
1cloud sync is delayed due to heavy loadJun 24, 5:12 pm
2Odd Music SettingsJun 24, 5:12 am
3Solution pour le Bug StatistiquesJun 23, 5:12 am
4What is up with the ragdolls in this game???Jun 22, 5:12 am
5Bug deal merc ( no fixers gig)Jun 21, 11:12 pm
6Endless questsJun 20, 5:12 pm
7New player (PC) - Card loot bug?Jun 20, 11:12 am
8"Saved Games" in default locationJun 19, 11:12 pm
9How to return 1.22 patch?Jun 19, 5:12 am
10Weird FPS Drops after 1.23Jun 18, 11:12 am
11Gray skin textures on neck/collar still thereJun 18, 5:12 am
123rd person glitch since patchJun 18, 5:12 am
13Cyberpsycho Sighting: Phantom of Night City BuggedJun 17, 11:12 pm
14Game wont load after patch 1.23Jun 17, 11:12 pm
15LOD Settings for Models and TexturesJun 17, 5:12 pm
16Pop in, light rendering, shadows, and shimmering are almost unbearable for meJun 17, 5:12 am
17Shadow pop in on buildingJun 17, 5:12 am
18Crazy black artifacts around billboardJun 16, 11:12 pm
19Constant CrashesJun 16, 5:12 am
20Inventory missing itemsJun 15, 11:12 pm
21Kusanagi Doesnt spawnJun 15, 11:12 pm
22Glitch after leaving Inventory/Map/etc. UIJun 14, 11:12 am
23smash mirror with DLSS onJun 13, 5:12 pm
24With a little help from my friend - LockedJun 13, 5:12 am
25Psycho Fan - Side Quest - BuggedJun 11, 5:12 am
26Wakako Phone call bugJun 10, 11:12 pm
27Avenger Car Is Clipping Through World Texture [Buy 66-Avenger Quest][PC]Jun 10, 5:12 pm
28Can't complete ending mission *(potential spoilers)*Jun 10, 11:12 am
29My hope for the future...Jun 9, 5:12 pm
30BUGBEAR mission majorly buggyJun 6, 11:12 pm
31Problem with Contagion and Cold Blood Stacks.Jun 6, 11:12 am
32Low-poly and low-texture object is loadedJun 5, 11:12 pm
33Jackies Arch glitchingJun 5, 5:12 am
34Overwatch sniper riffle disappears after point of no returnJun 3, 5:12 pm
35Nvidia control panel in 1080i, game forces 1280x720Jun 3, 11:12 am
36Scanning does not workJun 3, 5:12 am
37Quickscan seems to be gone?Jun 2, 5:12 pm
38PC in game settings not affecting fps at allJun 1, 11:12 am
39Lightning Breaks still can't be completed [SOLVED]May 31, 11:12 pm
40Highwayman Quest cannot be completed.May 29, 5:12 pm
41is unstable to use modsMay 29, 5:12 am
42Low FPS, GPU, CPU and RAM usage.May 28, 11:12 pm
43Lightning Breaks still can't be completed.May 28, 5:12 am
44Random stutter and FPS drop when scanning / displaying overlaysMay 27, 11:12 pm
45FPS drops after march patchesMay 26, 11:12 pm
46widowmaker - tech precision rifleMay 24, 5:12 pm
47Error when trying to submit crash report to CDPR on their website, they can't even get that right.May 24, 11:12 am
48Item level is not displayedMay 24, 5:12 am
49No animation for placing bodies in fixer's carMay 23, 11:12 pm
50empty city...( npcs )May 23, 11:12 pm
51Elevator Issues with BodiesMay 23, 11:12 pm
52Fps drops and microstutter after patch 1.22May 23, 5:12 pm
53Phone holo viewer messed up after Delemain retrieval missions completedMay 23, 11:12 am
54[Bug] "Insufficient components" when I have the amountMay 23, 11:12 am
55Game crashes on "The Pickup"May 22, 11:12 pm
56Chip In tv show episode has the wrong sound clip?May 22, 11:12 pm
57Resizable bar making graphics look badly worse?May 22, 5:12 am
58X Box One Controller Headset Wireless sound issue (Solution)May 21, 5:12 pm
59Game just bugged as shitMay 21, 5:12 pm
60Character creationMay 21, 5:12 pm
61Cannot shoot while aiming. [bug]May 21, 5:12 am
62Biotechnica Corporate hotel Camera issueMay 21, 5:12 am
63Screen tear issue: NVIDA instant replayMay 20, 11:12 pm
64Tapeworm bug : HUD still visible in cinematics, even if I deactivated all the interface options with/without modsMay 20, 11:12 pm
65[Bug] Annoying little bug (Rhino's fight)May 20, 11:12 am
66Weapon damage bugMay 20, 5:12 am
