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GeraltOfNightCity replied to How are you going to alocate your attribute points? May 23, 2020 @ 4:07:34 pm PDT

Originally posted by Hashay:Body - 3Reflexes - 3Intelligence - 3Tech - 3Cool - 10 im rly rlyyy tempted to start like that too

12:04 am, June 11, 2020

GeraltOfNightCity replied to How are you going to alocate your attribute points? May 23, 2020 @ 1:56:25 pm PDT

Originally posted by Sparhawk122:Towards stealth and diplomatic playstyle. so cool, intelligence and tech mostly huh. I wonder what else tech will be used for. I hope intelligence will be more then ju..

12:04 am, June 11, 2020

GeraltOfNightCity replied to How are you going to alocate your attribute points? June 10, 2020 @ 2:10:54 pm PDT

Originally posted by Wolf Michael:I don't know anything about the table top game or how it all works, but I want as many tech alterations as possible, even if just for looks. I forget what that one fa..

12:04 am, June 11, 2020

GeraltOfNightCity replied to How are you going to alocate your attribute points? June 10, 2020 @ 10:32:59 am PDT

altho mine will prolly look like this sinc eu can upgrade stats later on:Body - 3Reflexes - 4Intelligence - 4Tech - 3Cool - 8

12:04 am, June 11, 2020

GeraltOfNightCity replied to Gameplay Info I Read Over The Years (correct me if it's wrong) (few questions) June 20, 2020 @ 6:36:42 am PDT

Originally posted by Superman:Originally posted by GeraltOfNightCity:Yeah, same. Ima spend hundreds of hours just walking around, talking with peeps and going to concerts. Argh, I hope they dont do it..

12:04 am, June 21, 2020

GeraltOfNightCity replied to Gameplay Info I Read Over The Years (correct me if it's wrong) (few questions) June 20, 2020 @ 4:55:02 am PDT

Originally posted by Superman:There is some cool stuff I didnt know. Im exicted about the Concerts. So theres supposed to be Silverhands and Grimes? Two so far. Hopefuly theres tons of cool places to ..

12:04 pm, June 20, 2020

GeraltOfNightCity replied to Correct me I'm wrong about free dlcs June 15, 2020 @ 4:35:55 pm PDT

Originally posted by Dopey Shepard:Originally posted by CiKi:They are not sure what they are doing with online yet. It wont be free as far as I know. Its gonna be its own standalone version. which mig..

12:04 am, June 16, 2020

GeraltOfNightCity replied to Correct me I'm wrong about free dlcs June 15, 2020 @ 3:54:34 pm PDT

Originally posted by CiKi:Originally posted by GeraltOfNightCity:free dlcs are gonna be like new armours and cloths same as in witcher 3. online is gonna be free update as well. however the two big dl..

12:04 am, June 16, 2020

GeraltOfNightCity replied to Correct me I'm wrong about free dlcs June 15, 2020 @ 1:25:48 pm PDT

Originally posted by Dopey Shepard:Originally posted by GeraltOfNightCity:free dlcs are gonna be like new armours and cloths same as in witcher 3. online is gonna be free update as well. however the t..

12:04 am, June 16, 2020

GeraltOfNightCity replied to Correct me I'm wrong about free dlcs June 15, 2020 @ 12:11:06 pm PDT

free dlcs are gonna be like new armours and cloths same as in witcher 3. online is gonna be free update as well. however the two big dlcs theyre are gonna do aren't going to be free. why would they. n..

12:04 am, June 16, 2020

Fox replied to V's Infiltration Run - Unofficial Cyberpunk 2077 Soundtrack May 15, 2020 @ 4:08:50 am PDT

Originally posted by Hoboslayer:Originally posted by Fox:Is that confirmed? I am especially interested in the selfmade OST from their composer and not the bands and artists that contribute tbh Theyve ..

12:04 pm, May 15, 2020

Flippy replied to We should talk about the mod community support. October 9, 2019 @ 11:00:14 pm PDT

This is great news of course just so much negative bullying and things going on everywhere even on Nexus to a degree with so many obese mods being spammed as an example or heavy handed moderation on S..

