
replied to i hope its like Deus Ex: Human Revolution July 1, 2020 @ 8:19:41 pm PDT
Probably better than HR in every way. Which isn't hard to achieve. I would be really surprised if it has the depth or playstyle variety of first Deus Ex though.
12:04 am, July 4, 2020

ox_7 replied to what game are you hyped the most for? (other than this one) June 8, 2020 @ 1:40:07 pm PDT
its gotta be the new AC game. the viking style looks pretty interesting and the last one was great in my opinion. i just hope the gameplay and the performance wont suck total a$$
12:04 am, June 9, 2020

mr poo replied to how will you play it? May 30, 2020 @ 10:27:06 am PDT
Originally posted by MrSerWick:This game doesn't need modding support, it WILL be modded regardless, modders always find a way. Anyway I'll most likely run everyone over, blow up a lot of stuff, lots ..
12:04 am, May 31, 2020

long chin man replied to guy or gal? October 22, 2019 @ 9:35:47 pm PDT
this was an incredibly vague thread. im just wondering what everyone else thinks on hairstyles. short means it doesnt get in the way but flamboyant hair looks great but hard to look after
12:04 pm, May 9, 2020

du replied to Will WW3 happen before we get to play the game? January 8, 2020 @ 8:04:39 am PDT
99 days left!April is almost there folks!
12:04 am, June 5, 2020

clambchowder replied to What would be your guys favorite theme song be for this game? April 9, 2020 @ 10:20:53 am PDT
Originally posted by Wilson:Mine would be Michael Jackson Just Beat It. I actually have a playlist full of music that fits the vibe that I find fitting for Cyberpunk in my opinion.I'll name 3 songs:Su..
12:04 pm, May 4, 2020

clambchowder replied to What Starting Stats & Background Will You Choose? What Playstyle? June 10, 2020 @ 10:40:31 am PDT
I'll decide when I see all the options the character creator has.
12:04 am, June 12, 2020

clambchowder replied to Has humanity been scrapped? May 18, 2020 @ 10:14:19 am PDT
Originally posted by Sardukhar:Originally posted by clambchowder:It could really open up some Terminator style quest or playstyle or something. Sounds awesome being a Cyborg devoid of Humanity. :/ Not..
12:04 am, May 19, 2020

clambchowder replied to Has humanity been scrapped? May 12, 2020 @ 3:21:39 pm PDT
Originally posted by Sardukhar:Looks that way? Sort-of. Humanity as a cyberlimiter for V has been, apparently, scrapped. But as the 2018 trailer indicates, Cyberpsychosis and Max Tac are still a thing..
12:04 am, May 13, 2020

cklambo \[T]/ replied to What Starting Stats & Background Will You Choose? What Playstyle? June 11, 2020 @ 9:17:14 am PDT
I start as Deprived
12:04 am, June 12, 2020

aaronth07 replied to Will we be able to interact with random NPCs such as in RDR 2? Also, can you have fist fights? May 25, 2020 @ 3:14:47 pm PDT
I would like to know this as well. Is it more of a GTA V style "interact" button, where you simply say something? Or an RDR2 style mini dialogue tree? Or no interaction (other than just shoo..
12:04 am, May 26, 2020

ZumZoom replied to Things you need to fix before the release June 26, 2020 @ 1:04:32 am PDT
I'm a little bit concerned about only having a single character type - the Guy Richie style gets really annoying after a while. I would like to roleplay myself, and not a badassy badass all the time.
12:04 pm, June 26, 2020

Xengre replied to Hopefully Difficulty is Smart May 11, 2020 @ 7:58:39 pm PDT
Depends... it may have some type of semi-adaptive difficulty or even difficulty options. However, hard will likely depend on play style. Stealth is almost always overpowered in most games per design b..
12:04 pm, May 12, 2020

Wilson replied to New Gwent style cyberpunk game would be awesome. May 23, 2020 @ 1:32:03 pm PDT
Oh man what a bummer. rip dreams.
12:04 am, May 24, 2020

Truth replied to To my gamer friends : Do you have any concerns about Cyberpunk 2077 being overhyped? Do you think that CD Projekt Red and this game are being way too ambitious? Do you think that their expectations are set too high? May 16, 2020 @ 10:06:09 am PDT
I guess it depends what you're expecting.The best game of all time? I don't know, but probably not.The best shooter of all time? I highly doubt it.The best choice-based game? I don't think so.Best sto..
12:04 am, May 17, 2020

Toffe replied to how well we will be able to customize our looks? May 25, 2020 @ 1:34:15 pm PDT
Not very well from what we've seen.It seems you get to pick preset "parts" with around 5 options each for eyes, nose, ears, mouth and jaw. As well as some facial hair options, skin tone and ..
12:04 pm, May 26, 2020

Tedmouse replied to Release Date Crowded May 14, 2020 @ 11:21:20 pm PDT
Originally posted by LordBlade:Originally posted by Trivialtetrapod:New WorldDon't know this one.EDIT: So just looked this up. It's yet another flash in the pan MMO. I'm so done with those.Wasteland 3..
12:04 pm, May 15, 2020