67Door placementsMay 20, 5:12 am
68See through VansMay 20, 5:12 am
69Projectile Arms Stealth ExplosionsMay 19, 5:12 pm
70GIG: Goodbye Night City, But I didn't kill himMay 19, 5:12 am
71GIG: Big pete's got problems Basement hatch GlitchMay 19, 5:12 am
72High tier Weapon with No mod slotsMay 19, 5:12 am
73Completely empty email on top of the bridge.May 18, 11:12 pm
74The Question mark bugMay 18, 11:12 pm
75Screen glitch that affects all savesMay 18, 11:12 pm
76Mono wire colours are buggedMay 18, 11:12 pm
77Cars are spawning in underground and disappearsMay 18, 11:12 pm
78Action blockedMay 18, 11:12 pm
79Why am I never nude?May 18, 5:12 pm
80Lost loot cache.May 18, 5:12 pm
81Landing instant death issueMay 18, 5:12 pm
82Police Are No Longer Spawning (Only Drone)May 18, 11:12 am
83Getting warmerMay 17, 11:12 pm
84Weapon colours don't matchMay 17, 11:12 pm
85Gorilla arm Mods appearanceMay 17, 5:12 pm
86Cyberpunk 2077 Crash Can't PlayMay 17, 5:12 am
87The water in Cyberpunk 2077 is so realisticMay 17, 5:12 am
89Can not complete quest from NCPD chronicleMay 16, 11:12 pm
90Can't play more than 1 minute of the game without crash.May 16, 11:12 pm
91Needs an Ultra HD High-Res texture pack.May 16, 11:12 pm
92GIG: Many Ways To Skin A Cat Progress BUGMay 16, 5:12 pm
93"Psycho Killer" quest issueMay 16, 5:12 pm
94perksMay 16, 5:12 am
95Visual Bug-Mantis BladeMay 15, 11:12 pm
96invisible clothes bugMay 15, 11:12 pm
97Can't progress in "Queen of the Highway" [BUG]May 15, 11:12 pm
98Question for console players... [SPOILERS]May 15, 5:12 pm
99I can no longer sprint (Bug) (PC)May 15, 11:12 am
100Steam doesn't see Cyberpunk as installed: REDLauncherMay 15, 5:12 am
101Cars despawning in V's garage.May 14, 5:12 am
102(Game-Breaking Bug) Play It Safe Mission - Takemura never calls, no matter what i do, which means i cannot progress the storyMay 13, 5:12 pm
103all hacking alerts npcsMay 13, 5:12 pm
104Why does Johnny sound so muffled?May 13, 11:12 am
105[Stadia] Cyberpunk 2077 - Charging Screen Failure - Play it Safe MissionMay 12, 11:12 pm
106Charging screen issueMay 12, 11:12 pm
107Unable to get past the ripper doc in the prologueMay 12, 11:12 pm
108countermass bugMay 12, 5:12 am
109dialogue missing in some sequenceMay 11, 11:12 pm
110can't disasseble grenadesMay 10, 5:12 pm
111Still problem with sun after 1.22May 10, 5:12 pm
112Quick Access healing item once chosen, changes to common quality item on loot of one, randomlyMay 10, 11:12 am
113Camera Pan in ConvoMay 9, 11:12 pm
114Graphical Glitches - ClothingMay 9, 5:12 pm
115small visual bug in "down the street"May 9, 5:12 pm
116Dialogue options disappearingMay 8, 11:12 pm
117Does Texture Streaming get worse the longer you play?May 8, 5:12 pm
118Bugged gig "The beast in me"May 8, 11:12 am
119First person in cars problem.May 8, 11:12 am
120How in the hell can I disable the first person windshield bloom/brightness? It's absolutely terrible.May 8, 5:12 am
121Hella WeirdMay 8, 5:12 am
122Glitched post-romance RiverMay 7, 11:12 pm
123Is there a way to unsubscribe from just GWENT related emails, without unsubscribing everything?May 7, 11:12 am
124Graphic Downgrade with every Patch on PCMay 7, 5:12 am
125Loading Screen and disasterpiece mission......May 6, 11:12 pm
126Mox Shotgun not spawningMay 5, 11:12 am
127HUD bug in vehicle PATCH 1.21May 4, 5:12 pm
128Rewards issueMay 4, 11:12 am
129Cyberpunk Ending main quest line bugMay 3, 11:12 pm
130Car floating glitchMay 3, 11:12 pm
131I am very upsetMay 3, 5:12 pm
132I was stupidMay 3, 11:12 am
133Playstation Remote play.May 2, 11:12 pm
134where to send bug report?May 2, 11:12 am
135game crash on autosaving [pc]May 1, 11:12 pm
136Graphic Glitches that still need to be fixedMay 1, 11:12 pm
