⎛⎝LVL 9999 FULL GEARED⎠⎞ replied to Pre-Install June 24, 2020 @ 1:58:10 pm PDT
depends, witcher 3 had it, witcher 2 maybe, dont remenber now , others games had it too, if it happen will be like in the last 24h before release
12:04 am, June 25, 2020
Ⅴ replied to i hope its like Deus Ex: Human Revolution July 1, 2020 @ 7:40:27 pm PDT
Originally posted by Superman:Deus Ex wasnt really triple a game what Cyberpunk is. Cyberpunk is probably closer to 100 mill, DE was maybe 30 or so. Cyberpunk is 7 year old with 400 staff, you do the ..
12:04 am, July 4, 2020
zacharyb replied to Pre-Install June 24, 2020 @ 11:43:00 am PDT
It all depends on the developer, big games like this usually always have a preload, sometimes it can be a week before launch, but usually it's at least 3 or so days before in my experience. You also h..
12:04 am, June 25, 2020
lordmarsh replied to do you guys think this game would be better than gta 5 or watch dogs 2 ? July 5, 2020 @ 3:59:48 am PDT
Originally posted by 鬼舞辻 無惨:That's Subjective But IMO 100% better than both. Exactly, it depends entirely on what you like. To me for example, yes I am absolutely sure it will be, but to oth..
12:04 pm, July 5, 2020
hayrola replied to How gigs will this game be? July 3, 2020 @ 3:26:05 pm PDT
depends on the content if it's detailed as they say it could come close to rdr or pass it
12:04 am, July 4, 2020
fauxpas replied to The Big Question! Will you side with Johnny Silverhand or against 1st playthrough? May 31, 2020 @ 10:21:21 am PDT
I don't know, it all depends on the story and my V's reactions.
12:04 am, June 1, 2020
dulany67 replied to Only 1 version for sale? June 11, 2020 @ 7:15:51 am PDT
Originally posted by Draconifors:Originally posted by dulany67:Of course, someone who pays more (or preorders) might rightly believe that it's fair they get more."Fair" generally depends on ..
12:04 am, June 12, 2020
dulany67 replied to Only 1 version for sale? June 11, 2020 @ 5:40:04 am PDT
Originally posted by Draconifors:Originally posted by Sherbet Lemon:I thought like there would be digital deluxe with extra skins, outfits, gadgets and bonus vehicles etc and pre-order bonuses. Like m..
12:04 am, June 12, 2020
XxEl1teK1llaxX replied to Can I kill bystanders for fun? June 23, 2020 @ 11:29:50 am PDT
Originally posted by IL'dar:Depends on your definition of fun. But yes, you can. you literally have carmageddon as your dp, so by your standards it is fun.
12:04 am, June 24, 2020
Xengre replied to Hopefully Difficulty is Smart May 11, 2020 @ 7:58:39 pm PDT
Depends... it may have some type of semi-adaptive difficulty or even difficulty options. However, hard will likely depend on play style. Stealth is almost always overpowered in most games per design b..
12:04 pm, May 12, 2020
Visceral2 replied to Will the gore be cool? May 1, 2020 @ 1:57:00 pm PDT
Originally posted by dexter411:Originally posted by Yoda Gaming:have you played Dying Light?Game is disgustingly gorey yet satisfiyingly fun.Imagen cutting trough zombies with a sword or smashing zomb..
1:38 am, May 4, 2020
Valkirth replied to When Are You Ready To Play Cyberpunk 2077? July 5, 2020 @ 2:46:50 am PDT
@skumquat well that depends if you want to run cp2077 with ray tracing (tbh ray tracing still needs work to run comfortably without having an overkill system) also depends on budget,but something like..
12:04 pm, July 5, 2020
Truth replied to To my gamer friends : Do you have any concerns about Cyberpunk 2077 being overhyped? Do you think that CD Projekt Red and this game are being way too ambitious? Do you think that their expectations are set too high? May 16, 2020 @ 10:06:09 am PDT
I guess it depends what you're expecting.The best game of all time? I don't know, but probably not.The best shooter of all time? I highly doubt it.The best choice-based game? I don't think so.Best sto..
