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⎛⎝LVL 9999 FULL GEARED⎠⎞ replied to Cut off July 1, 2020 @ 7:01:10 am PDT

for what i been reading looks like you can still wall clinb with our mantis blades, and do the takedown, not confirmed by the way.and looks like you can still have the bot, they just removed the skill..

12:04 pm, July 2, 2020

Visceral2 replied to Will the gore be cool? May 1, 2020 @ 2:13:12 am PDT

Originally posted by dexter411:Anyone really cares about some red textures on screen? I like some cool blood in video games and movies. Not some edgelord just think it enhances the game. Still gonna b..

1:38 am, May 4, 2020

TheRandomGuy replied to cyberpunk is closer than you think May 23, 2020 @ 10:49:44 pm PDT

I remember there was news of a bionic eye surgeons made to allow blind people to effectively see a year or two ago. Also the nervous system controlled prosthetic limbs linked above. The only two probl..

12:04 pm, May 24, 2020

Sl1ngShot replied to I can recommend these to play while waiting the Cyberpunk 2077 release! February 1, 2020 @ 4:38:14 pm PDT

I finally got around to playing Witcher 1 Enhanced Edition. That'll keep me busy for a while.

12:04 pm, May 11, 2020

Sardukhar replied to Our Unofficial FAQ, Developer Answers and Everything We Know Threads. September 13, 2019 @ 2:15:45 pm PDT

For conveniences sake, I gathered the smallest 2 of these - The FAQ and Dev Answers here.FAQ:Some of you look shiny-new, so we figured you’d have questions … everybody does. To help out as best we..

1:38 am, May 4, 2020

Samantha Raven replied to Do you think this will get a sequel? May 12, 2020 @ 4:24:25 pm PDT

Originally posted by Hoboslayer:Originally posted by Samantha Raven:No I think it will get expansions and dlcs but i kinda dont think it should get a sequal i think it be better they just keep expandi..

12:04 am, May 13, 2020

Hoboslayer replied to Do you think this will get a sequel? May 12, 2020 @ 4:28:05 pm PDT

Originally posted by Samantha Raven:Originally posted by Hoboslayer:But a sequel wouldnt be too difficult given theyve already got a game engine. All they need to do to the engine is enhance graphics ..

12:04 am, May 13, 2020

Hoboslayer replied to Do you think this will get a sequel? May 12, 2020 @ 4:17:20 pm PDT

Originally posted by Samantha Raven:No I think it will get expansions and dlcs but i kinda dont think it should get a sequal i think it be better they just keep expanding on this game with its story a..

12:04 am, May 13, 2020

Bluem replied to Multiplayer Discussion August 21, 2019 @ 9:47:15 am PDT

Why YES create Cyberpunk OnlineFirst of all, my English is not very good, I try to do my best so that they can understand the concept.As everyone knows, CD projekt Red is thinking of including or not ..

12:04 am, June 6, 2020

Aikido replied to i hope its like Deus Ex: Human Revolution July 3, 2020 @ 3:56:35 pm PDT

I loved Deus Ex: HR, it was one of the most atmospheric and engaging games I've ever played (since the original Deus Ex at least.) I much preferred it to Mankind Divided which, while I enjoyed it, dep..

12:04 am, July 4, 2020

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is an upcoming role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt. Adapted from the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020, it is set fifty-seven years later in dystopian Night City, California, an open world in which players assume the role of "V".