
replied to Are we able to make Stroheim in Cyberpunk 2077 May 8, 2020 @ 7:56:49 am PDT
Originally posted by Hoboslayer:Pretty sure there isnt going to be a stomach gun. Vat apout zee skull gun? Alvays vanded one of zoze.
12:04 am, May 9, 2020

蛋黄 replied to Cut off July 1, 2020 @ 4:28:33 am PDT
everyone needs to calm down, im pretty sure its going to be solid. I can see why they had to remove wall running due to design reasons. this is why i always quote big daddy, keep your expectations low..
12:04 pm, July 1, 2020

Ⅴ replied to Netflix announced Cyberpunk 2077 Anime June 27, 2020 @ 3:27:17 pm PDT
Originally posted by Ragnarr Loðbrók:Now lets hope they don't use their cheap CGI ....
12:05 am, June 28, 2020

Ⅴ replied to Man, this game is way too pricey! June 29, 2020 @ 10:53:44 am PDT
Originally posted by Metsakurat:Originally posted by Amygdala:The Witcher 3 was full price on release, CDPR games get price cuts really quickly compared to others but you can't sell an AAA game for £..
12:04 pm, July 1, 2020

trevorbergershank replied to Does this game really doesnt have 3rd person view? June 10, 2019 @ 7:20:06 am PDT
Originally posted by Rattlehead:Originally posted by trevorbergershank:It would make my day. This was my most anticipated game until they revealed that it would be the much less immersive FP only. Sin..
12:04 am, May 5, 2020

trackles replied to Will this be better than Red Dead Redemption 2 ? May 24, 2020 @ 12:16:39 am PDT
Not really Red Dead is pretty sub par open world game. You can't really compare it to this.
12:04 pm, May 24, 2020

tommy_beast replied to what sites did a review on cyberpunk ? June 25, 2020 @ 10:39:12 am PDT
Originally posted by Mayson the loyal Servant:If you want fair coverage, I'd rely on certain YouTubers. Games Journalists are pretty much all trash now. They're little more than paid ideologues, so th..
12:04 am, June 26, 2020

replied to Cybertruck in Cyberpunk? May 29, 2020 @ 12:33:03 am PDT
Maybe as a Free DLC after launch. That would be pretty cool.Keep in mind at the time, the Cybertruck would be over 50 years old in Cyberpunk 2077, so it might be considered an antique car.
12:04 pm, June 2, 2020

ox_7 replied to what game are you hyped the most for? (other than this one) June 8, 2020 @ 1:40:07 pm PDT
its gotta be the new AC game. the viking style looks pretty interesting and the last one was great in my opinion. i just hope the gameplay and the performance wont suck total a$$
12:04 am, June 9, 2020

master1147 replied to Will my character have a option to commite suicide? May 7, 2020 @ 2:20:50 pm PDT
Originally posted by Nozdormus:Is I make a Emo character will I have options to go down?. Pretty sure you already are.
12:04 am, May 8, 2020

master1147 replied to Car customization has neither been confirmed nor denied. May 19, 2020 @ 5:57:37 pm PDT
Originally posted by Liberator-9000:Here it is "- about car customization: they know this is a pretty often requested feature, but they are asking for a little more patience before they will say ..
12:04 pm, May 20, 2020

fejota replied to Player hubs (apartments) June 28, 2020 @ 7:42:17 am PDT
Originally posted by Dopey Shepard:Originally posted by fejota:I would prefer one main apartment + some safehouses (like 1 per district or 1 per 2 districts) for spawn points when you load your game.I..
12:04 am, July 2, 2020

dulany67 replied to Huge Favor Devs June 24, 2020 @ 4:58:37 am PDT
Originally posted by NoDramaJustALlama:Originally posted by dulany67:I'm pretty sure they don't give a ♥♥♥♥ about your refund. Satly? Not particularly, Karen.
12:04 pm, June 24, 2020