12:04 am, May 7, 2020

Flippy replied to The Big Question! Will you side with Johnny Silverhand or against 1st playthrough? May 31, 2020 @ 3:01:53 pm PDT

Its a new game so details may come to light or past fiction may be so called incorrect or false rumours so Cyberpunk 2077 can do what ever it wants so no way to tell whats going to happen in the new g..

12:04 am, June 1, 2020

Flippy replied to The Big Question! Will you side with Johnny Silverhand or against 1st playthrough? June 1, 2020 @ 9:51:58 am PDT

Originally posted by Samantha Raven:I Will chose what I feel benafits me and my own agenda if johnny silver hand agenda is some thing else and not line with the direction i want to go in then ill be a..

12:04 am, June 2, 2020

Experimantal replied to How good is the character customization? May 28, 2020 @ 8:32:33 am PDT

Originally posted by Zephlykk:Considering all cut scenes are going to be in first person, I worry that character customization wont feel rewarding. I do have faith that it will though! Some cutscenes ..

12:04 am, May 29, 2020

Engels78 replied to The players expectations of the game. April 20, 2020 @ 4:27:50 pm PDT

Originally posted by PsychoDino:Originally posted by Dax_B:It's going to be an open world RPG. We've had these before and even in the same genre (Deus Ex) I'm not expecting this game to re-invent that..

12:04 am, June 20, 2020

Echo Nightmare replied to Cyberpunk 2077 work on PROTON Theory? May 6, 2020 @ 3:40:12 pm PDT

Yea I do also have windows partition. And I haven't used it in over a year, don't need to but I'm not an idiot I do know that some things are not going to work on Linux. I was only asking for peoples ..

12:04 am, May 7, 2020

Dragon replied to Your chosen platform with Cyberpunk 2077? June 11, 2019 @ 9:29:00 am PDT

Who knows. It depends on whether or not CDPR is going to shaft their PC customers again like they did with Witcher 3, by giving the console version a HDR patch that they refused also to give to the PC..

12:04 am, May 5, 2020

Dragon replied to Multiplayer Discussion September 4, 2019 @ 1:31:46 am PDT

It's obviously going to be microstranaction-filled cash-grab garbage just like Red Dead Online and GTA Online.This is nothing to be excited about. On the contrary: it proves false CDPR's previous publ..

1:38 am, May 4, 2020

Draconifors replied to We should talk about the mod community support. October 9, 2019 @ 8:40:42 am PDT

Here[] is somewhat recent, official news regarding mod support.If there's going to be mod support, I'd expect it to be similar to that of Witcher 3. If you're referring to paid ..

12:04 am, May 7, 2020

Draconifors replied to Summer Sale May 25, 2020 @ 4:20:54 am PDT

Seems like a pretty pointless thread, and it was already going OT as well. Locking.

12:04 pm, May 25, 2020

Draconifors replied to Is there a possibility cyberpunk on pc, wont get downgraded like the console version? May 9, 2020 @ 10:34:40 am PDT

Not going to have a downgrade thread, especially when the very title is misleading.

12:04 am, May 10, 2020

Draconifors replied to Do you think the choices will be overwhelming? May 20, 2020 @ 12:43:48 pm PDT

Absolutely will be, is my guess.A big part of CDPR's RPGs is choice and consequence, and the surprise element that comes with it.Of course, if you don't like the surprise element (I know many don't) t..

12:04 am, May 21, 2020

Draconifors replied to Details on enviroment destruction January 9, 2020 @ 7:57:05 am PDT

Originally posted by Bearded Warrior:Yea it's going to be co-op not PvP (thankfully) You cannot know that because such information has not been published officially. It's just a guess.

12:04 am, May 8, 2020

Draconifors replied to Delayed until Sept 17th January 16, 2020 @ 9:43:21 am PDT

I'm going to mark the official tweet as the best answer, so that everyone who reads this thread gets the source right away.

12:04 pm, May 4, 2020

Dopey Shepard replied to Player hubs (apartments) June 27, 2020 @ 6:18:21 am PDT

Nope, sorry, they said only 1 apartment even though I don't really fully understand that concept. Does that mean going back and forth every time you want to visit your apartment? If the city is big th..

