
[GAME BREAKING] 1.12 Quick save immediate crash, Shoot to Thrill is active yet not selected
Hello, So, after the v1.12 update I can no longer save, fast travel, select a mission or gig or play more that 1:06sec. Yes I timed it until it crashed to desktop. The Shoot to Thrill mission is acti..
12:12 am, February 7, 2021 forum

[For Devs] Running List of Bugs & Suggestions
This thread is a running list of bugs that need to be fixed and quality-of-life suggestions that I have come up with for the PC version of Cyberpunk 2077, intended for the developer's eyes. Bugs &bu..
6:12 pm, December 13, 2020 forum

[Feature Request] HUD Opacity slider for OLED displays
Hi, Firstly, I apologise if this is not the right section. Is there any hope of a HUD opacity slider to be implemented? Many people are gaming on OLED displays, and having static, bright HUD element..
12:12 am, December 12, 2020 forum

[ENDING SPOILERS] Knockin' On Heaven's Door Subtitles
So the subtitles are wrongly labelled while in Mikoshi, right? Like, when V is speaking it says "Johnny: [LINE]" and when Johnny is speaking, it also says "Johnny: [LINE]". Surely when V is speaking,..
6:12 pm, January 8, 2021 forum

[Disasterpiece Bug] Judy & Van are gone/invisible
Hello, ill try and do this with as few spoilers as possible for anyone who is lurking... After, i have bought the BD the quest updates to meet Judy at the van, I go to the location where it should be..
12:12 pm, January 23, 2021 forum

[DEVELOPER UPDATE] Gang feature: Voodoo Boys
Voodoo Boys, an enigmatic gang from Pacifica, aren’t just netrunners devoted to uncovering the secrets of the Old Net and behind the Blackwall. They're also edgerunners: breaking every rule there is..
12:04 am, May 8, 2020

[DEVELOPER UPDATE] Gang feature: Valentinos
One of Night City’s largest gangs, the Valentinos are bound by a strong moral code and century-old traditions. Controlling swathes of predominantly Latino areas of Heywood, they treat values such as..
12:04 am, May 11, 2020

[DEVELOPER UPDATE] Gang feature: Tyger Claws
Tyger Claws is a gang of Japanese origin and stylistic influence, located in Japantown. They're ruthless and violent in practice, and intimidating in appearance. Katanas, street bikes and luminous tat..
12:04 pm, May 5, 2020

[DEVELOPER UPDATE] Gang feature: Maelstrom
Maelstrom’s territory is the industrial part of Watson. Its factories, the Totentanz Club – you’ll meet them there. They are obsessed with cybertechnology, and their urge to improve the weakness..
12:04 am, May 12, 2020

[DEVELOPER UPDATE] Corp Feature: Militech
Everyone in Night City knows that Militech equals one of the largest manufacturers of weapons and military vehicles in the world. They’ve worked closely with American military and police agencies fo..
12:04 am, May 5, 2020

[DEVELOPER UPDATE] Character feature: V - Street Kid
They say if you wanna understand the streets, you gotta live 'em. Gangs, fixers, dolls, small-time pushers — you were raised by them all. Down here the law of the jungle dictates the weak serve the ..
12:04 pm, June 29, 2020

[DEVELOPER UPDATE] Character feature: V - Nomad
Roaming the Badlands, looting scrapyards, raiding fuel depots — life on the road wasn't easy. But growing up in a Nomad clan has its perks. Honesty, integrity, and a love of freedom; qualities that ..
12:04 pm, June 27, 2020

[DEVELOPER UPDATE] Character feature: V - Corporate
Few leave the corporate world with their lives — fewer still with their souls intact. You've been there — you've bent the rules, exploited secrets and weaponized information. There's no such thing..
12:04 pm, July 1, 2020

[DEVELOPER UPDATE] Character feature: Judy Alvarez
Judy Alvarez is Night City’s premier braindance technician, heavily respected for her skills, innovation and creativity. Motivated to change things for the better she teamed with The Mox and current..
12:04 am, July 4, 2020

[Crouch (Toggle)] response problem.
[Crouch (Toggle)] works only with a short press, if you hold the key for at least 0.3 seconds, the action is not performed.
12:12 am, February 3, 2021 forum

After meeting Dex in his limo, all TV screens and some computer screens are turned off for all upcoming savegamess! Lifepath: StreetKid Version: 1.11 Screenshots:
12:12 pm, January 31, 2021 forum