dulany67 replied to Huge Favor Devs June 23, 2020 @ 6:19:12 pm PDT
Originally posted by NoDramaJustALlama:Don't pull a watch dogs or any ubisoft E3 trailer where the graphic's are amazing (gameplay) and its hot garbage i will refund. Thanks. I'm pretty sure they don'..
12:04 pm, June 24, 2020

droggen replied to Will we be able to interact with random NPCs such as in RDR 2? Also, can you have fist fights? May 25, 2020 @ 8:01:13 pm PDT
Originally posted by Hoboslayer:Originally posted by Hadrian Marlowe:You can probably talk to every NPC, and if I remember right, you can even have one night stands with them (depending on your sexual..
12:04 pm, May 26, 2020

droggen replied to What is everyone hope for in the game? June 26, 2020 @ 12:16:35 pm PDT
Originally posted by TheGamerXxX:Im just hoping that the game wont be a lot of micro-management of stats/skills. I know it's a RPG but it's what turned me off of DeusEx. Yea you might want to avoid th..
12:04 am, June 27, 2020

droggen replied to Multiplayer Discussion August 21, 2019 @ 4:36:00 pm PDT
Pretty sure Online will be a thing CDPR has said so unless that has changed since I last checked but it wont be worked on by CDPR but the same team that did Dying Light Online.
12:04 am, June 6, 2020

droggen replied to Can I kill bystanders for fun? June 18, 2020 @ 1:22:34 am PDT
Pretty sure Children NPC will be unkillable and maybe certain story NPC for short periods of time for narrative reasons.
12:04 pm, June 18, 2020

cklambo \[T]/ replied to Cyberpunk 2077 Not "Cyberpunky" Enough May 23, 2020 @ 8:16:17 pm PDT
Pretty sure the posh sectors will look high tech & shiny
12:04 pm, May 24, 2020

ZumZoom replied to The game is always in Top sellers. May 13, 2020 @ 2:33:31 am PDT
Originally posted by ⭐⭐⭐Lenin⭐⭐⭐:Originally posted by ZumZoom:I'm guessing they sold around 0.5-1mil preorders if you count all stores. I think they sold more. Pre order started 337 days a..
12:04 pm, May 13, 2020

Zerenity replied to Cyberpunk 2077 Not "Cyberpunky" Enough May 24, 2020 @ 4:37:38 am PDT
Originally posted by TheRandomGuy:The Corpo section is probably the shiny pristine bit. We've mostly seen the outskirts of it as well as Pacifica. Basically out of the different districts of Night Cit..
12:04 pm, May 24, 2020

Zerenity replied to Cyberpunk 2077 Not "Cyberpunky" Enough May 24, 2020 @ 4:33:52 am PDT
Originally posted by cklambo \T/:Pretty sure the posh sectors will look high tech & shiny yeah but I think these areas either haven't been showcased to the public, or they just aren't a big focus ..
12:04 pm, May 24, 2020

Yoda Gaming replied to One hand June 3, 2020 @ 7:59:58 am PDT
my bad , hope you get better and you can use you hand soon like you used to , about one hand option , maybe will be possible, dunno , maybe you could play. Someone before me mentioned you could play w..
12:04 am, June 4, 2020

Tedmouse replied to Cybertruck in Cyberpunk? June 1, 2020 @ 5:52:11 pm PDT
Originally posted by Mako Ruu:Maybe as a Free DLC after launch. That would be pretty cool.Keep in mind at the time, the Cybertruck would be over 50 years old in Cyberpunk 2077, so it might be consider..
12:04 pm, June 2, 2020

Superman replied to Will the game have replay missions or difficulty settings June 22, 2020 @ 7:51:13 pm PDT
They went for both. Witcher didnt really encourage you to play the game again, but this does. HC sounds pretty interesting as it removes UI, must be fun to play when you donw know how much health you ..
12:04 pm, June 23, 2020

Superman replied to Will There be a mod suport? June 18, 2020 @ 3:03:45 am PDT
Originally posted by Yoda Gaming:Originally posted by Superman:Ive seen this asked many times, what would people like to mod exactly? custom weapons , vehicles , charatchers , new custom cosmetics and..
12:04 pm, June 18, 2020