137Black border after 1.22 (1080p ingame on 1440p native)May 1, 5:12 pm
138Red Engine Does Dawn and Dusk Lighting WeirdMay 1, 11:12 am
139At "Dream on" mission game crashes when entering ramen placeMay 1, 11:12 am
140V's mirror animationMay 1, 5:12 am
141Can't run the game, RED Engine errorApr 30, 11:12 pm
142Free Caliburn Game CrashApr 30, 5:12 am
143Can't loot Steve Harrington's bodyApr 30, 5:12 am
14421:9 UltraWide issues with options out of reach as mouse is in 16:9 boundariesApr 29, 5:12 pm
145[RIVER WARD ; THE HUNT] Is this supposed to be creepy or is it a bug?Apr 29, 5:12 am
146Pacifica After Hotfix 1.22Apr 28, 11:12 pm
147Can not lunch the game from steamApr 28, 11:12 pm
148Camera view in the carApr 28, 11:12 pm
149Seriously WTF!? Game starts but Full Screen immediately goes to taskbar and will not open.Apr 28, 11:12 pm
150FIX LMG DEFENDER FFSApr 28, 5:12 pm
151Please add an option to reset a gig that's bugged!Apr 28, 5:12 pm
152Can we fix this awful lighting?Apr 28, 5:12 pm
153Upgrade button doesnt work!Apr 28, 11:12 am
154No elevator to weapon shop near Halsey & MLK fast travel pointApr 28, 5:12 am
155radio station "Samizdat Radio" plays nothing - solvedApr 27, 11:12 pm
156[Bug] With a little help from my friendApr 27, 11:12 pm
157NPC is stuck in the middle of the vehicle, unable to talk, unable to deliver the taskApr 27, 5:12 pm
158blank screen on startup after the intro video ends or is skippedApr 27, 5:12 pm
159[Bug / Glitch] Tatoos Disappearing, Skin Peeking ThroughApr 27, 11:12 am
160Game crash everytime on same place in main mission (PC) - SOLVEDApr 26, 11:12 pm
161radio station "Samizdat Radio" plays nothingApr 26, 11:12 pm
162The sun ending bug [no spoiler]Apr 26, 11:12 pm
163Interaction Key Bug?Apr 26, 11:12 pm
164[bugs] GIG Occupational Hazard - v1.21Apr 26, 11:12 pm
165Discount Dog still bugged, but in another wayApr 26, 11:12 pm
166graphic bug! I can only see with scanner enabledApr 25, 11:12 pm
167[bugs] GIG Hippocratic Oath - v1.21Apr 25, 11:12 pm
168[bugs] GIG Dirty Biz - v1.21Apr 25, 5:12 pm
169Game Crash at launch.Apr 25, 5:12 pm
170When Driving UI disappearing when changing zones on 5410 x 1440pApr 25, 11:12 am
171[bugs] GIG Freedom of the Press - v1.21Apr 24, 5:12 pm
172Can't progress 15 minutes into the gameApr 24, 5:12 pm
173[bugs] immersion glitches in night city part 3 - v1.21Apr 23, 11:12 pm
174DLSS Ghosting issueApr 23, 11:12 pm
175Can't reinstall the game on ps4 proApr 23, 5:12 pm
176Don't use AMD CPU FIX if you have modern cpuApr 22, 11:12 am
177[bug] Sacrum Profanum - v1.21 - cameras do nothingApr 21, 11:12 pm
178Crashes after clicking play on the launcherApr 21, 11:12 pm
179[bug] Regina can call you while you are already doing another GIG - v1.21Apr 21, 11:12 pm
180SMART weapon sight - change to a POWER type weapon sight and no targeting with a Smart weaponApr 21, 11:12 pm
181may contain spoilers and wish listApr 21, 11:12 am
183CTD during ending sequence after 1.21Apr 21, 5:12 am
184Can fans help?Apr 19, 11:12 pm
185Can't get the game to go full screen after 1.2-1.21Apr 19, 11:12 pm
186[bug] unable to scroll legend in map view - v1.21Apr 19, 11:12 pm
187[bugs] immersion glitches in night city part 2 Totentanz - v1.21Apr 19, 11:12 pm
188Does Cyberpunk work through Stadia/Geforce Now/ etc on Android?Apr 19, 11:12 pm
189Texture problem on shoulderApr 18, 11:12 pm
190[bugs] GIG Many Ways To Skin a Cat - v1.21Apr 18, 11:12 am
191Overwatch disappears in Belly of the Beast missionApr 18, 11:12 am
192Ragdolls are terrible and unsatisfyingApr 17, 5:12 pm
193Spray Paint missionApr 17, 11:12 am
194The Walking DeadApr 17, 11:12 am
195Nomad car can't driveApr 17, 11:12 am
196Can't scan Datapad in first BD quest in Yorunobo SuiteApr 17, 11:12 am