12:04 pm, June 28, 2020

Dopey Shepard replied to Correct me I'm wrong about free dlcs June 15, 2020 @ 4:08:41 pm PDT

Originally posted by CiKi:Originally posted by GeraltOfNightCity:free dlcs are gonna be like new armours and cloths same as in witcher 3. online is gonna be free update as well. however the two big dl..

12:04 am, June 16, 2020

Dopey Shepard replied to Correct me I'm wrong about free dlcs June 15, 2020 @ 12:51:49 pm PDT

Originally posted by GeraltOfNightCity:free dlcs are gonna be like new armours and cloths same as in witcher 3. online is gonna be free update as well. however the two big dlcs theyre are gonna do are..

12:04 am, June 16, 2020

DeltaForce >MeredithStout replied to NEW video on youtube - (they changed a line sadly) Night City Wire June 25, 2020 @ 12:21:02 pm PDT

Originally posted by Mako Ruu:CDPR has stated dozens times in the past that every single situation in the game will have multiple outcomes. Fail a dialog check - different outcomeSucceed a dialog chec..

12:04 am, June 26, 2020

DeltaForce >MeredithStout replied to NEW video on youtube - (they changed a line sadly) Night City Wire June 25, 2020 @ 11:24:23 am PDT

Good, I'm going to create a female character then, dialogue fidelity and quality seems better in that than male version.

12:04 am, June 26, 2020

Dax_B replied to The players expectations of the game. April 18, 2020 @ 3:59:30 am PDT

Originally posted by A2D3RS0N:With respect to the players, or future players, play how you want, but we never get everything we want in a game or have the time to play, Cheers!!! I got work to do. It'..

12:04 am, June 20, 2020

Darkie replied to Cheaper elsewhere May 10, 2020 @ 2:59:32 am PDT

Originally posted by Joe Erotic:It is cheaper on another website. Steam is always expensive as hell, as they take 35% of the income. This is why I dont support by buying directly on Steam anymore. But..

12:04 am, May 11, 2020

Crisis replied to Will this be better than Red Dead Redemption 2 ? May 24, 2020 @ 12:56:05 am PDT

red dead redemption 2 is a completley diffrent type of game, as it has liniar plot and no choices, not real ones anyway. cyberpunk is going to be an rpg where choices matter, Will it be better then re..

12:04 pm, May 24, 2020

Coin replied to The Big Question! Will you side with Johnny Silverhand or against 1st playthrough? June 1, 2020 @ 2:31:19 pm PDT

Originally posted by ⎛⎝LVL 9999 FULL GEARED⎠⎞:in my first game i will be the "good guy" and will prob get the good ending, the second gameplay i will be the scumbag taht kills everyt..

12:04 am, June 2, 2020

CiKi replied to Correct me I'm wrong about free dlcs June 15, 2020 @ 1:26:19 pm PDT

Originally posted by GeraltOfNightCity:free dlcs are gonna be like new armours and cloths same as in witcher 3. online is gonna be free update as well. however the two big dlcs theyre are gonna do are..

12:04 am, June 16, 2020

Cervuz replied to CyberPunk 2077 Male Or Female First? June 28, 2020 @ 3:39:23 pm PDT

A Street Kid Guy first, that's what I tend to do in most RPG's.But with all the options we know off, "GrizGaming" did a nice 55 minute video going over his 5 hour hands on. I'd go for a Noma..

12:06 am, June 29, 2020

Centisteed replied to How Vast Cyberpunk 2077 Like GTA 5? July 1, 2020 @ 8:59:25 pm PDT

Originally posted by Mako Ruu:The map in Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be quite large. Probably not as big and empty as The Witcher 3 or GTA V. It's going to be incredibly dense with a lot of things to d..

12:04 pm, July 2, 2020

Cap'n Saccade replied to The first choice in Cyberpunk 2077 May 19, 2020 @ 12:15:10 pm PDT

That's the answer I was looking for Sarduker - it sure is.Not going down the pub for 2 months has saved me a ton of dosh.A good investment of time while waiting to once again savour the ambrosia from ..