Superman replied to What is everyone hope for in the game? June 26, 2020 @ 8:44:58 pm PDT
Originally posted by droggen:Originally posted by TheGamerXxX:Im just hoping that the game wont be a lot of micro-management of stats/skills. I know it's a RPG but it's what turned me off of DeusEx. Y..
12:04 pm, June 27, 2020

Superman replied to Radio Besides Inside Cars? On-Foot Radio? June 17, 2020 @ 9:01:46 pm PDT
Originally posted by GeraltOfNightCity:Originally posted by Superman:Theres Pawel Sasko tweet, but thats pretty much the only thing about Radio. I don't have a twitter account. Can you link it maybe. ..
12:04 pm, June 18, 2020

Superman replied to Radio Besides Inside Cars? On-Foot Radio? June 17, 2020 @ 8:41:11 pm PDT
Originally posted by GeraltOfNightCity:Originally posted by Superman:I believe they didnt do Radio, if you think about it it goes against the dystopian settings, if there was radio on all the time, it..
12:04 pm, June 18, 2020

Superman replied to How Many Hours And Playthough Cyberpunk 2077? July 1, 2020 @ 6:46:13 pm PDT
I think I played Witcher 3 like 70 hour but for the the game got pretty tedious after that. Im totally happy if I play Cyberpunk the same amount. Cyberpunk offers more different kind of gameplay and s..
12:04 pm, July 2, 2020

Son.of_a.Beach replied to Will There be a mod suport? June 18, 2020 @ 1:16:48 am PDT
I feel like it's pretty inevitable. Even if they didn't support it for a long time some mad lads would find a way.
12:04 pm, June 18, 2020

Skumquat replied to New Gameplay June 25, 2020 @ 9:47:26 am PDT
Originally posted by koko:I feel this game is too overhyped. All the delays, Netflix and anime... is this a redflag? Kind of like The Witcher? Has an anime coming, has a Netflix series, didn't they ha..
12:04 pm, June 26, 2020

Shiba's tired, not dead replied to Are we able to make Stroheim in Cyberpunk 2077 May 9, 2020 @ 1:54:14 am PDT
Originally posted by Hoboslayer:Pretty sure there isnt going to be a stomach gun. well so much for cyberpunk lol
12:04 am, May 28, 2020

Sardukhar replied to Our Unofficial FAQ, Developer Answers and Everything We Know Threads. September 13, 2019 @ 2:17:20 pm PDT
Dev Answers:Most of what follows must be seen as temporary and subject to change. There are no promises being made here and you are not guaranteed results. Batteries are not included! So, see these as..
1:38 am, May 4, 2020

Sardukhar replied to Our Unofficial FAQ, Developer Answers and Everything We Know Threads. September 13, 2019 @ 2:15:45 pm PDT
For conveniences sake, I gathered the smallest 2 of these - The FAQ and Dev Answers here.FAQ:Some of you look shiny-new, so we figured you’d have questions … everybody does. To help out as best we..
1:38 am, May 4, 2020

Rajončkis bachurelis replied to Gamepad support Dualshock 4 in the PC version May 10, 2020 @ 2:52:14 pm PDT
Originally posted by Engels78:Originally posted by Rajončkis bachurelis:I'm wondering if PS4 controller prompts will be shown? Steam may support the dualshock controller but some games don't have pro..
12:04 am, May 11, 2020

Rajončkis bachurelis replied to Gamepad support Dualshock 4 in the PC version May 10, 2020 @ 11:02:29 am PDT
I'm wondering if PS4 controller prompts will be shown? Steam may support the dualshock controller but some games don't have prompts for it making the controller pretty much useless.
12:04 am, May 11, 2020

Pickles™ replied to Will they include Cryogenics in Cyberpunk? How will we revive? May 23, 2020 @ 5:54:21 pm PDT
Originally posted by Freak4Leeks:they already said that Trauma Team is not something you cant have, because it would be kinda OP whenever you receive any damage Trauma Team would be sent in immediatel..
12:04 am, May 25, 2020