1971.2 Patch broke my ability to walk, can only strafe/hop all over the placeApr 17, 5:12 am
198[BUG] Hair no longer visible with headbandApr 16, 11:12 pm
199Legendary Mantis Blades Pickup in Cyberpsycho Sighting: Phantom of Night City gone?Apr 16, 11:12 pm
200[bugs] immersion glitches in night city part 1 - v1.21Apr 16, 11:12 pm
201Recording/mastering differences in NPC speech?Apr 16, 11:12 pm
202V is super scilen SOLVEDApr 16, 11:12 pm
203DLC/Rocket launch island details 1.21Apr 16, 5:12 pm
204*Spoiler* Quest Bug: For Whom The Bell Tolls - V no longer has facial movements in front of mirrorApr 16, 5:12 am
205Possible bug with Buzzsaw and DLSSApr 16, 5:12 am
207I WALK THE LINK Quest bug? (Xbox Series S/Patch 1.21)Apr 15, 11:12 pm
208Fast travel busted!Apr 15, 11:12 pm
209With patch 1.21 the game doesn't startApr 15, 11:12 pm
210V is super scilenApr 15, 11:12 pm
211Can't drive my CaliburnApr 15, 5:12 pm
212I literally cannot start the gameApr 15, 5:12 pm
213Multiple gigs broken in southern BadlandsApr 15, 11:12 am
214Hotmess 1.21Apr 15, 5:12 am
215Weapon disappears when I step into the elevator for Nocturne Op55N1Apr 15, 5:12 am
216"Body Identified: Enemies have been alerted" - For no reason.Apr 15, 5:12 am
217performance issues after patch 1.12Apr 15, 5:12 am
218Terrain texture pop-in glitch in BadlandsApr 15, 5:12 am
219Epistrophy Quest Line Bugged | Patch 1.21 | PCApr 14, 11:12 pm
220[bug] changing language in settings present cut star on right - v1.21Apr 14, 11:12 pm
221[bug] long mission name wraps over the danger indicator - v1.21Apr 14, 11:12 pm
222VRAM Management LOLApr 14, 11:12 pm
223[bug] holding N and then pressing M cause that map not load textures - v1.21Apr 14, 11:12 pm
224Epic Johny's clothes still marked as quest items after 1.2Apr 14, 11:12 pm
225Crashes with 1.21Apr 14, 5:12 pm
226[bug] Sweet dreams - Stefan missing 1.2+1.21Apr 14, 5:12 pm
227support for analog keyboardsApr 14, 11:12 am
2283 GB Update??Apr 14, 11:12 am
229Adding mods to a 4 slot weapon causes UI element for weapon to breakApr 14, 5:12 am
230Car menu on top of quick menu bugApr 13, 11:12 pm
231[bugs] gig woman of la mancha - v1.2Apr 13, 11:12 pm
232[bugs] gig catch a tyger's toe - v1.2Apr 13, 11:12 pm
233[bugs] megabuilding h11 - v1.2Apr 13, 11:12 pm
234Please allow us to disable all AutosavesApr 13, 11:12 pm
235[bugs] gig flight of the cheetah - v1.2Apr 13, 11:12 pm
236[bug] have to use scanner button twice after switching cameraApr 13, 11:12 pm
237The Hunt Quest, no sounds in sequence (Xbox Series S)Apr 13, 5:12 pm
238Cyberpunk 2077: NPC cars can not drive (in some places/Xbox Series S)Apr 13, 5:12 pm
239FPS Drops when opening MapApr 13, 5:12 am
240Scanner does not work - Quests can't be completedApr 13, 5:12 am
241Low GPU utilizationApr 12, 11:12 pm
242[bugs] databaseApr 12, 11:12 pm
243Cannot dissasemble consumables after 1.2 UpdateApr 12, 11:12 pm
244River Shard no sound (The Hunt mission)Apr 12, 5:12 pm
245Gang members scanner is glitchedApr 12, 5:12 pm
246Gorilla Arms Black Market Battery BuggedApr 12, 5:12 am
247Graphic errors and artefacts - Patch 1.2Apr 11, 11:12 pm
248Skybox bug (All aerodines are gone)Apr 11, 11:12 pm
249Street Kid Sequence BreakingApr 11, 5:12 pm
250Weird Visual ArtifactsApr 11, 5:12 am
251Please improve texture/light-streaming for PCApr 10, 11:12 pm
252Missed the prologue achievement? The FoolApr 10, 11:12 pm
253Datamine Virtuoso still broken in 1.2Apr 10, 5:12 pm
254So when can we expect actual fixes?Apr 10, 5:12 pm
255[bugs] the rescue - v1.2Apr 10, 11:12 am
256H10 Megabuilding still mislabeled H11Apr 10, 5:12 am
257NCPD still spawns...1.2Apr 10, 5:12 am
258When will the mouse acc / sensitivity get properly fixed?Apr 9, 11:12 pm
259[bugs] street kid path - v1.2Apr 9, 11:12 pm