12:04 am, May 17, 2020
TheIndieLover69 replied to Why cyberpunk 2077 is cheaper in epic store? June 20, 2019 @ 7:15:37 pm PDT
Originally posted by AlexUbel989:Originally posted by Gates ☠:All of you posting these lower prices, please make sure you let us know what region. I find it odd, because Epic doesn't do regional pri..
12:04 am, May 16, 2020
PowerZox replied to Car customization has been removed June 29, 2020 @ 11:49:41 am PDT
In all honesty I don't think it matters (As long as we have a decent pick of vehicles to play with in the first place) but they could still add paint jobs or something.Like I said it all depends on ho..
12:04 am, June 30, 2020
Noctis replied to Will my PC be able to Handle Cyber Punk 2077 or will I need to make some upgrades? May 10, 2020 @ 2:25:30 pm PDT
Depends on what settings and resolution.4k ultra? No1440p ultra? Probably not1440p medium? Probably yes with lower framerates.1080p on very high or ultra settings? Definitely. No problemThe 1660ti is ..
12:04 am, May 11, 2020
LordBlade replied to What are the life paths May 8, 2020 @ 6:08:00 pm PDT
Originally posted by Hoboslayer:It seems unlikely youll start out in their bad books, i mean surely you will have choices in the game to increase or decrease rep with starting bonuses depending on you..
12:04 pm, May 9, 2020
Kenpachi219 replied to Can I kill bystanders for fun? June 18, 2020 @ 6:56:56 pm PDT
Originally posted by IL'dar:Depends on your definition of fun. But yes, you can. "F" is for fire that burns down the whole city, "U" if for uranium bombs "N" is for no s..
12:04 pm, June 22, 2020
IL'dar replied to How will the gameplay be like? June 6, 2020 @ 2:03:00 pm PDT
Originally posted by clambchowder:You can't take cover like in Deus Ex though. Depends on the definition of "taking cover".
12:04 pm, June 7, 2020
IL'dar replied to Can I kill bystanders for fun? June 18, 2020 @ 12:58:49 am PDT
Depends on your definition of fun. But yes, you can.
12:04 pm, June 18, 2020
Hoboslayer replied to Can I kill bystanders for fun? June 21, 2020 @ 11:06:54 pm PDT
Originally posted by IL'dar:Depends on your definition of fun. But yes, you can. How ironic coming from carmagedden
12:04 pm, June 22, 2020
Dragon replied to Your chosen platform with Cyberpunk 2077? June 11, 2019 @ 9:29:00 am PDT
Who knows. It depends on whether or not CDPR is going to shaft their PC customers again like they did with Witcher 3, by giving the console version a HDR patch that they refused also to give to the PC..
12:04 am, May 5, 2020
Draconifors replied to Only 1 version for sale? June 11, 2020 @ 5:52:47 am PDT
Originally posted by dulany67:Originally posted by Draconifors:That is exactly the sort of thing CDPR does not do. Fairness is what they do, that would be the opposite. Of course, someone who pays mor..
12:04 am, June 12, 2020
Darkie replied to About resolutions May 10, 2020 @ 1:26:34 pm PDT
You can be sure the game support 1440p- Even old games do now with patches and almost every new game I buy support my 1440pThat being said, it really depends on your system as well and what you want t..
12:04 am, May 11, 2020
AlexUbel989 replied to Why cyberpunk 2077 is cheaper in epic store? June 27, 2019 @ 8:50:36 am PDT
Originally posted by The Mystery:Originally posted by AlexUbel989:I find it odd, because Epic doesn't do regional pricing. Though I guess the conversion rate depends on what country your in after they..
12:04 am, May 16, 2020
AlexUbel989 replied to Why cyberpunk 2077 is cheaper in epic store? June 20, 2019 @ 4:54:15 pm PDT
Originally posted by Gates ☠:All of you posting these lower prices, please make sure you let us know what region. I find it odd, because Epic doesn't do regional pricing. Though I guess the conversi..
12:04 am, May 16, 2020