Optimusa04 replied to what sites did a review on cyberpunk ? June 26, 2020 @ 5:54:33 pm PDT
Will 2077 be another 76? Post reviews here if you are one of the few people who have test played itI REEEEEAAAAAALLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYY hope it doesn't. If anyone has gotten the chance to test play, please..
12:04 pm, June 27, 2020

Noctis replied to Why all the hype around this game? April 25, 2020 @ 3:35:59 pm PDT
You pretty much answered your question yourself.Because the people like what they saw at e3, trailers and gameplay.And because of CDPR being the developer who is working on this game, people are very ..
1:38 am, May 4, 2020

NoDramaJustALlama replied to Huge Favor Devs June 24, 2020 @ 1:58:54 am PDT
Originally posted by dulany67:Originally posted by NoDramaJustALlama:Don't pull a watch dogs or any ubisoft E3 trailer where the graphic's are amazing (gameplay) and its hot garbage i will refund. Tha..
12:04 pm, June 24, 2020

NoDramaJustALlama replied to Huge Favor Devs June 23, 2020 @ 2:46:29 am PDT
Originally posted by Mako Ruu:I hope that you aren't referring to the cinematic trailer, because that was all CGI and won't even be a cutscene in the game. The gameplay demo's we've seen so far were p..
12:04 pm, June 23, 2020

Monochromatic Spider replied to Is this game gonna be a sandbox? May 31, 2020 @ 10:05:59 am PDT
I'm pretty sure you'll be able to roam around a fair bit and I suspect most oft he quests have to be manually started, so to some extent there probably will be sandbox elements. But I don't think the ..
12:04 am, June 1, 2020

Misu replied to after pre-purchase May 27, 2020 @ 6:56:22 am PDT
Originally posted by CursedPanther:No. Not really, i would say yes since if they will follow the same path of the witcher, dlcs would probably be paid content, but with high quality stories and new co..
12:04 am, May 28, 2020

Metsakurat replied to Man, this game is way too pricey! June 29, 2020 @ 10:55:38 am PDT
Originally posted by Ⅴ:Originally posted by Metsakurat:I don't think CP´77 is that expensive. HOWEVER AAA games do not have to cost 49.99 to 59.99 to make profit. CDPR isn't as big as other "t..
12:04 pm, July 1, 2020

Metsakurat replied to Man, this game is way too pricey! June 29, 2020 @ 10:50:27 am PDT
Originally posted by Amygdala:The Witcher 3 was full price on release, CDPR games get price cuts really quickly compared to others but you can't sell an AAA game for £10 and even break even I don't t..
12:04 pm, July 1, 2020

Megatron replied to Night City Wire was garbage. June 25, 2020 @ 3:25:58 pm PDT
Originally posted by Takami:Originally posted by Lazarus:Totally agree. I refunded the game after they had anounced the news regarding another delay. Have some flashbacks with Mass Effect Andromeda. I..
12:04 am, June 26, 2020

Mayson the loyal Servant replied to what sites did a review on cyberpunk ? June 25, 2020 @ 10:35:01 am PDT
If you want fair coverage, I'd rely on certain YouTubers. Games Journalists are pretty much all trash now. They're little more than paid ideologues, so they're going to unfairly rate the product not b..
12:04 am, June 26, 2020

Mako Ruu replied to how evil can i be June 7, 2020 @ 1:57:37 am PDT
From what I've heard, you can run down the street and punch random people in the face, shoot anyone you want except maybe kids, hit anybody with your car. You can hack ATM Machines and steal money. Pr..
12:04 pm, June 7, 2020

Mako Ruu replied to Huge Favor Devs June 23, 2020 @ 1:21:31 am PDT
I hope that you aren't referring to the cinematic trailer, because that was all CGI and won't even be a cutscene in the game. The gameplay demo's we've seen so far were pretty good. The 48 minute demo..
12:04 pm, June 23, 2020