260I LOVE This GameApr 9, 11:12 pm
261Even more bugs v1.2 PCApr 9, 5:12 pm
262Steam launch low FPS problemApr 9, 5:12 pm
263Can't loot chest to complete the NCPD Assault in Progress eventApr 9, 5:12 pm
264I can't start dialogue with Wakako. pls helpApr 9, 5:12 pm
265What's the current state of "receiving calls during mission/dialogue"?Apr 9, 11:12 am
266Cyberdeck/ Cyberware/modsApr 9, 11:12 am
267Nvidia drivers questionApr 9, 5:12 am
268Update 1.2 aftermathApr 8, 11:12 pm
269I walk the line - find the agent in the cinema - door locked bug - patch 1.2Apr 8, 11:12 pm
270[bug] nomad path - car chase - window closed when V return to car - v1.2Apr 8, 11:12 pm
271[bugs] tutorial bugs - v1.2Apr 8, 11:12 pm
272[bugs] corpo path - v1.2Apr 8, 11:12 pm
273[bug] holding N and then pressing M cause that map not load textures - v1.2Apr 8, 11:12 pm
274Sound Issue Fixes!!! (primarily Radio)Apr 8, 5:12 pm
275PS4 has got worse since last updateApr 8, 5:12 pm
276map scaling when drivingApr 8, 5:12 pm
277[bug] disappearing textures on signs when you hit themApr 8, 5:12 pm
278Sounds problem in "The Hunt"Apr 8, 5:12 pm
279[...] Because popular restlessness...Apr 8, 11:12 am
280Gig NPCs Riding Night City for all eternityApr 8, 5:12 am
281[bug] border customs declaration areaApr 7, 11:12 pm
282Arms/hands Glitchs in "Heroes"(looking like Zombie/Invisible) [Xbox Series S]Apr 7, 11:12 pm
283Can't disable Hints in HUDApr 7, 5:12 pm
284Arasaka Tower is Broken after Patch 1.2 on XboxApr 7, 5:12 pm
285[bug] Jackie not visible in reflectionApr 7, 5:12 pm
2861280x 1024 VIDEO SETTING FOR MY 13inch SCREENApr 7, 11:12 am
287Atheletics Exp ProblemApr 7, 11:12 am
288fuse box animation gone since 1.2Apr 6, 11:12 pm
289Did the latest patch actually fix anything in your game?Apr 6, 11:12 pm
290[bug] texture flicker The Nomad: Yucca Car Repair Shop v1.2Apr 6, 11:12 pm
291I found a crash fix!Apr 6, 11:12 pm
292[bug] NPC's play with empty cards near Yucca Car Repair Shop v1.2Apr 6, 11:12 pm
293[bug] NPC with hands in his leg and weird pantsnear Yucca Car Repair Shop v1.2Apr 6, 11:12 pm
294GPU usage and low FPSApr 6, 11:12 pm
295[bug] NPC kids missing action and sample when talk to them Yucca Car Repair Shop v1.2Apr 6, 11:12 pm
296Frequent Crashes after Patch 1.2Apr 6, 5:12 pm
297Cyberpunk 2077 and ultrawide monitors, how a company releases a game without extensive testing.Apr 6, 11:12 am
298Driving BugApr 6, 5:12 am
299Can't equip weapons all of a sudden. Getting Action Blocked messageApr 6, 5:12 am
300Can't find my game savesApr 5, 11:12 pm
301I walk the line Cinema bug on Win 10Apr 5, 11:12 pm
302nVidia integer scaling not working with the gameApr 5, 5:12 pm
303Minor visual issues (ongoing) - cannot open support ticketApr 5, 5:12 pm
304Graphics bug.Apr 5, 11:12 am
305Discount Doc BugApr 5, 11:12 am
306Streaming issues found in 1.2/clean installApr 5, 5:12 am
307After patch 1.2 The bodies are no longer being dismemberedApr 5, 5:12 am
308Can't pick up money [PC]Apr 4, 11:12 pm
309BUG REPORT - Serious Side EffectsApr 4, 11:12 pm
310(Bug Report)Apr 4, 11:12 pm
311Experiencing glitches with 1.2 ? Raytracing maybe the culprit !Apr 4, 5:12 pm
312NPC eats nothing.Apr 4, 5:12 pm
313Preload Cyberpunk 2077Apr 4, 11:12 am
314"Defeat the scavenger leader" quest objective bugApr 4, 5:12 am
315Ex factor bugApr 4, 5:12 am
316FOV, eye strain and other frustrating issues.Apr 4, 5:12 am
317E and F binding still not fixed after 1.12Apr 4, 5:12 am
318MAX SETTINGS 8k Resolution Ray Tracing PC Graphics!Apr 4, 5:12 am
319Script Error on Launch 1.2 updateApr 4, 5:12 am
3202 Possible bugs, need conformationApr 3, 11:12 pm
3211.2 completely broke RT ReflectionsApr 3, 11:12 pm
322New Takemura bug in 'DOWN ON THE STREET'Apr 3, 5:12 am