[CRITICAL BUG] Mission: Don't Lose Your Mind
Upon completing the mission with the "merge all personalities" option, to finish the quest you must enter the driver's seat of the cab in the garage. However, the driver's seat is blocked by another c..
6:12 pm, December 16, 2020 forum

[Bugs] Streamable compilation of some nice bugs
Hi, here are some of the most 'important' bugs I encountered for the moment : h..
6:12 pm, December 31, 2020 forum

[Bugs] Dream On (Spoilers)
Currently doing the dream on quest and I completed the step in the quest but it doesnt seem that the game is recognizing that I did thus not allowing me to move forward with the quest. I tried exiting..
6:12 am, February 2, 2021 forum

[Bugged] Dont fear the reaper achievement uncredited upon completion
*I beat the secret ending{No achievement} ~~Choose both the paths after being uncredited my 1st run through it [Still no achievement] ~~redid it 6 times after restarts and [STEAM] still did not give t..
6:12 am, January 1, 2021 forum

[Bug]Skillpage Icons
As you can see on the main Skill page with the five skills, each has its own icon (the wrench for the tech skill i.e). But if you enter each skilltree then you can see that all of the five skilltrees ..
5:12 pm, April 11, 2022 forum

[Bug]Quest: No fixers (Dakota/Badlands)[PC]
The Quest about rescue the technican from the wraith together with her car is bugged since.. i dont know (didnt really play the game much between release and patch 1.5. When you return with her car an..
12:12 pm, March 22, 2022 forum

[Bug] possible to kill guards during drone flyover in Forward To Death, which makes mission unfinishable
During Forward To Death as part of the Panam ending sequence, when you accept the shard from Saul you go into a drone flyover sequence over the dig site. while in the flyover sequence you can ta..
12:12 pm, January 1, 2021 forum

[Bug] [Double Rewards] Gig: Old Friends
It is possible to retrieve double rewards for this Gig. Steps: Enter through the back door (closest to the street) Silently take down the enemy near the doorway. Be sure not to raise the alarm by pr..
5:12 am, May 5, 2023 forum

[Bug] With a little help from my friend
Hi, I'm at the station, we put the train on the tracks, and we're just chillin' waiting for the convoy. We've chewed the fat a bit, and I'd like to sleep before the battle. So, I told'em so, and Panam..
11:12 pm, April 27, 2021 forum

[Bug] Windowmaker's integral sights are not removed when adding any scope or sight and they conflict.
I see various other reports about specific weapons, so this seems to not be limited to the Widowmaker. I don't remember this happening a few months ago, but it's kind of a problem, as integrated holo ..
6:12 am, March 5, 2022 forum

[Bug] Small but important thing (Spoiler)
Know it's a small thing, but still its annoying. Spoiler: Spelling error at the very end Assume that V is suppose to say "Let him live?"
12:12 am, December 29, 2020 forum

[Bug] Rogue has teleported
I had used the phone in the game which you can use to access your contacts, called rogue, asked her a question and she appeared right next to me sitting on air. The model teleported from the afterlife..
12:12 pm, January 1, 2021 forum

[Bug] Quest Name: The Gig
Upon finishing the Side-Quest and trying to claim my Quest Reward from 'Cassius Ryder', I enter the 'Ripperdoc's Shop Inventory' which is being requested to claim the Reward and complete the Side-Ques..
12:12 am, March 14, 2022 forum

[Bug] Police violence!!
Not really sure what is going on here or how to give a useful description, except police violence
12:12 pm, December 3, 2021 forum

[Bug] Police Light effect top left when reflecting two pieces glasses.
There is a lighting bug that has been effecting reflections for a while now. In the most recent patch the effect has greatly diminished but is still prevalent. It looks like cop car siren lights (co..
12:12 am, March 25, 2022 forum

[Bug] Invisible Inner Torso Item
Usually I see this bug with guns, and as I don't equip them it doesn't matter. But this Punk Duolayer Tank Top is glitched; no image in the preview and when equipped it is invisible.
6:12 am, January 5, 2021 forum

[Bug] Gun Whisperer perk / Chaos Pistol bug
Gun Whisperer perk do not applies to Chaos Pistol (upgraded to epic), it keeps shooting automatically
6:12 am, December 28, 2020 forum

[Bug] Gig - Sparring partner (Spoiler)
When you go to get the chip from the robot there are two "Remove chip" option and also you can talk to it, which doesn't work and the remove chip keep showing, depending on where you stand.
11:12 am, October 29, 2022 forum