Superman replied to Your Build, Lifepath, Gender, Playstyle, Progression? July 3, 2020 @ 2:04:54 am PDT
I might go for pistol. I so rarely play with Pistols. Read some stuff theres Katana and Shurikens too. Somekind of Pistol Neokitsch dude.
12:04 pm, July 3, 2020

Superman replied to What is everyone hope for in the game? June 26, 2020 @ 8:39:55 pm PDT
I still hope they do Nudism. Minimalist style seems to be there. Sex Clubs and Nudism beaches etc.
12:04 pm, June 27, 2020

Superman replied to New Gameplay June 25, 2020 @ 9:30:33 pm PDT
Im happy they did Minimalist Style as you can see here. 2:56.
12:04 pm, June 26, 2020

Sparhawk122 replied to How are you going to alocate your attribute points? May 23, 2020 @ 1:58:23 pm PDT
Originally posted by BattlestarBeetsBear:Originally posted by Sparhawk122:Towards stealth and diplomatic playstyle. so cool, intelligence and tech mostly huh. I wonder what else tech will be used for...
12:04 am, May 24, 2020

Sparhawk122 replied to How are you going to alocate your attribute points? May 23, 2020 @ 1:45:58 pm PDT
Towards stealth and diplomatic playstyle.
12:04 am, May 24, 2020

Sardukhar replied to Our Unofficial FAQ, Developer Answers and Everything We Know Threads. September 13, 2019 @ 2:15:45 pm PDT
For conveniences sake, I gathered the smallest 2 of these - The FAQ and Dev Answers here.FAQ:Some of you look shiny-new, so we figured you’d have questions … everybody does. To help out as best we..
1:38 am, May 4, 2020

Sardukhar replied to Hopefully Difficulty is Smart May 12, 2020 @ 8:02:30 pm PDT
Originally posted by AsianGirlLover:Originally posted by Sardukhar:If you think the game is too easy, play it Pencil and Paper RPG style. When you die, it's over. Wipe your save and restart with a dif..
12:04 pm, May 13, 2020

Sardukhar replied to Hopefully Difficulty is Smart May 12, 2020 @ 5:21:21 pm PDT
If you think the game is too easy, play it Pencil and Paper RPG style. When you die, it's over. Wipe your save and restart with a different character.
12:04 pm, May 13, 2020

Sardukhar replied to Has humanity been scrapped? May 12, 2020 @ 5:19:52 pm PDT
Originally posted by clambchowder:It could really open up some Terminator style quest or playstyle or something. Sounds awesome being a Cyborg devoid of Humanity. :/ Not how it works. Humanity is a me..
12:04 pm, May 13, 2020

Samantha Raven replied to New Gwent style cyberpunk game would be awesome. May 23, 2020 @ 2:19:15 pm PDT
cyberpunk 2077 and witcher are two diffrent franchises own by two diffrent people cd project red dosnt own the rights to both franchise.I never played witcher stuff but familer of the name cause i hav..
12:04 am, May 24, 2020

Ranger replied to 2018 vs 2020 Comparison June 26, 2020 @ 6:30:13 pm PDT
The game is actually fine from a technical perspective. My complaint is that the art direction is bad. Really bad. There's been a few frames that I thought were inspired, but the overwhelming majority..
12:04 pm, June 27, 2020

Pizza🍕 replied to how will you play it? May 30, 2020 @ 9:28:18 am PDT
This game doesn't need modding support, it WILL be modded regardless, modders always find a way. Anyway I'll most likely run everyone over, blow up a lot of stuff, lots of mayhem! John Wick style will..
12:04 pm, June 10, 2020

Pizza🍕 replied to how will you play it? May 30, 2020 @ 11:40:16 am PDT
Originally posted by mr poo:Originally posted by MrSerWick:This game doesn't need modding support, it WILL be modded regardless, modders always find a way. Anyway I'll most likely run everyone over, b..
12:04 pm, June 10, 2020

MrSerWick replied to how will you play it? May 30, 2020 @ 9:28:18 am PDT
This game doesn't need modding support, it WILL be modded regardless, modders always find a way. Anyway I'll most likely run everyone over, blow up a lot of stuff, lots of mayhem! John Wick style will..
12:04 am, May 31, 2020

MrSerWick replied to how will you play it? May 30, 2020 @ 11:40:16 am PDT
Originally posted by mr poo:Originally posted by MrSerWick:This game doesn't need modding support, it WILL be modded regardless, modders always find a way. Anyway I'll most likely run everyone over, b..
12:04 am, May 31, 2020

Mayson the loyal Servant replied to New Gameplay June 25, 2020 @ 10:28:28 am PDT
Originally posted by Jensen2027:Originally posted by koko:I feel this game is too overhyped. All the delays, Netflix and anime... is this a redflag? Of course this is overhyped. Some people should kee..
12:04 pm, June 26, 2020

LordBlade replied to Release Date Crowded May 14, 2020 @ 11:13:53 pm PDT
Originally posted by Trivialtetrapod:New WorldDon't know this one.EDIT: So just looked this up. It's yet another flash in the pan MMO. I'm so done with those.Wasteland 3Have it coming already (I suppo..
12:04 pm, May 15, 2020