323AMD Performance Issues, Weird FPS DropsApr 3, 5:12 am
324UI Scaling Fix NeededApr 2, 11:12 pm
325Old bugs remain...Apr 2, 11:12 pm
326Ray Traced shadows bug.Apr 2, 5:12 pm
327Headlights not rendering properly at nightApr 2, 5:12 pm
328The new Johnny glitch effect gave me a headache, eye pain, dizziness and blurred visionApr 2, 11:12 am
329Cars being stuck in the edges or somewhere in da roadApr 2, 5:12 am
330Resolution FixesApr 2, 5:12 am
331Just can't be played!!Apr 2, 5:12 am
332When I click on Download Now, for PC patch 1.2 of CP, nothing happensApr 1, 11:12 pm
333Vendor bug - Target AnalysisApr 1, 11:12 pm
334PC Graphics low vs ultraApr 1, 11:12 pm
335El Cesar Text Messasge Bug [Spoilers]Apr 1, 11:12 pm
336Missing IconsApr 1, 11:12 pm
337Mod support on console (or even console commands) :p ;)Apr 1, 5:12 pm
338Quest markers on Johnny's clothes still (previous save)Apr 1, 5:12 pm
339delamain questApr 1, 5:12 am
340Updating to 1.2 changed nothingApr 1, 5:12 am
342Missing reflection of roadMar 31, 11:12 pm
343BUG - Bleeding light / "Woman of la Mancha" hallway.Mar 31, 5:12 pm
344The 'F' Button is Forced back after 1.2 patchMar 31, 5:12 pm
345Gig Backs Against The Wall is still buggedMar 31, 11:12 am
346Users Settings Data Appear To Be Corrupted And Cannot Be LoadedMar 31, 11:12 am
347PerksMar 31, 11:12 am
348BUG: Epic Light Machine Gun mod slotsMar 31, 11:12 am
349Shadows not rendering correctly [Game version 1.2, nVidia Driver 461.92 and 465.89]Mar 31, 5:12 am
350Meredith's Militech Shard fund transfer broken (after patch 1.2)Mar 31, 5:12 am
351The screen freezes randomly and resumes after I switched to another window by pressing alt+tab or any other wayMar 31, 5:12 am
352Game takes 100% GPU after 1.2 updateMar 31, 5:12 am
353my cars don't de-spawnMar 31, 5:12 am
354Crashing after 1.2 in Totentanz through SECOND CONFLICT Side-questMar 30, 11:12 pm
355some animations no longer playing since 1.2?Mar 30, 11:12 pm
3561.2 causing poor edge shadowingMar 30, 11:12 pm
357Gig: Getting WarmerMar 30, 11:12 pm
358Sandra databank BugMar 30, 11:12 pm
3591.2 Patch AMD Static FidelityFX CAS bugMar 30, 5:12 pm
360I cannot finish Nocturne (last mission)Mar 30, 5:12 pm
361Patch 1.2 : IMPOSSIBLE TO LOAD SAVED GAME !!!Mar 30, 5:12 pm
362With a little help from my friends - till stuck discussing plan with the nomadsMar 30, 5:12 pm
363Bugs reportingMar 30, 5:12 pm
364Instant Crash after 1.2 PatchMar 30, 5:12 pm
365As of Patch 1.2 I no longer see clothing mod icons.Mar 30, 11:12 am
366Play It Safe loading issuesMar 30, 11:12 am
367Minimap too zoomed in vehicle and No walk buttonMar 30, 11:12 am
368Epistrophy (Delamain Cab) Side Missions Bugged | Patch 1.2Mar 30, 11:12 am
369I can't change my settings.Mar 30, 5:12 am
370Crashing on load screen after updating to 1.2Mar 30, 5:12 am
371Error reason: Unhandled exception Expression: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATIONMar 30, 5:12 am
372Weapon stats still show up as ZERO in StashMar 30, 5:12 am
373Jackie still went through elevator door 1.2Mar 30, 5:12 am
374Can't load game saves without crashing (PC)Mar 29, 11:12 pm
375Crash To Desktop every two-three minutes after 1.2Mar 29, 11:12 pm
376To all people experiencing troubleshootings after patching: maybe you should do a fresh install ?Mar 29, 11:12 pm
377Defender LMG and game perfomance.Mar 29, 11:12 pm
378Visual bug in photomodeMar 29, 11:12 pm
3791.2 Quest "Sweet Dreams" BugMar 29, 11:12 pm
380Legendary clothing crafting specs disappeared.Mar 29, 5:12 pm
381Mesh shaders to boost performance x4Mar 29, 11:12 am
382Don't over think your Cyberpunk 2077 has flatlined error...Mar 29, 5:12 am
383Glitch today ? - Where did this overlay grid appear from?Mar 28, 11:12 pm
