long as the game is decent, ..
12:04 am, July 5, 2020

. replied to This is just insane, the detail. July 4, 2020 @ 2:15:43 am PDT
Sorry but those are 2 completly different mediums. I watch a movie when i want to watch a movie and play a game when i want to play a game - neither will ever replace the other. There will be mixes - ..
12:04 pm, July 4, 2020