[Bug] Getting black screen mid-game
So, yesterday the game started black-screening me, mid-game when going in and out of menus (map, inventory, character, etc.). I've verified the game files, updated Windows, have the CP2077 Nvidia driv..
12:12 pm, December 31, 2020 forum

[Bug] Crafting Epic item components
So I needed some rare components to upgrade the Overwatch to Legendary. No problem, I got the perk that lets me upgrade crafting components. Issue: Crafting the purple Epic Item Component consumes th..
12:12 am, January 4, 2021 forum

[Bug] Color Precision setting causing Police Light effect top left when reflecting two pieces glasses.
TLDR: "Color Precision" graphics setting is causing the bug. Turn the setting to Medium to fix the problem. --- There is a lighting bug that has been effecting reflections for a while now. In the mos..
6:12 am, March 25, 2022 forum

[Bug] Armor stops "working"
So since i finished Panams Story and had our little love adventure my armor seems to stop working properly. I feel like im running around naked. Is there a Form or something from CDPR to fill out with..
6:12 pm, February 6, 2021 forum

[Bug] Annoying little bug (Rhino's fight)
Hello everybody! First post here! First of all, I'd like to congratulate CdProjektRed for this amazing game. Personally, it's one of the best games I've ever played. Keep doing guys! So here goes th..
11:12 am, May 20, 2021 forum

[Bug] "Insufficient components" when I have the amount
I have the correct perks and level to craft it, but it will not let me craft it. It keeps telling me "Insufficient Components" Any help would be appreciated!
11:12 am, May 23, 2021 forum

[Bug?] Beat on the Brat: Arroyo - reward question
I'm working on the Beat on the Brat quests and I just finished the one in Arroyo. I opted to raise E$12,000 for Buck's rifle. Beat the heck out of him, but then he calls his other 6th Street gonks to ..
12:12 am, December 20, 2020 forum

[Bug?] Beat on the Brat: Arroyo - Only received the rifle for winning after raising?
I'm working on the Beat on the Brat quests and I just finished the one in Arroyo. I opted to raise E$12,000 for Buck's rifle. Beat the heck out of him, but then he calls his other 6th Street gonks to ..
6:12 am, December 12, 2020 forum

[Bug/Suggestion] Ending (Spoiler) - Very confused
Hardly know if this is suppose to be reported as a bug or as a suggestion, because it's so confusing and makes so little sense. Game difficulty: Very hard. Time spend on playthrough: 125 hours or so,..
5:12 pm, July 14, 2021 forum

[Bug/Glitch] Pistol won't holster on PS4/PS5 1.50 Update
I noticed the bug where every pistol can't holster after tapping Triangle twice, instead it only switched to another weapon. This bug has been around since 1.30 update and even 1.40 update on PS4 vers..
6:12 am, February 16, 2022 forum

[Bug Report] Missing Footsteps Sound (PC)
Everytime I load a game during gameplay, the footsteps sound will disappear. I had to close and restart the game to fix this. That's real pain in the ass. please fix it.
6:12 am, January 22, 2021 forum

[Bug / Glitch] Tatoos Disappearing, Skin Peeking Through
Just wondering how many others have had this issue, I assume it's related to things like dicks and breasts poking through. My bare shoulder skin pokes through my shirts, and the shoulder tattoos are ..
11:12 am, April 27, 2021 forum

[Bug - Patch 1.5 & 1.6] Looting a Skill Shard cancels Rested buff
The Rested buff is much appreciated and gives us a reason to have V sleep regularly. However, looting any Skill Shard removes the Rested buff regardless of how much time is left on the buff. I assum..
11:12 am, October 4, 2022 forum

[Bug - Critical] Second Heart implant save corruption
I just encountered an issue that has left me unable to play as it is "corrupting" my previous saves by leaving me in an unplayable state. I have the Second Heart cyberware, and I am currently being pl..
6:12 am, December 26, 2020 forum

[BUG]? Both Sides, Now (Judy)
Is it only me or after Double Life, I am not getting quest called (both sides, now), which is a follow up judy quest. And before you will tell me to wait, I already reached a quest called "Nocturne Op..
6:12 pm, February 12, 2021 forum

[BUG] [v.1.06 on Steam] Item not lootable: "We're all puppets" on the ground (nomad story)
Item on the ground with the text "We're all puppets" is not lootable. See video of this bug below:
12:12 pm, January 14, 2021 forum