LionOnTheFloor replied to Is this game gonna be a sandbox? May 18, 2020 @ 7:37:38 pm PDT
No. Expect The Witcher 3 with more non-linearity in its storyline and gameplay styles, and with better openworld mechanics.
12:04 pm, May 19, 2020

Kelleigh👿 replied to how will you play it? May 30, 2020 @ 9:28:18 am PDT
This game doesn't need modding support, it WILL be modded regardless, modders always find a way. Anyway I'll most likely run everyone over, blow up a lot of stuff, lots of mayhem! John Wick style will..
12:04 am, June 13, 2020

Kelleigh👿 replied to how will you play it? May 30, 2020 @ 11:40:16 am PDT
Originally posted by mr poo:Originally posted by MrSerWick:This game doesn't need modding support, it WILL be modded regardless, modders always find a way. Anyway I'll most likely run everyone over, b..
12:04 am, June 13, 2020

IL'dar replied to New Game Plus and Life Paths June 16, 2020 @ 3:40:18 am PDT
Originally posted by GeraltOfNightCity:Originally posted by IL'dar:Tbh i don't understand why exactly do we need ng+ for Cyberpunk 2077. The game suppose to be replayable, so why do you need to play t..
12:04 pm, June 16, 2020

Gunslinger replied to Player hubs (apartments) July 2, 2020 @ 12:04:32 am PDT
Originally posted by Dopey Shepard:Originally posted by fejota:I would prefer one main apartment + some safehouses (like 1 per district or 1 per 2 districts) for spawn points when you load your game.I..
12:04 pm, July 2, 2020

GeraltOfNightCity replied to Your Build, Lifepath, Gender, Playstyle, Progression? July 3, 2020 @ 2:41:47 am PDT
Originally posted by Superman:I might go for pistol. I so rarely play with Pistols. Read some stuff theres Katana and Shurikens too. Somekind of Pistol Neokitsch dude. Saw few seconds of gameplay with..
12:04 pm, July 3, 2020

GeraltOfNightCity replied to What Starting Stats & Background Will You Choose? What Playstyle? June 10, 2020 @ 11:44:21 am PDT
Originally posted by clambchowder:I'll decide when I see all the options the character creator has. pretty sure those are all the options there will be. there was a childhood hero option in 2018 demo ..
12:04 am, June 12, 2020

GeraltOfNightCity replied to New Game Plus and Life Paths June 16, 2020 @ 6:15:50 am PDT
Originally posted by IL'dar:Originally posted by GeraltOfNightCity:If u read what I wrote ud know. In case we run out of quests for xp to level skills and stuff further. Quests would be reset so there..
12:04 am, June 17, 2020

GeraltOfNightCity replied to New Game Plus and Life Paths June 15, 2020 @ 7:12:57 am PDT
Originally posted by Superman:Originally posted by Draconifors:Has NG+ been confirmed to be a thing in the first place? I haven't seen anything but I don't follow nearly everything. At least the inter..
12:04 am, June 16, 2020

GeraltOfNightCity replied to How are you going to alocate your attribute points? May 23, 2020 @ 1:56:25 pm PDT
Originally posted by Sparhawk122:Towards stealth and diplomatic playstyle. so cool, intelligence and tech mostly huh. I wonder what else tech will be used for. I hope intelligence will be more then ju..
12:04 am, June 11, 2020

FormerlyKnownAsChris replied to Adam Smasher IS in the game. June 25, 2020 @ 4:14:06 pm PDT
Originally posted by Okun Kombit:Originally posted by Bloodartist: If a character is famous and popular, they will be brought back and logic (such as Smasher being something like 70 years old and prob..
12:04 am, June 26, 2020

Drakkon replied to Things you need to fix before the release June 26, 2020 @ 2:27:29 am PDT
Originally posted by ZumZoom:I'm a little bit concerned about only having a single character type - the Guy Richie style gets really annoying after a while. I would like to roleplay myself, and not a ..
12:04 pm, June 26, 2020

Draconifors replied to New Gwent style cyberpunk game would be awesome. May 23, 2020 @ 1:30:20 pm PDT
There won't be a "cyber gwent", they've stated that.There is that Afterlife game coming, but it's physical and not part of 2077.
12:04 am, May 24, 2020

Deadied replied to Can I kill bystanders for fun? June 18, 2020 @ 5:33:30 am PDT
Based on what they shown so far, I dont think you can. Im expecting the civilians will be Witcher 3 style where you can only spook them and alert cops that would apprehend or kill you.I hope I'm wrong..
12:04 pm, June 22, 2020

Darkie replied to No cloud save? No achievement? May 4, 2020 @ 2:45:18 am PDT
Personally I don't care about achivements, they are there is filler and to cater to people that like instant glorification and sense of accomplishment. But I respect those that like it, I think they w..
12:04 pm, May 4, 2020

BluKu replied to guy or gal? October 22, 2019 @ 10:41:54 am PDT
There will be many more hairstyles. Everything you've seen so far is only a concept
12:04 pm, May 9, 2020