
Ⅴ replied to CyberPunk 2077 Male Or Female First? June 28, 2020 @ 11:05:51 am PDT
Originally posted by Keldorn:Originally posted by Ⅴ: Nope actually i don't care about LQBTHVWDR or whaever. Some people thinks that the character inside of the game is themselves but for me it's not..
12:06 am, June 29, 2020

washu73 replied to Hopefully Difficulty is Smart May 12, 2020 @ 4:21:57 pm PDT
They way I would implement this if I was a dev would be to have the difficulty level set at three levels , 1: Story mode , this mode will be the least difficult and intended for people who just want t..
12:04 am, May 13, 2020

long chin man replied to guy or gal? October 22, 2019 @ 9:35:47 pm PDT
this was an incredibly vague thread. im just wondering what everyone else thinks on hairstyles. short means it doesnt get in the way but flamboyant hair looks great but hard to look after
12:04 pm, May 9, 2020

Samantha Raven replied to Cyberpunk 2077 file size June 3, 2020 @ 11:39:13 pm PDT
Originally posted by Sardukhar:I think 80-120 gb. I agree with this i think your correct it be around there and in end with all the future content who knows how big the game will end up being tho. =PB..
12:04 am, June 5, 2020

NoDramaJustALlama replied to Huge Favor Devs June 23, 2020 @ 5:39:04 pm PDT
Regardless if their is "Perfect" anything in this word its of the person who thinks of it as such. So not everyone will think its perfect regardless of what he said. Just saying.
12:04 pm, June 24, 2020

Mako Ruu replied to 2021 June 18, 2020 @ 4:03:34 pm PDT
Methinks this post is going to get locked.
12:04 am, June 19, 2020

Korvac replied to just went and did my first pre-purchase ever July 1, 2020 @ 12:33:56 am PDT
LOL, I reckon everyone thinks that when they pre-purchase a game. I hope you're right :)
12:04 pm, July 1, 2020

Keldorn replied to CyberPunk 2077 Male Or Female First? June 28, 2020 @ 10:40:06 am PDT
Originally posted by Ⅴ:Originally posted by Keldorn:Female first because i am a male. lgbtq+ community is going to hit CDPR for their rights i suppose Nope actually i don't care about LQBTHVWDR or w..
12:06 am, June 29, 2020

JACK DÆMEN replied to 2021 June 18, 2020 @ 4:11:20 pm PDT
Originally posted by Mako Ruu:Methinks this post is going to get locked. I'd be fine with the game being delayed if they released a playable demo to us, just like they did with Witcher 3.
12:04 am, June 19, 2020

CoolNatureBoy replied to Q since this game is rated M May 13, 2020 @ 8:58:39 pm PDT
Well, if some of you still thinks showing nudity in mature game on twitch (if set to mature filter) is impossible ..Well.. here’s some examples:
12:04 pm, May 14, 2020