Cyberpunk 2077
Latest Cyberpunk 2077 Discussions Read More

DLSS AUTO = DLSS PERFORMANCE, No Auto changing happens. (FG On)
In Cyberpunk, the problem with DLSS Auto mode being broken (permanently set to performance quality) is that with frame generation set to on, when the frame rate hits the display refresh rate, in my ca..
5:12 pm, June 3, 2023 forum

Doesn't play music on Holdin' On quest
Hi. I'm on Holdin' On quest and when I hand over control to Johnny, he doesn't play any music with the guitar. More precisely, there is no sound. I tried it on all 3 songs and did file verification. ..
5:12 pm, May 30, 2023 forum

Buildings pop-in while in FPS driving.
As title says, I am having buildings popping while driving in first person. I have uploaded a video of the issue.
11:12 pm, May 29, 2023 forum

Screenshots don't look like actual gameplay
Hi, new here. I have noticed, that the screenshots look different from what I see in-game, and imo, worse than in-game. When I take a screenshot, it takes a long time. Several seconds, sometimes more ..
5:12 am, May 24, 2023 forum

Crash, crash
Came back to play after quite a while. I was able to enter the game, look around in the menu, decided to delete most old savefiles and start a new game. When I created my character and hit the button ..
5:12 am, May 24, 2023 forum

Error reason: Assert Expression: <Unknown> Message: Watchdog timeout! (120 seconds) File: E:\R6.Release\dev\src\common\engine\src\engineWatchdog.cpp(198) Why the game gone freeze and flatlined ..
5:12 pm, May 23, 2023 forum

Strange reflections on the ocean!
Hi guys, can someone explain to me why it comes to these strange reflections on the water and these are also upside down? Thank you in advance!
5:12 pm, May 20, 2023 forum

How often would you run DDU?
I’m going to be doing a few updates on my computer and was almost certainly going to be running a clean install of not just Cyberpunk 2077 but GOG Galaxy as well. Since I’m going that far..
5:12 am, May 20, 2023 forum

Face and other textures turns black after playing for some time. (No mods, clean install)
This seems to only happen after playing for extended periods of time. I've seen this sometimes effect other textures as well (for instance the interiors of the Ho-Oh Club in Kabuki), but most consiste..
5:12 pm, May 19, 2023 forum

Visual Issues: screen flashes with multiple colors and whites out
I recently updated my game and all my mods and when I go to play my game looks like this. I also tried to play without it and got the same issues. I recently updated my graphic..
11:12 pm, May 18, 2023 forum
Latest Cyberpunk 2077 News Read More

A Quick look at the Cyberpunk 2077 Women
CG writes: CD Projekt Reds upcoming first person action role playing game features an assortment of tough-as-nails Cyberpunk 2077 women. The fact players can choose between a male or female V characte..
8:57 pm, July 5, 2020

Cyberpunk 2077: The tech interview - "ray tracing proved to be quite a challenge"
PCGH had the chance to talk to Jakub Knapik and Marcin Gollent from CD Projekt Red, about the ray tracing implementation in Cyberpunk 2077.
9:51 am, July 3, 2020

The stunning beauty of Cyberpunk 2077's Night City in 9 images
Cyberpunk 2077 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Google Stadia is poised to be a beautiful game. These images show just how pretty Night City is.
2:21 pm, July 2, 2020

New Cyberpunk 2077 4K RTX Screenshots released, showcasing its Ray Tracing Effects
DSOGaming writes: "NVIDIA has just released a new set of RTX screenshots for Cyberpunk 2077, showcasing the game's real-time ray tracing effects."
2:21 pm, July 2, 2020

Cyberpunk 2077's wall running scrapped due to design reasons
If you've followed Cyberpunk 2077's development you've most likely seen the extensive gameplay presentations of the game and in one of the gameplay sessions, namely the 48-minute session from August o..
2:21 pm, July 2, 2020

The Finger Guns Podcast Ep.64 - PS5's 'Value over Price' - Should We Be Worried?
Ross @ FG: This week on The Finger Guns Podcast the whole gang get together as we talk this weeks game news. Are we still hyped for Cyberpunk 2077 and Square-Enixs Avengers game? Both games had update..
2:21 pm, July 2, 2020

Cyberpunk 2077's Wall-Running Mechanic Removed 'Due To Design Reasons'
The cut feature was present in the 48-minute gameplay demo from 2018, but has been removed for "design reasons".
2:21 pm, July 2, 2020

Cyberpunk 2077 Will Rock You With The Ballad of Buck Ravers by Johnny Silverhands Samurai
CD Projekt RED is certainly making a considerable effort to immerse fans in the world of Cyberpunk 2077, and it just revealed a new song.
8:38 pm, June 29, 2020

Amazon's pre-order discounts include Gods & Monsters, Cyberpunk 2077 and more
Amazon has discounted Gods & Monsters (Switch, PS4 and Xbox One) to $49.99, Cyberpunk 2077 (PS4) to $49.99, The Wonderful 101: Remastered (Switch) to $33.88 and more.
12:51 pm, June 29, 2020

Cyberpunk 2077 Preview Ran at 1080p with DLSS 2.0 Enabled on an RTX 2080Ti Powered PC
A performance report from the Cyberpunk 2077 preview build suggests that developer CD PROJEKT RED has a lot of optimization left to do.
12:51 pm, June 29, 2020