
lordmarsh replied to Character builds ideas May 5, 2020 @ 1:15:52 pm PDT
A techie, I want to set up the environment to be on my side.
12:04 am, May 6, 2020

clambchowder replied to Our Unofficial FAQ, Developer Answers and Everything We Know Threads. September 13, 2019 @ 8:34:54 pm PDT
Originally posted by Sardukhar:Oh we aren't "new" per se. CDPR just recently sent us here. We've been at this crazy job at the behest of our Polish Masters for awhile.Thanks though!CDPR keep..
1:38 am, May 4, 2020

cklambo \[T]/ replied to Character builds ideas May 5, 2020 @ 4:59:23 am PDT
Definitely will try 1. a melee only build2. hacker3. rambo
12:04 pm, May 5, 2020

Superman replied to Radio Besides Inside Cars? On-Foot Radio? June 17, 2020 @ 8:41:11 pm PDT
Originally posted by GeraltOfNightCity:Originally posted by Superman:I believe they didnt do Radio, if you think about it it goes against the dystopian settings, if there was radio on all the time, it..
12:04 pm, June 18, 2020

Superman replied to Radio Besides Inside Cars? On-Foot Radio? June 17, 2020 @ 8:12:12 pm PDT
I believe they didnt do Radio, if you think about it it goes against the dystopian settings, if there was radio on all the time, it would come out too cheerful and happy world. Clubs where player can ..
12:04 pm, June 18, 2020

Snapnix replied to Character builds ideas May 5, 2020 @ 8:43:22 am PDT
street samurai
12:04 am, May 6, 2020

Sardukhar replied to Our Unofficial FAQ, Developer Answers and Everything We Know Threads. September 13, 2019 @ 7:41:18 pm PDT
Oh we aren't "new" per se. CDPR just recently sent us here. We've been at this crazy job at the behest of our Polish Masters for awhile.Thanks though!CDPR keeps an eye on forums for ideas an..
1:38 am, May 4, 2020

Samantha Raven replied to To my gamer friends : Do you have any concerns about Cyberpunk 2077 being overhyped? Do you think that CD Projekt Red and this game are being way too ambitious? Do you think that their expectations are set too high? May 16, 2020 @ 6:43:13 am PDT
I think the oppasite every thing they claim they where going to do long before media even was talking about the game i bin following this game progress from the devs.So far years later what they showe..
12:04 am, May 17, 2020

PsychoDino replied to Character builds ideas May 6, 2020 @ 2:31:44 am PDT
Originally posted by Liberator-9000:What are you all thinking about building for a character given what we seen so far.I'm thinking of a strength build, and maybe no guns(just fists) if I can get away..
12:04 pm, May 6, 2020

NicCageisLove<3 replied to Character builds ideas May 5, 2020 @ 5:28:36 am PDT
flamethrower build
12:04 am, May 6, 2020

Mayson the loyal Servant replied to New Gameplay June 25, 2020 @ 10:28:28 am PDT
Originally posted by Jensen2027:Originally posted by koko:I feel this game is too overhyped. All the delays, Netflix and anime... is this a redflag? Of course this is overhyped. Some people should kee..
12:04 pm, June 26, 2020

LiMiT™ replied to Can i get trauma team insurance? May 9, 2020 @ 11:39:00 am PDT
Most likely not judging by the little information we have about them.My guess is that outside the missions that are focused on them or have them involve in any way (Like the gameplay we saw), you'll b..
12:04 am, May 10, 2020

Lamiosa replied to 2077会有联机吗!? June 13, 2020 @ 2:41:49 pm PDT
Originally posted by Victor:Please, for god's sake, I beg you, let there be no multiplayer, co-op, battle royale, random players interfering your game session, and all that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥t in C..
12:04 am, June 14, 2020

John Nada replied to Character builds ideas May 5, 2020 @ 1:47:39 pm PDT
I guess we don't select any starting class, and our class is defined by the BIRTC attributs, Body for Solo, Int for Netrunner and Tech for Techie (it seems currently that we have 22 pts of them when w..
12:04 am, May 6, 2020

Hadrian Marlowe replied to Character builds ideas May 5, 2020 @ 8:07:18 pm PDT
Originally posted by DOOM THE PRIME EVIL:complete psychopath I see you're a man of culture as well.
12:04 pm, May 6, 2020

Hadrian Marlowe replied to Character builds ideas May 5, 2020 @ 7:25:53 pm PDT
Nomad Netrunner
12:04 pm, May 6, 2020

GeraltOfNightCity replied to Radio Besides Inside Cars? On-Foot Radio? June 17, 2020 @ 8:22:28 pm PDT
Originally posted by Superman:I believe they didnt do Radio, if you think about it it goes against the dystopian settings, if there was radio on all the time, it would come out too cheerful and happy ..
12:04 pm, June 18, 2020

DOOM THE PRIME EVIL replied to Character builds ideas May 5, 2020 @ 8:03:29 pm PDT
complete psychopath
12:04 pm, May 6, 2020

Captain of the 4th Company replied to If I didn't like Witcher 3, will I like this? February 26, 2020 @ 12:26:34 pm PDT
Most likely. Different setting, same overall ideas. Big open world, your actions have consequences, etc etc.
12:04 am, May 8, 2020

Bluem replied to Multiplayer Discussion August 21, 2019 @ 9:47:15 am PDT
Why YES create Cyberpunk OnlineFirst of all, my English is not very good, I try to do my best so that they can understand the concept.As everyone knows, CD projekt Red is thinking of including or not ..
12:04 am, June 6, 2020

BlueKatana27 replied to To my gamer friends : Do you have any concerns about Cyberpunk 2077 being overhyped? Do you think that CD Projekt Red and this game are being way too ambitious? Do you think that their expectations are set too high? May 16, 2020 @ 6:46:32 am PDT
Originally posted by Samantha Raven:I think the oppasite every thing they claim they where going to do long before media even was talking about the game i bin following this game progress from the dev..
12:04 am, May 17, 2020