384Silly bugsMar 28, 11:12 am
385Gorilla arms/mods questionMar 28, 11:12 am
387Cyberpsycho Sighting: Lex Talionis bug(solved)Mar 28, 12:12 am
388Palms everywhere... Some suggestions what to do with that bug?Mar 27, 6:12 pm
389Cannot Complete quest(And submit bug feature does not work)Mar 25, 6:12 pm
390VSYNC & FPS CAP, Game timing?Mar 25, 12:12 am
391Bug getting me either stuck or unarmed with Beat on the Brat Rancho Coronado and GlenMar 24, 6:12 am
392Fix for the "Woah Cyberpunk has Flatlined" error?Mar 24, 12:12 am
393Bunch of bugs I found in Cyberpunk 1.12Mar 22, 6:12 pm
394District blocked permanentlyMar 22, 6:12 pm
3953000 series usersMar 21, 6:12 am
3961.1 - Megabuilding H10 is now mislabled H11Mar 21, 12:12 am
397[BUG / GLITCH] Dino Dinovic - Contract: Inconvenient killerMar 20, 6:12 pm
398Phone Bug after Dalamain QuestMar 20, 12:12 pm
399Stealth breaking: Beer cans and reloadingMar 20, 12:12 am
400Weyland blocking entrance to the AfterlifeMar 19, 12:12 pm
401Being catapultedMar 18, 6:12 am
402Fix the TAA for lower resolutionsMar 17, 6:12 pm
403Crash issuesMar 17, 12:12 pm
404Car Flatlining YouMar 16, 6:12 pm
405Suddenly cannot start the gameMar 16, 6:12 am
406Kerry Eurodyne never calls, so quest 'Rebel! Rebel!' never starts.Mar 15, 6:12 pm
407Mod tab doesn't appear when mod slot is clickedMar 14, 6:12 pm
408Can't Start "I Fought The Law"Mar 13, 6:12 pm
409How to enable DD & Atmos for Cyberpunk2077 (Guide)Mar 12, 6:12 am
410Does SLI work with CP2077?Mar 12, 6:12 am
411Is there a mod that allows you to finely tune and sculpt your character's face far beyond what the default character editor allows?Mar 11, 12:12 am
412Which CP2077 graphics settings can I get away with on a GTX 1080?Mar 11, 12:12 am
413PlayStation 4 refunds.Mar 10, 12:12 am
414Nvidia resizable bar support?Mar 8, 6:12 pm
415Glitch with hack terminal in the 'Guinea Pigs' missionMar 8, 12:12 pm
416Bug Quest I fought the lawMar 8, 12:12 am
417Black Screen randomly with amd asus 5700 xtMar 8, 12:12 am
418Spiel stürzt nach 15-30 Minuten abMar 8, 12:12 am
419Is game going to be fixed?Mar 8, 12:12 am
420Super Bright Light Issue when driving and go from building to outsideMar 7, 6:12 am
421Can you give V white hair?Mar 7, 6:12 am
422Previously non-hostile area becomes hostile upon reloading a save on PCMar 7, 12:12 am
423Official Tech Support Website is useless because it's FAQ only?Mar 7, 12:12 am
424Bug with the quest "Take the Pills"Mar 7, 12:12 am
425[Modding] .fbx exporter issue in Blender/Maya when viewing .fbx -> .mesh ingameMar 6, 6:12 pm
426Unable to pick up cardsMar 6, 6:12 pm
427Car reflections not working (raytracing enabled)Mar 6, 12:12 am
428Stadia - Reopen Game IssueMar 5, 12:12 pm
429End glitch (no spoiler)Mar 5, 12:12 am
430"Reported Crime" stuck on screenMar 5, 12:12 am
431Forward to Death Bug - Exiting Drone modeMar 5, 12:12 am
432What did they do to Johnny Silverhand?Mar 4, 6:12 pm
433Stanislavski's Method achievement buggedMar 4, 6:12 pm
434Game crashingMar 4, 6:12 am
435Cant skip dialogMar 4, 12:12 am
436Most game breaking bugs or changes you want to see in patch 1.2+Mar 3, 12:12 pm
437all of these videos of Saul appearing in cutscenes where he's not meant to beMar 2, 6:12 pm
438True Warrior achievement possibly bugged, where can i see how many melee kills i have?Mar 2, 12:12 pm
439The quest does not appear "The Beast in Me"Mar 2, 6:12 am
440My game suddenly broke - weird graphics and gameplay glitchesFeb 28, 6:12 pm
441HUD hint problemFeb 27, 6:12 pm
442Repeatable crash on PCFeb 27, 6:12 pm
443I can't continue playing after I finish the gameFeb 26, 6:12 am
444Black screen xbox Series xFeb 26, 12:12 am
445Junk item appears each loadgameFeb 25, 12:12 pm