12:04 am, May 20, 2020

Cap'n Saccade replied to Cyberpunk 2077 for free!? May 19, 2020 @ 12:18:29 pm PDT

Originally posted by Squiggly:dang dude you needed to upgrade worse than i did with my old computer Why's that dude?Adobe and some modelling packages have a limit on CUDA cores, so for me going over t..

12:04 am, May 20, 2020

Burn@Stake replied to Is it really bad being against NetWatch? June 30, 2020 @ 3:50:05 pm PDT

I believe going against Net Watch is bad, not because they seem dangerous and formidable when angered, but I believe in the cause they exist for. Jeopardizing their mission to contain the rogue AIs be..

12:04 am, July 1, 2020

Buddy Ol' Pal replied to Netrunning 2D'd for 2077? June 8, 2020 @ 5:49:59 pm PDT

Originally posted by Beetroot:Hey guys, It looks like in 2077 netrunning is going to be done in a contextual menu with no VR interface. Is that how it is?I could see why devs might do that to keep the..

12:04 am, June 10, 2020

Bluem replied to Multiplayer Discussion August 21, 2019 @ 9:47:15 am PDT

Why YES create Cyberpunk OnlineFirst of all, my English is not very good, I try to do my best so that they can understand the concept.As everyone knows, CD projekt Red is thinking of including or not ..

12:04 am, June 6, 2020

BlueKatana27 replied to To my gamer friends : Do you have any concerns about Cyberpunk 2077 being overhyped? Do you think that CD Projekt Red and this game are being way too ambitious? Do you think that their expectations are set too high? May 16, 2020 @ 6:46:32 am PDT

Originally posted by Samantha Raven:I think the oppasite every thing they claim they where going to do long before media even was talking about the game i bin following this game progress from the dev..

12:04 am, May 17, 2020

Blame replied to how will you play it? May 28, 2020 @ 10:37:00 am PDT

Originally posted by Badass Rockets:Originally posted by TNX.:You're going to get a mod to unlock everything right away rather than actually playing the game? That's for me, the grind is for ..

12:04 am, May 29, 2020

Beetroot replied to Netrunning 2D'd for 2077? June 8, 2020 @ 6:52:54 pm PDT

Hey just a word of caution, never mess with a guy who calls himself a Nutrunner! If he's got 10 points in Interface (Nuts) you're in big trouble!But seriously Clambchowder I always like the netrunner ..

12:04 am, June 10, 2020

Beetroot replied to Netrunning 2D'd for 2077? June 12, 2020 @ 7:56:56 pm PDT

I'm looking forward to playing Cyberpunk Red, but I'm going to wait until the full version comes out. I'm pretty sure Hellhound was one of the ICE programs in 2020 too but I don't have my book handy. ..

12:04 pm, June 13, 2020

Bearded Warrior replied to Details on enviroment destruction January 9, 2020 @ 7:00:06 am PDT

Yea it's going to be co-op not PvP (thankfully)

12:04 am, May 8, 2020

BattlestarBeetsBear replied to How are you going to alocate your attribute points? May 23, 2020 @ 4:07:34 pm PDT

Originally posted by Hashay:Body - 3Reflexes - 3Intelligence - 3Tech - 3Cool - 10 im rly rlyyy tempted to start like that too

12:04 am, May 24, 2020

BattlestarBeetsBear replied to How are you going to alocate your attribute points? May 23, 2020 @ 1:56:25 pm PDT

Originally posted by Sparhawk122:Towards stealth and diplomatic playstyle. so cool, intelligence and tech mostly huh. I wonder what else tech will be used for. I hope intelligence will be more then ju..

12:04 am, May 24, 2020

Badass Rockets replied to how will you play it? May 28, 2020 @ 10:26:57 am PDT

Originally posted by TNX.:You're going to get a mod to unlock everything right away rather than actually playing the game? That's for me, the grind is for suckers, hoops to jump throughI don'..

12:04 am, May 29, 2020

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is an upcoming role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt. Adapted from the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020, it is set fifty-seven years later in dystopian Night City, California, an open world in which players assume the role of "V".