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KRON replied to 2018 vs 2020 Comparison June 26, 2020 @ 7:40:43 pm PDT

Originally posted by Nu-men von Kryt !!XD:Originally posted by KRON:In the E3 2018 demo very little was pre-rendered(like a few seconds). In the video in the OP all of the scenes were real gameplay an..

12:04 pm, June 27, 2020

KFC HENTAI LOVER replied to Cyberpunk 2077 - My Predicted System Requirements June 9, 2019 @ 2:12:06 pm PDT

If an xbone or ps4 can run it then you should be able to run this game with no problem.

1:38 am, May 4, 2020

Jury replied to Your chosen platform with Cyberpunk 2077? June 11, 2019 @ 9:33:10 am PDT

My only reason to play on PC will be mods tho. Witcher 3 with mods is hella fun.

12:04 am, May 5, 2020

Jury replied to Your chosen platform with Cyberpunk 2077? June 11, 2019 @ 9:25:32 am PDT

PS4 or PCI got them both. Which one should I play on? (I didn't check if there's preorder on PS4 tho but I guess probably yes?)

12:04 am, May 5, 2020

Jotun replied to How Vast Cyberpunk 2077 Like GTA 5? July 1, 2020 @ 4:31:57 pm PDT

Originally posted by Darkie:Originally posted by Mihey_3Z:1-year old link without fresh comments.Thats not RPG, thats adventure with shootings. I didn't see RPG during last gameplay presentation It is..

12:04 am, July 2, 2020

Jotun replied to How Many Hours And Playthough Cyberpunk 2077? July 3, 2020 @ 3:47:38 am PDT

Originally posted by Seizure Storm:They are saying the prologue is about 5 hours so the game is probably long af. I remember in witcher 3, I thought it was going to be over after the Kaer Morhen fight..

12:04 pm, July 3, 2020

Jill Valentine replied to We should talk about the mod community support. October 11, 2019 @ 12:21:17 am PDT

Mods in Cyberpunk? That would blow my mind, Look at RE2 remake mods community, they been making alot of cool mods. Would love to see lots of mods available for this game.

12:04 am, May 7, 2020

Jerry replied to Cyberpunk 2077 June 28, 2020 @ 12:49:36 pm PDT

The hype comes from fans of the game/genre. If you don't understand it then the game simply isn't for you. That's okay, the game isn't designed for everybody in mind. A game isn't trash because it doe..

12:06 am, June 29, 2020

Jean replied to Linux support!? June 10, 2019 @ 12:08:00 am PDT

Originally posted by glub ♥Linux:Until then, I probably won't spend a single dime on this. :signix:this isn't the right attitude. make your request, but don't be ill-mannered. a steamos port would b..

12:04 pm, May 9, 2020

Jangkrik replied to Cyberpunk Online May 3, 2020 @ 5:55:43 pm PDT

Originally posted by Noctis:Originally posted by clambchowder:I expect Cyberpunk Online will cause the downfall of CDPR. Don't think so. IF the multiplayer fails they just won't make multiplayer modes..

1:38 am, May 4, 2020

Jangkrik replied to CyberPunk 2077 Male Or Female First? June 28, 2020 @ 10:04:58 pm PDT

Prefer male, but also considering female just because it's very hard to find armor/clothes that look bad on females but not the other way around (Dark Souls witch armors flashback).

12:04 am, June 30, 2020

Janediel replied to Question about Pre-Orders July 2, 2020 @ 1:40:25 pm PDT

No worries UpenAtom. Hope you’ll enjoy the full glory of Cyberpunk 2077 soon

12:04 am, July 3, 2020

Janediel replied to Question about Pre-Orders July 2, 2020 @ 1:28:59 pm PDT

Maybe this answers your question?

12:04 am, July 3, 2020

JanMcFly replied to GAME DELAYED UNTIL NOVEMBER June 18, 2020 @ 9:17:37 am PDT

Delayed once again...November 19thMy disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

12:04 am, June 19, 2020

Jamison replied to just looks like deus ex in a new setting June 9, 2019 @ 2:41:46 pm PDT

back in 2000 deus ex was a revolutionary game. Game of the year, when that phrase meant something.I'm thinking cyberpunk 2077 will be no different.

12:04 am, June 14, 2020

Jamison replied to This game is not like deus ex June 9, 2019 @ 2:41:46 pm PDT

back in 2000 deus ex was a revolutionary game. Game of the year, when that phrase meant something.I'm thinking cyberpunk 2077 will be no different.

12:04 am, June 17, 2020

JKjoker replied to Will it support windows 7? June 27, 2020 @ 2:30:47 pm PDT

Originally posted by KRON:Originally posted by JKjoker: will it support windows 7 or am i going to have to refund it if i buy it now ? You're gonna have to upgrade to Windows 10 at some point. Might a..

