
SchweinMitStein replied to Amazon UK has an exclusive steelbook with the standard edition June 25, 2020 @ 4:54:28 am PDT
Originally posted by Spud:Thank you for the info! I didn't know had the steel book :o Sadly,I live in germany and wonder if there won't be any region restrictions :/ But I will definitely or..
12:04 pm, June 25, 2020

Sardukhar replied to Our Unofficial FAQ, Developer Answers and Everything We Know Threads. September 13, 2019 @ 2:15:45 pm PDT
For conveniences sake, I gathered the smallest 2 of these - The FAQ and Dev Answers here.FAQ:Some of you look shiny-new, so we figured you’d have questions … everybody does. To help out as best we..
1:38 am, May 4, 2020

Noctis replied to Are we able to make Stroheim in Cyberpunk 2077 May 8, 2020 @ 4:35:06 am PDT
I would say no. CDPR said that we won't be able to take body modification as far as the Maelstrom gang members.And those aren't as heavy modified as the guy from your URL.
12:04 pm, May 8, 2020

IL'dar replied to [DEVELOPER UPDATE] Gang feature: Maelstrom May 11, 2020 @ 1:05:34 pm PDT
Virgin meatbags vs Chad Maelstrom.
12:04 am, May 12, 2020