446Gig:Goodbye Night City Bug will fail secondary objectiveFeb 25, 12:12 pm
447Fast movement = low GPU usageFeb 25, 12:12 am
448SOS: Merc Needed (No prompt to start, no follow to finish)Feb 24, 6:12 pm
449problemsFeb 24, 12:12 pm
4501.12 Light reflections disappearing on the asphalt (wet)Feb 24, 6:12 am
451Reginas voice dialogue is half missingFeb 24, 12:12 am
452Incorrect operation of bluetooth audio, crackling and delays in the headphones.Feb 24, 12:12 am
453Upgraded Smart Link and Smart Weapons no longer trackFeb 23, 6:12 pm
454Cyberpsycho Sightings Mission Bug - Unable to progressFeb 23, 6:12 pm
455Violence quest BugFeb 23, 12:12 am
456AMD Radeon 6000 ray tracing when?Feb 22, 6:12 pm
457Walking in the desert kills you even when aloneFeb 22, 12:12 pm
458takemura where are you? how's the prep going?Feb 22, 6:12 am
459blistering love can't pick up rogueFeb 22, 12:12 am
460Fix this issue with the takemura where are you? how's the prep going?Feb 22, 12:12 am
461play it safe bugFeb 21, 6:12 pm
462Headgear & MohawkFeb 21, 12:12 pm
463Hwangbo never moves, gig cant be doneFeb 20, 12:12 pm
464Bloom lighting effect is killing long range combat if you are in a darker room than the one you are shooting intoFeb 20, 12:12 pm
465Killing in the name - Router UnpoweredFeb 19, 6:12 pm
466Bug report: Never Fade Away (spoiler)Feb 19, 6:12 pm
467Mini MAP (32:9)Feb 19, 12:12 pm
468El Capitan Dialogue Bug?Feb 19, 12:12 am
469GeForce Now issue - Black screen when load save, Game version 1.11Feb 18, 6:12 pm
470Whole screen keeps shaking after getting out of inventory, scan or randomlyFeb 18, 6:12 pm
471Question about the Trains and NCARTFeb 18, 6:12 pm
472GOG Patcher takes forever to apply patches?Feb 18, 6:12 am
473Glitched eyesFeb 18, 12:12 am
474Brendan Relic Malfunction Glitch on Quest Spray Paint (No Spoilers.)Feb 17, 6:12 am
475Player Character shadow is a complete messFeb 16, 6:12 pm
476Has the issue of creating a second V without erasing your original V been fixed?Feb 16, 6:12 am
477"Space In Between" Fingers Door cannot be forced open anymoreFeb 16, 12:12 am
478The LOD is extreme BADFeb 16, 12:12 am
479Street vendor from the "A day in the life" quest's inventory is broken, plus a bug with Panam's rifleFeb 15, 6:12 pm
480Performance problems with RTX 3070Feb 15, 6:12 pm
481Fixers not calling during gigs bug and possible solutionFeb 15, 12:12 pm
482UI visual glitchesFeb 15, 12:12 pm
483Can only craft 1 Maxdoc Mk3 ?!!Feb 15, 6:12 am
484Ugly lod on some vegetaionFeb 15, 12:12 am
485Iconic Weapons Disappear From StashFeb 15, 12:12 am
486Judy dont call meFeb 15, 12:12 am
487"Missing Vendor Name" in "Spellbound" Side Job - did this affect Nix's vendor inventory?Feb 14, 6:12 pm
488All the tv's in the game went blank.Feb 14, 12:12 pm
489[BUG] Sandra Dorsett phone/widescreen stalkingFeb 14, 6:12 am
490Are Patches & Hotfixes Automatically downloaded?Feb 14, 6:12 am
491movement disabled after scripted movementsFeb 14, 6:12 am
492small issue: jackies tuned arch tremles (PC)Feb 13, 6:12 pm
493[bug] unable to finish "kto sieje wiatr"Feb 13, 6:12 am
494Crafting Spec vanishedFeb 13, 12:12 am
495Screen Space Reflections causing severe & distractring noiseFeb 12, 6:12 pm
496[BUG]? Both Sides, Now (Judy)Feb 12, 6:12 pm
497How can I get back to an old save?Feb 12, 12:12 pm
498Quickhacks suddenly stopped dealing any damageFeb 12, 12:12 pm
499Family HeirloomFeb 12, 6:12 am
500driving broken in PS5 ver 1.11Feb 12, 6:12 am
Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is an upcoming role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt. Adapted from the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020, it is set fifty-seven years later in dystopian Night City, California, an open world in which players assume the role of "V".