12:05 am, June 28, 2020

JKjoker replied to Will it support windows 7? June 27, 2020 @ 12:16:53 pm PDT

Originally posted by Mako Ruu:I don't think that Cyberpunk 2077 will be Windows 7 compatible.I believe very strongly that it will require DX12 and Vulkan support at least. There are no official system..

12:05 am, June 28, 2020

Ivan Carlos replied to No cloud save? No achievement? September 3, 2019 @ 8:15:35 am PDT

Originally posted by ox_7:source? Source: Cyberpunk 2077 Steam Store Page does not have Cloud Save or Achievement badges

12:04 pm, May 4, 2020

Irrapture replied to Ciri in Cyberpunk 2077: "Yes, please" or "No, thanks"? June 9, 2019 @ 4:04:16 pm PDT

Originally posted by Guy Fawx:I mean in witcher 3 it was basically what she was talking about right? If she's in it, I hope it's only an Easter Egg. It would be a bit too much if they just straight up..

12:04 pm, June 8, 2020

Infinite Eureka replied to VR please! June 10, 2019 @ 5:11:58 am PDT

Def, Vr Cyberpunk 2077 would be amazing to experience.

12:04 pm, May 24, 2020

IL'dar replied to Will they include Cryogenics in Cyberpunk? How will we revive? May 23, 2020 @ 3:40:08 am PDT

Originally posted by 󰀀 Redhead 󰀈:Since i'm pretty sure the main protagonist in Cyberpunk2077 will die alot with the shooting & explosions & side missions, how do you actually revive? Wil..

12:04 pm, May 23, 2020

IL'dar replied to System Requirements January 8, 2020 @ 8:50:12 am PDT

No. I am sure you won't miss the moment they appear. Edit:Wait, you own Witcher 3. Something tells me - you are all set. Still - there is a hardware topic here, you can go and answer there. Cyberpunk ..

1:38 am, May 4, 2020

IL'dar replied to Release Date Crowded May 15, 2020 @ 4:00:39 am PDT

Originally posted by Trivialtetrapod:Anyone else looking at their bank account and titles this fall and thinking the same thing? I am looking at my sad wallet too, but it's not only the end of the yea..

12:04 pm, May 15, 2020

IL'dar replied to New Game Plus and Life Paths June 16, 2020 @ 3:40:18 am PDT

Originally posted by GeraltOfNightCity:Originally posted by IL'dar:Tbh i don't understand why exactly do we need ng+ for Cyberpunk 2077. The game suppose to be replayable, so why do you need to play t..

12:04 pm, June 16, 2020

IL'dar replied to New Game Plus and Life Paths June 16, 2020 @ 3:08:52 am PDT

Tbh i don't understand why exactly do we need ng+ for Cyberpunk 2077. The game suppose to be replayable, so why do you need to play the same charachter again? Just so you can have some middle game gun..

12:04 pm, June 16, 2020

IL'dar replied to CyberPunk 2077 Lazer Whip Female Class Only? June 28, 2020 @ 2:14:55 pm PDT

Originally posted by Snakeyesmp:what is lazer whip? It's like a normal whip, but made of laser.

12:17 am, June 29, 2020

IL'dar replied to Are You Only Wild Hunt And Cod Players? July 3, 2020 @ 3:11:23 am PDT

Originally posted by Sl1ngShot:I can't see the connection. Yeah, i'm an avid Witcher fan but i couldn't care less about COD. I'm currently playing Desperados 3 though, close to finishing it. Cause tro..

12:04 pm, July 4, 2020

HuSSaR replied to Keanu Reeves Iceing On Cake To Buy Cyberpunk 2077? June 29, 2020 @ 7:06:03 pm PDT

Originally posted by fauxpas:Honestly, I don't care about Keanu one way or another, sure he's sexy, but I'm in it for the genre and story.

12:04 pm, June 30, 2020

Hoboslayer replied to cyberpunk is closer than you think May 25, 2020 @ 5:35:10 am PDT

They cant even make a robotic hand that has the same or better function that the human hand has. And we are just grasping at the human brain making it functional.Really this technology is in its infan..

12:04 am, May 26, 2020

Hoboslayer replied to Why to pre order May 7, 2020 @ 11:19:35 pm PDT

Originally posted by Hadrian Marlowe:In the wake of a certain game that I won't explicitly name, I just hope Cyberpunk outshines it since the release dates of both titles are pretty close to one anoth..

12:04 pm, May 9, 2020

Hoboslayer replied to What Every One Think of a Cyberpunk Movie? May 25, 2020 @ 5:15:16 am PDT

Its more likey to be a netflix tv series than a movie. But if they could get keanu in it as johny silverhand then it would have my full attention

12:04 am, May 26, 2020

Hoboslayer replied to What Every One Think of a Cyberpunk Movie? May 25, 2020 @ 11:37:07 pm PDT

Originally posted by Squiggly:Originally posted by Hoboslayer:Bladerunner doesnt even have any body modification at all. Ghost in a shell is closer to cyberpunk. so body modifications describes a cybe..

12:04 pm, May 26, 2020

Hoboslayer replied to What Every One Think of a Cyberpunk Movie? May 25, 2020 @ 11:21:36 pm PDT

Originally posted by Squiggly:Originally posted by EvilDonut:You can hardly go wrong with such a setting, tbh.I would definitely watch it. go watch bladerunner then, its set in a cyberpunk universe Bl..

12:04 pm, May 26, 2020

Hoboslayer replied to V's Infiltration Run - Unofficial Cyberpunk 2077 Soundtrack May 18, 2020 @ 3:00:35 pm PDT

Originally posted by Fox:Originally posted by Hoboslayer:They probably will release one for cp soon after release I can't waiiit, I hope you'll get it with the game or buy it extra Theyre not free you..

12:04 am, May 19, 2020

Hoboslayer replied to V's Infiltration Run - Unofficial Cyberpunk 2077 Soundtrack May 16, 2020 @ 4:31:56 am PDT

Originally posted by Fox:Originally posted by Hoboslayer:On steam, just search sound track in steam Oh I thought you mean for Cyberpunk 2077 :D They probably will release one for cp soon after release..

12:04 pm, May 16, 2020

Hoboslayer replied to V's Infiltration Run - Unofficial Cyberpunk 2077 Soundtrack May 15, 2020 @ 4:31:19 am PDT

Originally posted by Fox:Originally posted by Hoboslayer:Theyve been releasing tracks for most games now, theyve got a whole music thing going on steam now. Where? On steam, just search sound track in..

12:04 pm, May 15, 2020

Hoboslayer replied to V's Infiltration Run - Unofficial Cyberpunk 2077 Soundtrack May 14, 2020 @ 5:43:05 am PDT

Originally posted by Fox:Originally posted by Hoboslayer:argh, i can see it now that theyll release a soundtrack on steam for this... Is that confirmed? I am especially interested in the selfmade OST ..

12:04 am, May 15, 2020

Hoboslayer replied to V's Infiltration Run - Unofficial Cyberpunk 2077 Soundtrack May 12, 2020 @ 3:03:01 am PDT

argh, i can see it now that theyll release a soundtrack on steam for this...

12:04 pm, May 12, 2020

Hoboslayer replied to Today, 1 year ago, Cyberpunk 2077 was added to steam June 8, 2020 @ 6:38:03 pm PDT

So it’s going to be 1 year and 3 months of preorder time, pathetic.I really feel sorry for those who preordered day 1

12:04 am, June 10, 2020

Hoboslayer replied to The first choice in Cyberpunk 2077 May 19, 2020 @ 10:36:41 pm PDT

Bloodlines 2 hasnt even got a release date yet, so i guess play whatever comes out first but get both.

12:04 pm, May 20, 2020

Hoboslayer replied to I can recommend these to play while waiting the Cyberpunk 2077 release! February 2, 2020 @ 1:19:27 am PDT

Originally posted by BigBoss5762:How about Watch Dogs 3 Legion? But when is it coming out? They delayed it when they released how bad they were doing in business.

12:04 pm, May 11, 2020

Hoboslayer replied to Do you think this will get a sequel? May 12, 2020 @ 4:28:05 pm PDT

Originally posted by Samantha Raven:Originally posted by Hoboslayer:But a sequel wouldnt be too difficult given theyve already got a game engine. All they need to do to the engine is enhance graphics ..

12:04 am, May 13, 2020

Hoboslayer replied to Are we able to make Stroheim in Cyberpunk 2077 May 8, 2020 @ 4:52:14 am PDT

Pretty sure there isnt going to be a stomach gun.

12:04 pm, May 8, 2020

Hoboslayer replied to Are we able to make Stroheim in Cyberpunk 2077 May 8, 2020 @ 4:17:38 pm PDT

Originally posted by 󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡:Originally posted by Hoboslayer:Pretty sure there isnt going to be a stomach gun. Vat apout zee skull gun? Alvays vanded one of zoze. Well theres an arm s..

12:04 am, May 9, 2020

Hashay replied to Cyberpunk 2077 Not "Cyberpunky" Enough May 23, 2020 @ 10:12:40 pm PDT

Well, they haven't shown us the main city area in depth, so we can't really say that it isn't "cyberpunky" enough. I'm not worried, they got Mike Pondsmith overseeing the game, I'm sure they..

12:04 pm, May 24, 2020

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is an upcoming role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt. Adapted from the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020, it is set fifty-seven years later in dystopian Night City, California, an open world in which players assume the role of "V".